ArdorComm Media Group


Unlocking Learning Potential: Embracing Open-Book Exams in Higher Education

In the wake of transformative changes in Indian education post-COVID, the paradigm shift towards online learning has brought forth an array of challenges and opportunities. As institutions adapt to this new normal, the realm of assessments undergoes a profound evolution, with open-book exams emerging as a promising avenue. Dr. Selvam Jesiah, a distinguished Professor of Management at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, sheds light on the merits and hurdles of integrating open-book assessments in higher education. Dr. Jesiah underscores the pedagogical significance of open-book exams, emphasizing their capacity to foster deep learning and critical thinking while alleviating stress among students. Citing the All India Council for Technical Education’s endorsement, he highlights the alignment of open-book assessments with Bloom’s Taxonomy, designed to cultivate higher-order cognitive skills essential for holistic development. However, Dr. Jesiah cautions against misconceptions surrounding open-book assessments, clarifying that it demands rigorous preparation and active engagement from both educators and learners. He delineates the nuanced approach required in framing questions that necessitate analytical reasoning and application of concepts, rather than mere regurgitation of information. Moreover, he emphasizes the indispensable role of teachers in guiding students towards a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, indispensable for navigating open-book exams effectively. Yet, transitioning towards open-book assessments presents formidable challenges. Dr. Jesiah identifies the imperative of teacher training and mindset realignment as pivotal in ensuring the efficacy of this evaluation method. Crafting question papers that stimulate critical thinking poses a formidable task, demanding concerted efforts to recalibrate traditional assessment practices. Moreover, Dr. Jesiah advocates for a nuanced consideration of students’ socio-economic backgrounds, recognizing disparities in access to resources and technology. Addressing these inequities entails reimagining examination infrastructure and support mechanisms to accommodate diverse learning needs. In conclusion, Dr. Jesiah emphasizes the collective responsibility of administrators, educators, and students in navigating the complexities of open-book assessments. By embracing a paradigm shift in assessment practices, he envisions a transformative learning landscape where the cultivation of higher-order thinking skills takes precedence over rote memorization. Through collaborative efforts and a steadfast commitment to pedagogical innovation, Dr. Jesiah envisages a future where open-book exams serve as catalysts for fostering a generation of adept critical thinkers and problem solvers. Source: The Hindu  

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NCERT Announces Revision of CBSE Syllabus for Classes 3 and 6 from 2024-25 Academic Session

The National Council of Education Research (NCERT) is set to introduce revised syllabi for Classes 3 and 6 of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in line with the National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCF-SE) 2023. These changes are scheduled to take effect from the academic year 2024-25. A notice issued by NCERT outlines the plan for implementing the revised curriculum, emphasizing the need for adjustments to school timetables to accommodate the changes. Collaboration among CBSE, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) is deemed essential for the successful implementation of these modifications. The notice highlights the importance of proactive communication from CBSE to school heads, teachers, and parents regarding the updated syllabi and recommended time allocations for Grades 3 and 6. It underscores the significance of engaging students in playful and activity-based learning, aligning with the holistic approach advocated by the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. To facilitate a smooth transition for students, NCERT will provide a syllabus bridge program for Grade 6 and clear guidelines for Grade 3. These initiatives aim to acquaint students with new pedagogical perspectives and areas of study, including Arts, Physical Education, Vocational Education, and The World Around Us. The revised Grade 3 syllabi encompass a diverse range of topics, reflecting contemporary educational perspectives. NCERT is developing activity books and textbooks tailored to the updated curriculum to support students’ learning experiences. Schools are urged to disseminate this information to all stakeholders and adopt a proactive strategy to ensure students’ seamless adaptation to the revised syllabi. By fostering awareness and collaboration among educators, parents, and the wider community, NCERT aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of education delivery in line with evolving educational standards and objectives.

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Shazia Ahmed, Managing Director, Aryan Presidency School, Emphasizes on Technology Implementation in Schools

“I think textbooks are now outdated, so we need to supplement textbooks with more digital resources,” said Shazia Ahmed, Managing Director, Aryan Presidency School, in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Bengaluru? I’m very excited to be here amongst all these dignitaries, and I’m also in the role as a speaker here on the second panel, where I’m going to share my thoughts about how the pedagogy of the new age should be there and adapt to the new curriculum. So, it’s going to be a fun session. How are you implementing technology in your school? We are slowly progressing towards it because our teachers have disparities in technology savviness, and some are not. So, that disparity we are trying to reduce. We have all smart classes, and we are using interactive multimedia systems to communicate with children. I think textbooks are now outdated, so we need to supplement textbooks with more digital resources. So, we are trying to implement that also in our curriculum. How are you doing the teacher training? We’re having a lot of workshops, teacher training programs. We have introduced something which I’ll be mentioning in this event – we are having peer-to-peer mentorship as well. Somebody who already has knowledge in a particular area comes and teaches other teachers. So, we are doing that, and it’s been very successful in our school. As you can see, in this kind of forum, we bring in education leaders, EdTech players, as well as the government. How does this kind of forum benefit the education sector? Definitely, we have to keep up with the times. These forums expose us to the latest things that are available. Like LMS, which has become now an important thing for all of us to start using new technology. Only when we attend such conferences, we get to know we need to explore new options. What other people are doing, we get to know, otherwise, we are just stuck with what we are doing and we are comfortable in that. Now we see other people doing, and then we are like, “Oh yeah, this is there, and we need to upgrade our schools also.” So, it’s quite informative and inspiring. ArdorComm Media has recently completed two years of its existence. So, any wishes or message for us? Congratulations to you and your team. May you do great in the coming future, and I’m sure you’re going to do. I can already see your presence is so nice, and all the best to you for the future.

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ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023 #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra

ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra Theme: ‘New Normal’ Maharashtra: Pioneering Excellence in Education, Skilling & Employability ArdorComm Media Group, a growing media organisation in India, is glad to announce “New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” at Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023. Maharashtra, a beacon of educational excellence in India, stands as a testament to the country’s commitment to nurturing intellect and fostering academic growth. This diverse state, known for its vibrant cities like Mumbai, Pune, and Nagpur, draws students and scholars from all corners of the nation and beyond. Maharashtra’s educational legacy is deeply intertwined with its rich history, making it a focal point for those seeking knowledge and enlightenment. Situated amidst the picturesque landscapes of Maharashtra, Pune has long been celebrated as the “Oxford of the East.” This dynamic city has earned its esteemed reputation as a thriving educational hub for decades, attracting individuals thirsty for knowledge from far and wide. Pune’s heritage in education is a seamless blend of tradition and modernity, making it an ideal choice for ArdorComm Media’s New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023. At this Knowledge forum, we invite policymakers, government dignitaries, academicians, educators, EdTech corporate, start-ups and industry experts. All will unite under one roof to share their experiences, ideas, and innovations that have facilitated the growth of the education community. The prestigious ‘ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023’ seeks to recognise individuals, educational institutions, Edtech, and start-ups who have worked diligently and selflessly for the development of the education community. Join us on 24th November in Pune, Maharashtra, as we embark on a journey to unravel the possibilities of education in the new normal. Engage with thought leaders, educators, innovators, and policymakers as we collectively shape the future of education. KEY DISCUSSION POINTS NEP 2023 Implementation & Funding: Paving the way for Transformational Reforms & Reshaping K-12 and HE Framework Global Education and Cultural Exchange through Mobilizing Technology Research-based Learning, Skill Development & Multidisciplinary Approach: A Robust Eco-system in HEIs Mental Health & Well-being in Education Changing Trends in Higher Education Enrollment Space with the Advent of New Age Technology How the New Age Technology like AI-ML, AR-VR, IoT can help in Fostering Experiential Learning Pedagogy? KEY HIGHLIGHTS DAY 0 SESSIONS 0 + SPEAKERS 0 + SCHOOLS 0 + GOVERNMENT DIGNITARIES 0 + HIGHER EDUCATION 0 + EDTECH STARTUPS 0 + CORPORATE 0 + PARTICIPATION FROM Government Dignitaries Academicians Educators Corporate EdTech Startups HRs OUR SPEAKERS OUR PARTNERS host Presenting Partner EdTech Partner Admission Automation Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner School Partner International School Partner COMMUNITY PARTNERS EDUCATION HEALTH & WELLNESS HUMAN RESOURCE GOVERNANCE MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT & ART ARDORCOMM EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARDS 2023 Indian Educators, Academicians, Institutions, EdTech companies & Startups have set an incredible example of excellence in front of the whole world during this unprecedented times, by adapting changes, transforming, re-skilling & re-inventing, ArdorComm Media, a growing media company in India has announced “New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” to recognize & felicitate the exemplary contributions and innovative initiatives taken by the Preschools, Schools, Higher educational institutions, Corporate and EdTech Startups associated with the education sector. ArdorComm Media would like to honor the Trendsetters, Innovators, Education Leaders, Institutions and Organizations that have been providing excellence and outstanding accomplishment in the education sector. Ardorcomm Media Awards 2023 aims to acknowledge those individuals, educational institutions, and EdTech companies that have played a key role in transforming the teaching, learning and employability outcomes. The prestigious award will bring recognition and visibility for an institution/ organization across the sector. This summit will bring together the top notch industry leaders and key decision makers from the education sector, to enrich the community by sharing their insights and knowledge with the stakeholders, which will eventually bring a paradigm shift in the education sphere within various parts of the country. Time Topic 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Inaugural Session :- INDIA’s Vision 2030: A Move to Improve Education & Skills in 21st Century Workplace 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM Networking Tea 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Panel 1 :- Disruptive Technologies Transforming Education in the 21st Century 12:15 PM – 12:25 PM Industry Speech 1 12:25 PM- 12:35 PM Industry Speech 2 12:35 PM – 1:35 PM Panel 2 :- Need of an Effective Early Childhood (ECE) Curriculum for a Sustainable Development Goal. 1:35 PM – 2:15 PM Networking Lunch 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Panel 3 :- STEM-based learning and skill-based education, most progressive education trends 3:15 PM – 3:25 PM Industry Speech 3 3:25 PM – 3:35 PM Industry Speech 4 3:35 PM – 4:25 PM Panel 4 :- How NEP 2020 Policy Aims to make Education More Inclusive, Equitable, and Holistic? 4:25 PM – 4:40 PM Networking Tea 4:40 PM – 4:50 PM Industry Speech 5 4:50 PM – 6:00 PM Valedictory, Felicitation & Award Ceremony AGENDA Time Topic 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM Panel 1 – (K12+ HE) PreInaugral Session :- NEP 2023 Implementation & Funding: Paving the way for Transformational Reforms & Reshaping K-12 and HE Framework 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM Inaugural Session:- ‘New Normal’ Maharashtra: Pioneering Excellence in Education, Skilling & Employability 10:45 AM- 10:55 AM Book Launch 10:55 AM – 11:15 AM Fireside Chat 11:15 AM – 11:30 AM Networking Tea 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Panel 2 – K12 :- Mental Health & Well-being in Education 12:30 PM- 12:40 PM Industry Speech 1 12:40 PM- 12:50 PM Industry Speech 2 12:50 PM -1:50 PM Panel 3 – HE :- Research-based Learning, Skill Development & Multidisciplinary Approach: A Robust Eco-system in HEIs 1:50 PM – 2:40 PM Networking Lunch 2:40 PM – 3:40 PM Panel 4 – HE :- Global Education and Cultural Exchange through Mobilizing Technology 3:40 PM – 3:50 PM Industry Speech 3 3:50 PM – 4:00 PM Industry Speech 4 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Panel 5 – HE :- Changing Trends in Higher Education Enrollment Space with the Advent of New

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Dr. Anup Kumar Rajput, Head of Publication Division at NCERT, Ministry of Education, Government of India, Emphasizes the Crucial Role of Digital Technology in Enhancing Learning

 “Nowadays, children have access to a plethora of learning resources, particularly digital ones. This highlights the necessity of incorporating digital technology into our school education system,” says Dr. Anup Kumar Rajput, Head of Publication Division at NCERT, Ministry of Education, Government of India, in an interview with Chandan Anand, CEO & Group Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram What are the takeaways of today’s session for you? Very nice. You are doing a good job by getting all these people collected together, and they are discussing the real issues which they are either facing with the policy or with the curriculum. So, the discussion is not only for the sake of discussion, but certainly, we will find out solutions to many of our problems, which we want the system to improve itself. Obviously, such kind of gatherings are very, very important, and you are doing a good job. I am finding many people are very good in having their own experiences shared here. So, that certainly is going to give a good way to implement the National Education Policy and the National Curriculum Framework for the foundational stage. We have seen that NEP has included Early Childhood Education as a part of the main framework of school education. What are your views on that? It’s essential. The Government of India has realized that foundational education, particularly preschool education, is very, very important and this should be included in the mainstream of education. Earlier, it was not, internationally it has been done long back when they recognized that preschool education is having the same importance as school education. So, that’s why this time, it has been realized and now it is going to come into the school education system, particularly the government education system, and will improve the learning levels of children. Even learning difficulties will somewhere be reduced with this inclusion of preschool in the mainstream education system. Normally we find children who have learning problems or maybe learning deficiencies after class three or four. So, now those most probably will be reduced because it has been envisaged in the policy that there should be a strong foundation. Once the foundation of literacy and numeracy is built up then obviously learning of all other subjects will not be a bigger problem for all the children. How does e-learning and digitalization play a role in these sectors? E-Learning has to play a major role because, during my childhood, we only had two primary learning resources: books and teachers. The books back then were not very advanced, often printed with just a single color. Similarly, our teachers were not very well-equipped with teaching materials. However, now, things have changed drastically. Nowadays, children have access to a plethora of learning resources, particularly digital ones. This highlights the necessity of incorporating digital technology into our school education system. But the approach should be a blended one. There are several ways to integrate digital technology. First, teachers can teach on their own, utilizing the resources available to them. Second, collaborative teaching can take place, where multiple teachers contribute their expertise. The third approach involves teachers using technology to aid their teaching. These methods can be blended together, both inside and outside the classroom. We can even explore innovative models like the flipped classroom, which has been experimented with not only in India but also in other countries. The key is to seamlessly integrate digital technology and e-learning into the teaching and learning process. However, the role of teachers remains crucial. They need to adapt and learn how to effectively use digital tools and resources. By doing so, they can harness the benefits of digital technology to enhance the learning experience for students and improve their learning outcomes. What changes have you brought in the NCERT books to make them more interesting for students and kids? NCERT follows the National Curriculum Framework. So, CBSE has to play a major role in board classes like class 10, 11, and 12. So, before that, the National Curriculum Framework is there, on the basis of which the curriculum is framed in different subjects for different classes. And this time, the major objective behind all other things is Competency-Based Education. Now, competencies have been placed at the center, and competency means simply the combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. When all these four things join together, then we say children are becoming competent. Our whole system was now earlier working only on knowledge, we were giving knowledge through books. Now, the skill part has been added into it, and attitude and values are required to be there. So, obviously, we need different learning material which is to be given to the children and to the teachers. So, this time, the material which is embedded with technology, that is required. For example, in the print books, you will find QR codes have been given at different places, almost at the beginning of every chapter. QR codes are obviously giving you an idea about the audios available there, videos available, they can play a video, they can play an audio, they can see an animation, and so on. So, number one is that, number two, keeping in view all sorts of learners because we have learners with different abilities. Some are visually impaired, some are physically impaired, some are hearing impaired, and so on. So, for all sorts of children, now we want that these books should be conducive to the requirements of all the children. So, that’s why the embossed books are being prepared, books with augmented reality material along with them, that’s also being prepared. Audiobooks have been prepared. NCERT has prepared audiobooks. But one issue is very important that this all is going to increase the volume of a book, the weight of a book and then children have to certainly carry these books. So, obviously one thing which this National Curriculum Framework has mentioned, NEP

Dr. Anup Kumar Rajput, Head of Publication Division at NCERT, Ministry of Education, Government of India, Emphasizes the Crucial Role of Digital Technology in Enhancing Learning Read More »