ArdorComm Human Resource Community
presents a Webinar on
‘Reinventing HR with Technological
advancement in the post-pandemic scenario’
29th Oct 2021
Reinventing HR with Technological advancement in the post-pandemic scenario.
Brief: As HR leaders, employers and thought leaders we all know that organizations and businesses have gone through multiple upheavals due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the dust is soon settling to pave the way for innovations and upgrades.
All employees and HR experts have witnessed the at-scale shift to remote working in 2020-21. Hence, the dynamic reallocation of resources and budgets to accelerate digitization happened at a fast pace to meet the changing organizational needs. In the new era of working, the old bureaucracy and hierarchy pattern will fail to function and extract output. Taking its place should be the modern, flexible procedure that gives the employees the liberty of automating and timing their tasks, communication, coordination and deadline to help in churning out optimum output.
In 2022, business processes will be entirely tailored to suit the remote or hybrid model of working. The only way to achieve scalability in business would be to adopt and adapt to HR-tech. With HR-tech, managing and tracking data becomes easier and ‘labour’ becomes ‘talent’. Organizations have been able to function efficiently by leveraging HR-tech because it helps in obtaining real-time actionable data about all business processes.
Key Discussion Points
- How can HR-tech help in configuring workflows to manage continuous informational shifts and rotation in an organization?
- How is HR-tech minimizing human errors and acing data management to help achieve scalability?
- How can you ensure compliance and human capital management to increase ROI by leveraging modern HR techniques?
- With new-age HCM solutions, how can you reduce costs by automating tasks and data visibility?
- How is cloud computing ensuring superior connectivity and real-time functionality?

Key Takeaways
How can HR-tech help in managing workflow & informational shifts.
How can HR-tech help in managing workflow & informational shifts.
How can HR-tech help in managing workflow & informational shifts.
How can HR-tech help in managing workflow & informational shifts.
Participation From
CHROs | Functional Heads | HR Managers | L&D Teams | HR Professionals | Employees | HR Tech Companies | Training & Recruitment firms | HR Startups | Placement Directors | Job Consultants
Eminent Speakers
Past Speakers


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