ArdorComm Media Group

Neetu Sharma, Founder and Principal, Million Miracle Pre-School, Jaipur shares her inspiration of starting own brand

-By Chandan Anand, Group Editor, ArdorComm Media

“The main thing is learning but with which perspectives it is on to you,” says Neetu Sharma, Founder and Principal, Million Miracle Pre-School, Jaipur in an interview with Chandan Anand, CEO & Group Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAJaipur #ELSARajasthan

What has been the learning from your session and the time which you have spent at the event today?

The event was very interactive and it was a great learning from all the learned peoples we were sharing the stage. We were getting upgraded mentally and by spiritual learning which really a person needs at this time. Being a pre-school teacher what I really feel if you are having an energy of a 150 percent then we can deliver the hundred percent to the children because children are the most energetic persons, to engage those brain in a very positive manner we have to see how we can upgrade them on ourselves, first ourselves in a better way by learning what is newer to get upgraded with them to their levels. Children don’t have a lot of patience they are very quick learners and for them regular reinforcement is very much important so whatever we are teaching is that a life skill or it is a social thing we are teaching them or anything which is from mythological things or educational. Our students have to be self-driven they should not be dependent on anyone they should know what is right, what is wrong. They should know how to use the things wisely. So, I have learned these all things lot from here we were like the children with the experienced peoples so let’s see how we can apply them and next time whenever we meet I can assure you with some more good betterments in ourselves even and thank you for such a good platform you have given to us.

What has inspired you to become an owner of your own brand?

When we were working with the other brand also, they were the first gurus, I have learned a lot of things from them but when you work we can’t find that if this thing would have been to this level it would have been easier because practically doing and having in the books is entirely different. So, when we come on the grounds we find that there are some limitations to it just work with that free zone and then I find if the children at this age get that plight of knowledge at a full side, full learning they will of course bloom like anything. So, to working with them with a free side that without the foundation that we have to cover this, that you have to do this way only no I don’t think learning has a particular pattern learning is something which every person learns in a different way. If I say do this, means a child can take it in any way in whichever mode or state he is. It is not that he is listening if I say write ‘A’ he will take my instruction, but in my school the child can write in the air also he can write in the copy, some children will like to write on wall so this is the free liberty side what we are giving to the child that they should learn how to write. The main thing is learning but with which perspectives it is on to you. I say best teacher is the one who doesn’t teach how she knows it is the one who dealt herself according to the child how she is making interesting one for the children.

We have been managing really hard to execute this event and we have been doing this from last one and a half years recently we celebrated our first anniversary any message or any advice would you like to give to ArdorComm Media?

I should say ArdorComm Media is doing a good job they are getting so many big peoples at a single platform. I can understand from my level being an entrepreneur it becomes very difficult to cope up with so many people with their busy schedules and of course you are doing great work, giving us this platform especially the teachers and educators who are actually the foundation layers and if we are on the same stage and we are able to connect with the things over the higher educations it will become something else only, so thanks goes to the ArdorComm Media who is giving such a good platform to us.


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