ArdorComm Media Group

Dr. Ajay Singh Rathore, President (Vice Chancellor), Shyam University, Rajasthan highlights the importance of skilling

-By Chandan Anand, Group Editor, ArdorComm Media

“In regular conventional courses, the main focus should be on training and practical,” says Dr. Ajay Singh Rathore, President (Vice Chancellor), Shyam University, Rajasthan in an interview with Chandan Anand, CEO & Group Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAJaipur #ELSARajasthan

Would like to know and understand more about your University?

Shyam University is located in Dausa District of Rajasthan and at present we have ten thousand five hundred students learning in education and 250 is research scholar and we have many various courses especially programs like D. Pharmacy, B. Pharmacy, B. Ed., LLM, BALLB and many other courses.

How do you address the digital divide in rural and urban areas?

There is a very big problem especially the rural area background students are admitted in my University, mainly they focus on their job they do not attend the regular classes. So, they did not know what is the digital, they focus on blackboard study.

What is the effort which your University is taking in having the industry collaborations?

My university is established in 2018 it is new University, after 2024, then we’ve a plan for a NAAC inspection, UGC inspection, then we’ll focus on the placements in our University.

How is skill important in the regular conventional courses?

In regular conventional courses, the main focus should be on training and practical. In our university we focus on practical training and especially project reports and many other things related to practical work.

In this forum what has been your experience till now where we are meeting so many people, there are education technology players also what is the learning from being a participant at this event?

This platform is very valuable platform and I want to thank this platform for attempting to bring all the eminent educationists of Rajasthan in one platform and the deliberations that took place will be very beneficial for the education sector.

Any message for ArdorComm Media Group?

I would like to say that please try to organize such summits at least once a year over here.


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