ArdorComm Media Group

Dr. I. Cicil Ignatius, Head of the Department, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, shares his experience of attending the summit

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

“Whatever I learned today, I will deliver the same to all the faculty members in our institution,” says Dr. I. Cicil Ignatius, Head of the Department, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSAChennai #ELSATamilNadu

How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Chennai?

I feel very proud and happy to participate in this event. Actually, I did not know about these activities. I casually came across it on Facebook and clicked on it. A person contacted me and conducted an interview about me and my institution. I didn’t expect it to go to this extent, but the resource persons and the content they delivered were marvellous. I gained a lot of information regarding admissions, reverberation acoustics of buildings, and new software related to the progression of an institution. I’m very thankful to New Normal scheme. Whatever I learned today, I will deliver the same to all the faculty members in our institution. It will be a great support to our institution and me. I learned a lot. Thank you.

In this kind of forum where we bring together education leaders, EdTech experts, and government representatives, how does this benefit the education sector?

I noticed that this forum mainly focuses on higher officials, but it does not give much importance to the basic needs of the students. If teaching strategies were also involved in this program, the teachers would benefit more. The learning process is the main root cause of institutions, and if more importance is given to teaching and learning processes, it would be very beneficial for teachers and students. I hope in future programs, this aspect will be included. I’m happy to participate in future programs as well. Thank you.

Any message for ArdorComm Media Group?

It’s a wonderful program. You are doing a service to society, especially to the education sector. It is very essential and important nowadays.

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