ArdorComm Media Group


Dr. Hrishikesh Baruah, currently Principal, K. C. Das Commerce College was formerly Head, Department of Geology, Arya Vidyapeeth College (Autonomous), Guwahati. A Gauhati University topper in both his B.Sc. and M.Sc., Dr. Baruah takes interest in Sedimentology, Palaeo and Neo Environmental, and Education related studies. He has scripted till date 35 research papers published in national and international journals and co-authored 9 books. He is a Member, Committee on Courses and Studies (CCS-UG) in Geology, Gauhati University; Member, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Gauhati University, Member, UGC-MMTTC, Gauhati University, Member, DEIAA, Kamrup Metropolitan District, Assam. He is associated with ASSEB, NCERT and NF Railways, Govt. of India for different academic works. He has participated and presented in many national and international seminars besides being a resource person in academic events of UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University, NCERT, IGNOU, Syayam Prabha Channel etc.
As a Principal, he is also leading many collective efforts of K. C. Das Commerce College in the field of ICT empowerment, community research and value-added education etc.