ArdorComm Media Group

Anantha Krishnan B, CEO- Operations, Kalorex Group, Highlights on Technology Implementation, Announces Launch of AI Clone ‘MAYA’

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

“It is a matter of chance that today, in education, we have launched the AI clone version of Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff. The clone is called MAYA,” says Anantha Krishnan B, CEO- Operations, Kalorex Group, in an Interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram

How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Award in Delhi?

It’s my pleasure being here. As usual, a beautiful event that’s been done up, the New Normal Education Leadership Summit in Delhi. I think ArdorComm Media is doing some path-breaking events with regard to bringing technology into the forefront for schools and other higher education institutions. Great event once again, and a lot of things to learn and a lot of things to know from in terms of what’s happening in the industry and where to go from here on. A lot of exchange of ideas, and a good place to be actually and to learn.

The theme of our event is “India Vision 2030.” So, what according to you should be the vision for the school education sector going ahead?

Well, we as an organization always believe that change is the only constant in life. Any new thing that comes up, maybe in any revolution that you see, so adaptability is the key thing. With the increase in quality, the speed of adaptability is a second thing. The more you are able to adapt to the latest technologies, the more you’re able to imbibe the new curriculum into the classroom, the more you’re able to blend these technologies with the current requirements of the skills going ahead in the next 10-15 years. We have to do a lot, and time is limited. So, I think technology is going to really help us and assist us. At the same point in time, as we always say, value systems have to be retained and have to be developed in the children so that they become good global citizens.

How is Kalorex implementing technology in education?

Well, we have been in the forefront of implementing technology at Kalorex from the day that we got incepted. It is a matter of chance that today, in education, we have launched the AI clone version of Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff. The clone is called MAYA. It’s basically towards bringing in new technology peripheries into education and seeing new heights in education. It happens to be the launch date of MAYA today, and I’m happy to be in this particular event to announce the launch of MAYA and the new initiatives that Kalorex is taking in the field of education in integration along with AI, blockchain, and other latest technologies.

What’s your take on the digital divide, how can we bridge this gap?

If you see a global scenario, we sometimes should be happy that we have come this long way. So, if you see what we as a country have been able to achieve over the last about 10 to 15 years or 20 years, it’s really fantastic. In fact, when the Indian markets opened to the economy of the world in 1991, we were the early ones to adapt the computer evolution. Then when it came to the internet revolution, we were the early ones to adapt to the internet revolution. When it came to digital payments, we are the only ones to adapt to digital payments. Now we are the only implementers of the biometric system for the whole nation. So, we do have an edge of being able to adapt to various technologies as and when things come up. Even with COVID, in a matter of three to five days, I think the whole industry shifted gears and went to new great heights. So, that way we have an edge, we have the ability. The rural India is no longer the rural India as we used to consider it 50 years back. Today’s rural India is very different. They are equally apt with all the latest happenings, all the latest gadgets. But a little more private-public partnership, probably a little more education institution of our kind, they can give a helping hand to the have nots. I think a good collaboration between these kinds of people, we should see our way through.

Any message for ArdorComm Media Group on its 2nd anniversary?

I definitely would like to congratulate the whole team of ArdorComm Media. Great going, and I think you guys have a lot more to do in the field of education, I would just simply say, keep up the good work. And whatever little we can be of help to you, we’ll be more than happy to do it for you.

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