ArdorComm Media Group

Dr. Kavita Aggarwal shared her journey in upskilling and reskilling students

-By Chandan Anand, Group Editor, ArdorComm Media

Teachers must also reskill and upskill to keep up with changing times” said Dr. Kavita Aggarwal

Q: Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your institution and association, MISA?
A: I am Dr. Kavita Agarwal, the Director and Head of Schools at DG Khetan International School. I am also the Chairperson of the Members of International Schools Association (MISA) in Mumbai. DG Khetan International School is one of the largest Cambridge schools in Mumbai, with around 2,800 learners. MISA is an association formed by like-minded individuals exclusively for Cambridge schools, and currently, we have 140 member schools across India. Our main focus is to empower teachers and ensure quality education reaches students at their doorstep.

Q: What initiatives are you leading for teacher training in your school?
A: Teacher training is an ongoing process for us. We focus on upgrading and reskilling our teachers through digital training, research-based learning, and classroom management techniques. Additionally, we emphasize content training and, most importantly, mental health training for students, as their well-being is crucial for holistic development.

Q: How important is holistic development in today’s curriculum, and how are you incorporating it?
A: Holistic development is not just a part of the curriculum—it is the curriculum. We believe in a balance of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient), SQ (Spiritual Quotient), and AQ (Adversity Quotient). Without balancing these, education is incomplete.

Q: Nowadays, academics often take precedence over sports. How much importance should sports have in school education?
A: The digital era has replaced physical education to some extent, and we need to motivate children to engage in outdoor activities. It is essential to have physical exercise and reduce excessive screen time. Although it is a challenge, promoting sports is crucial for both the physical and mental well-being of students.

Q: How relevant is upskilling and reskilling in schools, and how can we encourage students to adopt it?
A: Upskilling and reskilling are 100% relevant. If you don’t evolve and upgrade yourself, you will fall behind. Teachers must also reskill and upskill to keep up with changing times. Earlier, teaching relied on rote learning and the chalk-and-talk method, but today, educators need to be tech-savvy. Similarly, students who once relied solely on note-making and writing are now learning through digital content and videos. The world is changing, and education must change with it.

Q: As a media startup, we have recently completed three years of our journey. Do you have any message for our organization?
A: First of all, my full support is with you. MISA will always stand by you. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

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