ArdorComm Media Group

Dr. Puttaraju, Vice Chancellor, Mandya University, Shares his Views on New Normal Karnataka

-By ArdorComm News Network

“I think higher education in the country, particularly through Karnataka and Bangalore, is doing a really fantastic job,” says Dr. Puttaraju, Vice Chancellor, Mandya University, in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka

How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Bengaluru?

I’m really happy to be part of this New Normal Education Summit in Karnataka, and the effort made by ArdorComm in bringing these different people who are really experienced in this education together today and having a meaningful interaction section is really appreciable. We usually think in silos, you know. I being in the education system for the last 35 years, and unless I interact with my peers, it is not possible to come out with meaningful solutions to the Indian higher education issues. In this direction, I’m really happy to congratulate and compliment ArdorComm Media for having made a good effort and bringing all the people here. From morning till evening, we have a couple of sessions and a lot of interactions. I hope we all come together and meet the aspirations of the country through different people. And as I said, our experience should be integrated in a very meaningful way and see that higher education in this country is recognized everywhere and worldwide. I sincerely thank you all and thank ArdorComm Media for this great opportunity.

As you know, the theme of our event is New Normal Karnataka, and Karnataka is an education hub. So, what’s your take on this?

In fact, the entire India, if you compare, Bangalore is known for its higher education quality. Not only in Karnataka, not only in India, the entire world, people usually refer to Bangalore as a place for higher education. I think unmatched quality education is there. It is not because of the students; it is because of the culture and ecosystem created by everybody. Not necessarily education institutions, even people like ArdorComm and everybody are coming into this platform to spread the message about education. I think higher education in the country, particularly through Karnataka and Bangalore, is doing a really fantastic job.

As you can see, in this kind of forums, we bring in education leaders, the EdTech players, as well as representation from the government. So, how does this kind of forum benefit the education sector?

In fact, when we get to exchange our ideas, for example, I interact with a couple of people, and I came to know that after 35 years of experience, there are a lot of solutions available to our problems. We keep on dwelling on our problems, thinking for the solutions, and that is the domain for somebody else, and somebody else is there to give the solutions. And this platform definitely brings in all these problems and solutions together. Now, I know that there are a couple of solutions to my problems, and definitely this platform and this collaboration will help us to understand each other much better, and we can give very quality education to our students and the country.

ArdorComm Media Group has recently completed 2 years of its existence, any message or wishes for us?

I’m really happy, within two years, you are making so much noise. I think by the time you complete a decade, 10 years, your presence will be felt by everybody. I hope you continue your services like this and help us bring in different people, including meritorious students and staff members, along with the administrators, so that there is meaningful interaction happening there. I wish ArdorComm Media a grand future in the years to come and hope it will do some service to society through these meaningful interactions.

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