Education, Healthcare & Wellness, Human Resource, Governance, Media & Entertainment

ArdorComm Education is a community in academia having a significant reach to over 51,000 stakeholders. We are e-connected with decision-makers, experts & influencers at Pre-Schools etc.

ArdorComm Healthcare community is empowering over 20,000 doctors, healthcare marketers, healthcare professionals & service providers for socio-digital media adaptability for growth and outreach.

ArdorComm Human Resource (HR) is a community connecting over 24,000 HR leaders, professionals with industry for knowledge sharing and collaborations that can be used by an organization.

ArdorComm Governance Community anchors on empowering formal institutions and their processes with the idea of Innovation & socio-digital media adoption that will help create a transformational impact on public life & civil society.

ArdorComm Media, Entertainment & Art (MEA) community aims to build a strong network of professionals & experts to Co-create, Co-learn and Collaborate for Innovation. Thus, impacting decisions and creating opportunities for community voices.