Inaugural Session: 'New-Normal' Karnataka: Karnataka's Unconventional Odyssey as the Premier Hub for Education Transformation
Background: In recent years, Karnataka, India’s southern gem, has undergone a profound transformation, emerging as a pioneering hub for education that transcends traditional boundaries. This ‘New Normal’ Karnataka envisions a future where education is not merely about academic knowledge but also about fostering skills, entrepreneurship, livelihoods, embracing technology, holistic development and so on. The state has embraced skills development, equipping its workforce with employable talents while nurturing a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bengaluru. Karnataka’s commitment to enhancing rural livelihoods through sustainable practices fosters inclusivity and bridges economic disparities. Furthermore, the state’s focus on medical education and healthcare infrastructure ensures quality healthcare services and produces skilled professionals. Karnataka’s holistic approach to education, embracing innovation and digital transformation, serves as a beacon for the nation, offering a blueprint for comprehensive education reform that holds promise not only for the state but for the entire nation’s development and progress. To propel discussion on this, the eminent education leaders and industry experts emphasized on the topic at ArdorComm Media “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd Sept 2023.
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Quotes from the Speakers

Col. (Prof) Y. S. Siddegowda
Col. (Prof) Y. S. Siddegowda, Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Govt. of Karnataka said, “India is prospering our children are prospering but still there is scope to grow, there is knowledge as you all know there is no end in itself it's a process learning things, we have to learn, relearn and unlearn and reach the final destination who others cannot do.”

Vamsheepriya Amar
Vamsheepriya Amar, Principal, MVJ International School; Chairperson, Bangalore Sahodaya (BSSCA) said, “We need to be reminded that children these days would be landing in schools not for the exchange of knowledge that happens between the teacher the learner and the co-learner but to assimilate the knowledge, that I would call it as a new normal.”

Jayanth Prakash
Jayanth Prakash, Account Director & Regional Lead - South, Academics & Government, LinkedIn said, “I'm very positive about the changes that are coming in technology, coming into our classrooms and even outside and I think the changing learning landscape also presents us with challenges and opportunities at the same time and I think we must be willing to embrace this in order to provide the best possible learning experience for our students.”

Dr. KS Narayanaswamy
Dr. KS Narayanaswamy, President, Bangalore Management Association (BMA) said, “The basic requirement for the youngsters is to get the industry exposure which is very important and their skills need to be reoriented to suit the business which they are going to get in, then only they can become the successful professionals or the entrepreneurs, both are very much required for the growth of the country, for making India grow in a more rapid phase than what we are today.”
Glimpses of the session
Panel 1: Redefining Education Policy: Transformation with 'New Age' Technology, Innovation & Skilling
Background: Education policies are no longer static documents; they are dynamic frameworks that need to adapt to the fast-paced changes in technology and industry. This theme focuses on how Karnataka is leveraging ‘New Age’ technology, innovation, and skill development to reshape its education policies. It delves into discussions on the integration of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Internet of Things (IoT) into the curriculum, as well as the importance of fostering a culture of innovation within educational institutions. To propel discussion on this, the eminent education leaders and industry experts emphasized on the topic at ArdorComm Media “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd Sept 2023.
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Quotes from the Speakers

Dr. Malini Dutta
Dr. Malini Dutta, Principal, BGS National Public School said, “When we are talking about the students we should know that we are handling the lifelines of our country and we are producing the citizens, so here technology is definitely a must we cannot think beyond technology in our school campuses and premises.”

Prof. Noor Afza
Prof. Noor Afza, Prof & Chairperson, Dept. of Studies & Research in Business Administration, Tumkur University said, “Since we are moving from the digital revolution to the advancement of technology the young talented students of the present generation have to adopt to this technology. In order to make them adopt to this technology all the educational institutions starting from the primary education to the higher education has to collaborate and they should work together to build up their skills.”

Dr. C. Manohar
Dr. C. Manohar, Senior Director, ISBR & Chairman BMA Industry Academia Partnership Initiative said, “After more than 30 years India started redefining its policy, let's go 30 years back when the policy was defined they focused on the skill development, they focused on building capacity in our younger generation and then you look at our engineering education, medical education the UG, PG and the school education etc. and after 30 years of experimenting again the government thought and there was more than 3 years of discussions, deliberations and various forums under great leader then this committee came out with a policy.”

Anupa Gnanakan
Anupa Gnanakan, Director - School, ACTS Group of Institutions said, “I believe that at first we need to work on digital infrastructure in our schools so we can't just say we need to introduce AI and coding but not have the infrastructure in place, another important step would be to introduce digital literacy programs for our students.”

Deepak Agarwal
Deepak Agarwal, CEO, Cubs The Preschool & Cubs- Sankalp School said, “Even today I'm aware like 30% of the teachers are not aware how to use the technology so we have to train them, keep them updated, abreast with the industry so that they can teach our children at the end of the day.”

Sarika M. Singh
Sarika M. Singh, COO, Peepal Tree Group said, “During the covid times, we Early Childhood Educators took it as a responsibility, whatever comes we have to ensure that education is not stopped that's where the different platforms helped us and we really learned and equipped ourselves to use technology and reach out to the homes of these children.”

Sudhakar Joshi
Sudhakar Joshi, Head – Marketing and Client Servicing, Chrysaalis I-Math India Pvt Ltd said, “The world is moving forward we are not in the Industrial Age now, we need to move forward and get into the innovation part of it, I think that is one significant change that I see in the learning process that we have today, a lot of innovation coming in, lot of application coming in, which is what the NEP also focuses on.”
Glimpses of the session
Panel 2: Rethinking Curriculum & Pedagogy to Reflect the Accelerated use of Technology in School Education
Background: With the rapid integration of technology into classrooms, the traditional curriculum and pedagogical methods are evolving. This theme explores how Karnataka is reimagining its curriculum to embrace technology as an enabler for better learning outcomes. It delves into discussions about the adoption of digital tools, online resources, and interactive learning methods to create a more engaging and effective learning experience for students. To propel discussion on this, the eminent education leaders and industry experts emphasized on the topic at ArdorComm Media “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd Sept 2023.
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Quotes from the Speakers

Sapna Sukul
Sapna Sukul, Founder, Edustart Solutions; COO, Boarding School Association of India (BSAI) said, “When we talk about technology is coming, some say the technology will replace us if we are not with the technology, the teachers are going to be there but the ones who are not going with the technology will be replaced.”

Vamsheepriya Amar
Vamsheepriya Amar, Principal, MVJ International School; Chairperson, Bangalore Sahodaya (BSSCA) said, “Showing a video or probably just showing pictures is not called as taking the learning forward but how well it is integrated with your learning outcome for that particular activity is something that needs to get standardized.”

Chirag Agarwal
Chirag Agarwal, Founder Director, EarlyVentions - Chain of Preschools said, “We also need to emphasize on things like teachers training, teachers training is the most important thing which I personally believe because if the teacher is not trained to handle the technology the technology is not going to work in good favour of the school or the learning process.”

Shazia Ahmed
Shazia Ahmed, Managing Director, Aryan Presidency School said, “Technology can never replace the teacher but technology can empower the teacher, we should harness the power of technology and use it to give a more better learning experience for the student so our basic thing is to give the child a better learning experience and the educators or teachers should harness the power of technology.”

Dr. Sami Ulla
Dr. Sami Ulla, CEO, Manipal Group of Schools said, “There are lot of tools, free tools and maybe affordable tools which we can utilize for remote learnings, for distance learnings to give them an opportunity to have concept-based learnings and project based learnings.”

Dr. Hemalatha S. Murthy
Dr. Hemalatha S. Murthy, Principal Director, White Petals Group of Institutions said, “We are talking about AI and everything as a replacement but nothing can replace the teacher which we know very well but there again successful activities are going on in rural areas where the teachers are taking up small gadgets using it to reach the children understand what is happening and how the things are moving ahead.”

Shwetha Sumanth
Shwetha Sumanth, Principal, Shanthi Nikethana School; Co-founder, Adelie International Preschool said, “Most of the classroom teaching is through demonstration but we are not going to give the live experiences but through AR and VR they are able to get the reality of the things so technology has really helped the children in learning at the same time it has lot of demerits also because we are not teaching them the potential hazards of technology.”
Glimpses of the session
Panel 3: Research-based Learning, Skill Development & Multidisciplinary Approach: A Robust eco-system in HEIs
Background: Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) play a critical role in shaping the future workforce. This theme emphasizes the importance of research-based learning and a multidisciplinary approach in HEIs. It explores how Karnataka is fostering an ecosystem that encourages students to engage in research, develop practical skills, and explore diverse fields of study. The aim is to create well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also equipped with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing job market. To propel discussion on this, the eminent education leaders and industry experts emphasized on the topic at ArdorComm Media “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd Sept 2023.
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Quotes from the Speakers

Dr. Sharanabasappa Harwal
Dr. Sharanabasappa Harwal, Vice President, Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society said, “Research-based learning, skill development and multidisciplinary approach all these three are interlinked for the development and progress of the individual as well as the country also, now India is almost in the fifth place in the world both in terms of economy as well as in the education.”

Prof. (Dr.) Raj Singh
Prof. (Dr.) Raj Singh, Vice Chancellor, JAIN (Deemed to be University) said, “Multi-disciplinary approach expands the canvas, expands the opportunities of learning otherwise there's no purpose of multidisciplinarity. We need to understand the semantics of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary.”

Dr. Puttaraju
Dr. Puttaraju, Vice Chancellor, Mandya University said, “In higher education it is quite possible to bring these elements into the education with a new pedagogy, integrating the technology into this pedagogy that is very important, blended mode teaching learning that is very important and all these aspects if can be incorporated we can definitely change the culture the ecosystem in the colleges.”

Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina
Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina, Vice Chancellor, MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences said, “When it comes to multi-disciplinary I think in this country we have thousands and thousands of the institutions who cater to developing and nurturing the students their talent to face the future challenges in the country and at a global level too.”

Dr. Manish Kothari
Dr. Manish Kothari, Managing Director, ISBR Group of Institutions said, “When it comes to multi-disciplinary approach I think institutions in Karnataka have taken a leap step towards creating the student learning groups, live projects and Centre of Excellence including faculty to become an integral part of the system and take it forward.”

Dr. N V Subba Reddy
Dr. N V Subba Reddy, Pro Vice Chancellor, CMR University said, “Academia knowledge and Industry relevant skills is a shared responsibility education institutions, industries and government bodies should come together to ensure that students should get not only well-rounded education, holistic education but also well-rounded skill based education this is very important in current scenario.”

Jayanth Prakash
Jayanth Prakash, Account Director & Regional Lead- South Academics & Government, LinkedIn said, “I think one of the things that I feel can be critical to bridge the industry academy gap is doing something called a thorough labour market analysis.”
Glimpses of the session
Panel 4: Reimagining Higher Education through the ‘PHYGITAL’ mode of learning: Enhancing Entrepreneurship & Employability Outcomes
Background: The ‘PHYGITAL’ mode of learning combines physical and digital learning experiences. This theme explores how Karnataka is leveraging this innovative approach to higher education. It examines the use of technology to facilitate experiential learning, entrepreneurship development, and enhancing employability skills. This fusion of physical and digital learning environments ensures that students are not only academically prepared but also ready to excel in the digital economy. To propel discussion on this, the eminent education leaders and industry experts emphasized on the topic at ArdorComm Media “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd Sept 2023.
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Quotes from the Speakers

Dr. Prakash S
Dr. Prakash S, Sr. Vice President, East Point Group of Institutions said, “This digital transformation in the education sector will enable and facilitate project-based learning experiential learning that not only enhance employability but lead to high-end innovation and entrepreneurships.”

Abhay G. Chebbi
Abhay G. Chebbi, Pro Chancellor, Alliance University said, “I think the word that's coined the ‘Phigital’ this has become very normal now, people don't really use this term because technology has immersed itself in daily lives and our personal lives our professional lives it's like the air that we breathe today it is very difficult to differentiate a physical infrastructure and a digital infrastructure in its true sense so what means to us as educators or people who are there in this environment or ecosystem essentially is that our roles are being redefined it's getting changed.”

Dr. A. M. Surendra Kumar
Dr. A. M. Surendra Kumar, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Presidency University said, “Phigital is a combination of physical with digital, earlier it was used as a marketing term now it has slowly come to this educational sector where it is blending the digital experience in the physical mode.”

Dr. Kiran Reddy
Dr. Kiran Reddy, Founder, AIMS Institutes said, “We need to interpret Phigital as totally in a different way where it is an integration of digital learning in a classroom using the various kinds of content and the apps and which has to be really device agnostic.”

N. R. Bhanumurthy
N. R. Bhanumurthy, Vice Chancellor, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University said, “I hope all of you know that we have made a big claim in terms of digital public infrastructure, now I think there is a huge gap when we talk about digital public infrastructure and the education sector infrastructure I think and I still feel there's a lot of business left in the public sector universities please also focus on public sector universities when you talk about scaling up this whole Phygital technology that you are talking about in the education sector.”

Vivek Iyer
Vivek Iyer, Vice President - India, Anthology said, “The term Phigital itself is not new in fact education has appropriated the term from other Industries, it's been around for about a dozen years in the e-commerce and retail space and even as a concept Phigital has been existing in education industry for at least two decades.”

Kunal Saxena
Kunal Saxena, Director-Marketing, Presidency University said, “You cannot have an iconic feature other than a teacher in the class but the digital name for a teacher in coming days would be an avatar, you need to be a digital Avatar which we are already with the blessings of Apple we need to have our virtual presence.”
Glimpses of the session
Panel 5: Unleashing The Potential of Education 4.0 on Innovative Pedagogy and Industry-ready Skills
Background: Education 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution in education, driven by advanced technologies. This theme explores how Karnataka is harnessing the potential of Education 4.0 to revolutionize pedagogy and develop industry-ready skills. It dives into discussions about how AI, ML, IoT, and other emerging technologies are being integrated into the education system to prepare students for the jobs of the future. It also looks at the collaboration between educational institutions and industry to bridge the skills gap and ensure that graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the modern workforce. To propel discussion on this, the eminent education leaders and industry experts emphasized on the topic at ArdorComm Media “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd Sept 2023.
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Quotes from the Speakers

Prof. (Dr.) Chattar Singh
Prof. (Dr.) Chattar Singh, Vice Chancellor, Rai Technology University said, “NEP 2020 is focusing more on skills now, education already it was there, hybrid sort of education but now they are shifting to skills making the students industry ready.”

Dr. Vinay S
Dr. Vinay S, Director, Seshadripuram Institute of Management Studies said, “Technology will not replace great teacher but technology will be hands with the teacher it will be a great transformation that's more important and everywhere we will use the technology.”

Prof. R. Janardhan
Prof. R. Janardhan, Pro Vice Chancellor, Dayananda Sagar University said, “Classroom teaching syllabus needs to be updated, skills that is being delivered in classrooms have to be updated, technology is changing so fast so one has to be relevant.”

Dr. Mahesh KM
Dr. Mahesh KM, Principal, JGI, SBM Jain Evening College said, “There are several free software where we just have to download it and we have to inculcate in our research and the skills to enhance the skills of the students in Karnataka.”
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Industry Presentation

Vivek Iyer
Vivek Iyer, Vice President - India, Anthology, gave an Industry Speech on the topic, "AI Powered Teaching and Learning" at 'ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023', at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023.
Glimpses of the session
Industry Presentation

Jayanth Prakash
Jayanth Prakash, Account Director & Regional Lead - South, Academics & Government, LinkedIn, gave an Industry Speech on the topic, "Bridging the Education to Employment Gap in India" at 'ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023', at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023.
Glimpses of the session
Industry Presentation

Agathya Selvakumar
Agathya Selvakumar, Founder & CEO, FIN N MIN, gave an Industry Speech on the topic, "The way "To be Financially Intelligent"" at 'ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023', at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023.
Glimpses of the session
Industry Presentation

Ujjwal Kandhari
Ujjwal Kandhari, Dy Manager -Technology, Digitaled India, gave an Industry Speech on the topic, "Maximizing Student Success- Driving Student Success with Technology in the PHYGITAL Age" at 'ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023', at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023.
Glimpses of the session
Industry Presentations

Supreetha Gonsalves
Supreetha Gonsalves, AVP Growth, ExtraaEdge, gave an Industry Speech on the topic, "Transform Your Admissions in 2023" at 'ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023', at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023.
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Award & Felicitation Ceremony
Award and Felicitation Ceremony held at 'ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023', at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023.
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Award Ceremony
Felicitation Ceremony