ArdorComm Media Group

Prof. Noor Afza, Prof. & Chairperson, Dept. of Studies & Research in Business Administration, Tumkur University, Highlights the Emphasis on Entrepreneurship in the University

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

“We aim to mentor the students to develop entrepreneurial talent,” says Prof. Noor Afza, Prof. & Chairperson, Dept. of Studies & Research in Business Administration, Tumkur University, in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka

How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Bengaluru?

I entered here, and I saw the kind of leadership and the way they had organized the systematic way. The kind of feeling that I got is totally different. Here, it is a place where we have created a platform to meet different leaders from schools, colleges, and as well as from the industry. So, there is a blend of all the people, a blend of different ideas and thoughts. It gave a very different feeling for me.

Could you provide some background information about your institution and elaborate on the steps you’ve taken under your leadership?

I’m a professor, and chairperson of the MBA department at Tumkur University, situated in a place called Tumkur, 70 kilometers from Bangalore. Tumkur University is a State University, and we have 23 departments. This University provides quality education to rural masses because the students we get are from rural areas. We leave no stone unturned to provide them with quality education, focusing on employability. In my MBA Department, we give skill-oriented training, nurture students with experiential learning, and build their confidence to help them secure dream jobs in companies.

Does your University also emphasize entrepreneurship?

Yes, entrepreneurship is one of the very, very important parts of our curriculum. We provide training as the student enters the department. We start providing training in entrepreneurial skills, and we have an incubation centre. In this centre, we nurture the ideas among the students. We have tie-ups with various institutions, organizations, as well as government offices like CAVES, the KSFC, DIC, etc. We invite these people to our campus, and they come to train our students and conduct workshops for them. We aim to mentor the students to develop entrepreneurial talent.

We also have a unique program where we conduct an “Entrepreneurial Week” within the department and campus. During this week, students are completely immersed in entrepreneurial activities. They set up their own offices, engage in business activities, and then share their learning experiences with us. The aim of this initiative is to ensure that at least a few students get the idea that entrepreneurship is not just a risky and challenging path but also one where they can become job providers rather than job seekers. We want to convey to them that they can become successful entrepreneurs and even the wealthiest individuals in the country, as entrepreneurs often are.

In this way, we motivate students, especially those coming from rural areas who may have preconceived notions that money is a constraint. Many of our students have gone on to become very successful entrepreneurs through this program.

How do forums like this benefit the education sector?

These forums are crucial. In today’s world, with technological advancement, they provide a platform to develop students and integrate technology into education. Collaboration with organizations like yours can offer technological support and bridge the gap between academia and industry, helping us meet the changing expectations and grooming our younger generations.

ArdorComm Media Group has recently completed two years of its existence, any message or wishes for us?

Just two years, and you’ve done a wonderful job. In the days to come, I wish ArdorComm Media Group continuous growth and success in reaching every level of education, from primary to university, benefiting every student. Your services are much needed, and I wish you all the best for the wonderful work you are doing, collaborating with schools and higher education and involving industry professionals. Lots and lots of success for the growth of this organization.

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