ArdorComm Media Group

ArdorComm Media Group

Pradeepa Thinakaran, Founder & MD, Zing International Preschool, Chennai expressed on Child safety

“When parents trust us with their children, safety is paramount. We prioritize safety measures, such as eliminating plastic, maintaining cleanliness, and providing a safe play area.” Said Pradeepa Thinakaran Can you tell us more about your organization? I’m passionate about kindergarten education, so I founded Zing International Preschool. In the first year, we admitted nearly 200 children, and the second year saw a similar intake. Our school is eco-friendly, focusing on greenery and avoiding the use of plastics. We prioritize helping children learn to read and write using phonetic sounds. Importantly, we allow children to learn at their own pace through free play, which sets us apart from other schools. What are the primary concerns for educators regarding safety and implementation of education? When parents trust us with their children, safety is paramount. We prioritize safety measures, such as eliminating plastic, maintaining cleanliness, and providing a safe play area. Safety, discipline, and education are the top concerns for us. How do you view the growth of the preschool segment, especially with the implementation of the National Education Policy? Preschools have seen significant growth as parents appreciate the focus on early childhood education. Unlike K-12 schools, preschools concentrate solely on the kindergarten years (ages 2-6). This specialization is attracting parents, leading to the booming growth of preschools. What factors should parents consider regarding hygiene when selecting a preschool? Parents should prioritize hygiene during preschool visits. They should inspect restroom cleanliness and inquire about restroom maintenance schedules. Regular cleaning intervals, cleanliness of play areas, and sanitation practices for furniture are crucial factors to consider. What were your key learnings from today’s session? Today’s session provided valuable insights, especially regarding childcare, parenting, and environmental utilization. Learning from panelists about water conservation and parenting strategies was particularly enlightening. The event was a great source of information. How do forums like this benefit participants? Events like this provide a platform for networking and accessing technology partners. Digital tools showcased at stalls are beneficial for students from grade 8 to 12, aiding in their learning outside the classroom. Such forums facilitate the adoption of digital platforms for enhanced learning experiences. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group? Congratulations on your journey of 2.5 to 3 years. The event organization and follow-up have been commendable. Keep up the good work, and I wish you continued success. Any final thoughts? It was a pleasure attending this event. Thank you for the invitation, and I wish you all the best.  

Dr. T. V. Christy, Vice Chancellor, Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Sc. & Tech. Vallam talked about four pillars of the New Education Policy (NEP)

“The New Normal is about being student-centric. Education should focus on where graduates go after graduation, anticipating their future needs. ” said  Dr. T. V. Christy Could you tell us more about your group of institutions? I am from The Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science and Technology, famously known as PRIST deemed to be University, recognized by the University Grants Commission. It is located in Thanjavur, and we run programs in various disciplines, including engineering, arts and science, agriculture, pharmacy, and law. When we talk about sustainability in education, what special initiatives have been taken by your institution? We have empowered our students by first making them aware of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We conduct various sessions to ensure that our students and faculty members understand the importance and significance of these SDGs. Our management is very particular about integrating these goals into our educational practices. Regarding education policy implementations, what initiatives or developments have you undertaken? The four pillars of the New Education Policy (NEP) can be summarized as AE AQ: Accessibility, Equity, Accountability, and Quality. We ensure that these principles form the basis of our NEP implementation in our campuses. If the first three (Accessibility, Equity, Accountability) are in place, Quality naturally follows. What are the leading roles of your institution in terms of the incubation center and industry engagement? One of our best practices is ensuring that every faculty member is in touch with a minimum of two industries. For example, in a department with 15 faculty members, we have connections with 30 industries. Faculty members develop relationships with industry professionals, bring them to address students, and ultimately establish memorandums of understanding. This approach brings industry-oriented skills meaningfully into our university. What does the term ‘New Normal’ mean to you in the context of education? The New Normal is about being student-centric. Education should focus on where graduates go after graduation, anticipating their future needs. The goal is to foresee the skills and knowledge they will require three to four years after graduating and adapt our educational practices accordingly. This forward-thinking approach is what I consider the New Normal. How do forums like this, which bring together representatives from schools, higher education, skill education, technical education, and tech companies, benefit the society at large? I’m really touched by the name “ARCOM.” It stands for Community, Aspiration, Reimagination, Digitalization, Opportunity, and Readiness. These are exactly what we need in today’s educational scenario. Such forums motivate students and ensure they serve the community. Bringing industry leaders and educational leaders together provides a platform for sharing best practices and learning from each other. It’s an excellent initiative that should continue. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group? Continue your efforts and gather feedback from participants. Learn from any challenges or difficulties faced in conducting this program and strive to improve in future events. Bringing together industry and educational institutions on one platform is a mammoth task, and you are doing an exceptional job. Congratulations! Any final thoughts? Thank you so much for inviting me to this forum. It was a pleasure and honor to participate. Your efforts in connecting different stakeholders in education are commendable. Thank you.

Dr. P. Krishnakumar, CEO & Secretary, Nehru Group of Institutions emphasized on the future progress on Nehru Group of Institution

“We strongly believe in molding true citizens, which means not only giving an opportunity to complete graduation but also upskilling their abilities to meet industry requirements.” Said Dr. P. Krishnakumar Could you tell us more about your group of institutions? We have completed our 50 years of existence, starting in 1968 in Coimbatore. We have a presence in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala with over 24 institutions, ranging from schools to a medical college. How do you ensure sustainability in education within your diverse group of institutions? We strongly believe in molding true citizens, which means not only giving an opportunity to complete graduation but also upskilling their abilities to meet industry requirements. We emphasize training and employability. For example, we have Technology Business Incubation (TBI) funded by DST (central government) to create startups, and we also have the NewGen IEDC initiative, which central government funds up to 2.5 lakhs for students’ projects to help them move from prototype to commercialization. Could you elaborate on the skill development and teacher training programs in your institution? We believe in training our faculty frequently. We have quarterly training sessions where we invite trainers from different industries and academia. We also encourage our faculty to upskill through various online certification programs as we evolve from traditional education to digitalization. Are there any new initiatives in technology within your institution? We are one of the few institutions in Kattur with multiple multiplex theaters on campus. This allows students and teachers developing e-content to see their work in a theater setting, enhancing the learning experience by creating an entertaining yet educational environment. What about global collaborations and exposure to international universities? As an affiliated institution, our ability to collaborate with foreign universities is limited due to state and central government policies. Universities have more freedom to engage in student exchange programs and faculty development programs abroad, but affiliated institutions must follow strict guidelines. What are your thoughts on employment versus employability? Employability is more important because it’s not just about getting a qualification but about ensuring that students are absorbed by the best industries. This is crucial for an educational institution’s survival. Top institutions maintain their status by ensuring high employability for their graduates. We focus on incubation and entrepreneurship, promoting a startup culture that allows students to understand entrepreneurship and take risks while still studying. What does the term ‘New Normal’ mean to you? New Normal means introducing new changes and ways of thinking and executing programs. It involves changing the traditional system to adapt to new methods and ideas, reflecting a fresh approach to education and leadership. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group? ArdorComm Media is doing an excellent job of connecting educational institutions and stakeholders. Networking and sharing knowledge are crucial in today’s world. Your role in connecting people from different age groups, experiences, and industries is invaluable. I’ve had the opportunity to meet many people from top institutions today, which is beneficial for information and networking. This positively impacts the education sector and brings about new changes. Keep up the good work. Any final thoughts? Thank you so much for inviting me to this event. It was impressive talking with you, and I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this forum. Thank you.  

Uma Kannan Founder Principal, Sri Venkateswara Group of Schools, Ambattur expressed how pedagogies and new strategies can upskill and reskill the students

“The New Normal refers to machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a technologically driven society” said Uma Kannan Could you please highlight some of the initiatives of your institution and give us more light on what your institution is doing? In each and every institution, we take up the growth of the student to bring out the awesome holistic children within the students and through the teachers. The pedagogies, introduction of new strategies to upskill and reskill the students’ energy as well as the faculty’s energy, are crucial. Only then can they produce very good social beings to develop the nation. We are doing a lot of service through seminars and conferences. Would you like to throw some light on the education policy and any initiatives your institution is doing in this regard? Recently, in 2020, the central government adopted a new educational policy and framework. One aspect of that is the 21st-century learning skills, another is the sustainable developmental goals, and the third is design thinking. We incorporate all these with the teachers through some orientation programs to upskill their energy, and then we transform that into the classroom. Any takeaways from today’s forum? Definitely. I learned how to parent the child. Parenting is very necessary with all biological modulations. We need to transparently open up the biological changes to the students. Kudos to Manjula and Chandan for bringing in this transparency. Teachers are the second parents, and we need to instruct the parents to be the first educators, giving all this transparently to the children to bring in a good social being. What does the phrase “New Normal” mean to you? The New Normal refers to machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a technologically driven society. We need to incorporate this into the educational curriculum. However, we should not forget the traditional way of teaching, as it provides an aesthetic approach and emotional well-being for the child and the adult. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group? ArdorComm, you are keeping the summits in very reputed cities like Delhi, which are educational hubs. I want this to extend to all corners of the country, even the villages. Your service should be extended to smaller cities and towns. Thank you. It was a pleasure having you at this forum. Thank you so much. Thank you, Chandan. All the best.

Dr. Shaleesha A. Stanley, Pro Chancellor, Jeppiaar University, Chennai expressed the future prospect of JPR University

“We prioritize their upskilling by sending them for faculty development programs and sponsoring their participation in conferences” said Dr. Shaleesha A. Stanley Can you tell us more about JPR University and its initiatives in digital transformation and student development? JPR University, a state private university operational for the past two years, prioritizes initiatives such as AI-powered learning management systems and digital transformation. We focus on incorporating ability enhancement courses and promoting English as a second language, considering them as crucial aspects for student development. We are grateful to Arcom for providing us with a platform to share our views and experiences, and we look forward to collaborating with them in the future. How does your institution prioritize teacher training and upskilling? At JPR University, we believe that teachers are pivotal in the education sector. Hence, we prioritize their upskilling by sending them for faculty development programs and sponsoring their participation in conferences. We ensure that they play a vital role in education and maintain their happiness, as they are integral to our educational endeavors. What does the term “New Normal” mean to you in the context of education? For me, “New Normal” signifies a continuous process of renewal, refreshing, and reliving the path of education. It emphasizes adapting to changing circumstances and embracing innovative approaches to education to meet evolving needs effectively. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group, considering their role in education forums like this one? ArdorComm Media Group has been truly fantastic and fabulous in its endeavors. Despite being relatively young, they have maintained quality, consistency, and played a vital role in various education stakeholders’ businesses, including students and faculty. I wholeheartedly support and stand by their efforts, and I believe they will continue to excel in their contributions to the education sector. Thank you for hosting this forum and providing a platform for meaningful discussions.

Previewing the 11th New Normal Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024 to be held on 3rd May 2024 in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

In a world constantly evolving, education stands as the cornerstone of progress, shaping minds, and molding futures. As we navigate through the complexities of the 21st century, the need for innovative, forward-thinking education has never been more pressing. Embracing this spirit of change and advancement, ArdorComm Media Group proudly presents the 11th New Normal Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024, set to take place in the vibrant city of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, on May 3rd, 2024. Pioneering Education in Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance, emerges as a beacon of educational excellence within India. With Coimbatore, a bustling educational hub in South India, as its backdrop, the summit promises to be a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and insights. Students flock to Coimbatore from every corner of the nation, drawn by its esteemed educational institutions and unwavering commitment to quality education. A Convergence of Minds The summit serves as a Knowledge Forum, bringing together luminaries from various spheres of the education ecosystem. Academicians, educators, edupreneurs, innovators, industry experts, and government dignitaries will converge to share their experiences, expertise, and accomplishments. With over 50 speakers, representing a diverse range of perspectives, the event promises enriching discussions and thought-provoking insights. Our Sponsors and Partners The 11th New Normal Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024 is proud to announce its esteemed partners, each contributing to the event’s success and impact. LinkedIn, as the Presenting Partner, brings its unparalleled networking platform to foster connections and collaboration. Samsung, the Powered By Partner, infuses the summit with cutting-edge technology and innovation. D2L, the EdTech Partner, provides expertise in learning management systems, driving continuous improvement in education. Intercell, the Mentoring Partner, offers guidance and support to empower future leaders. Teachmint, the Connected Classroom Technology Partner, facilitates seamless integration of technology into the learning experience. DigitalEd India and SAS, as Associate Partners, bring their respective expertise to enrich discussions and insights. Finally, Kalorex, the School Partner, represents excellence in education, embodying the summit’s mission to pioneer educational advancements. Together, these partners form a formidable alliance dedicated to shaping the future of education. Celebrating Excellence Central to the summit is the ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2024, a testament to the tireless dedication and innovation driving the education community forward. This prestigious accolade honors individuals, educational institutions, EdTech pioneers, and startups whose unwavering commitment has propelled the sector to new heights. Through recognition and celebration, the awards aim to inspire further excellence and foster a culture of continuous improvement within the education landscape. The ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2024 will recognize excellence across six segments, including Higher Education, School Education, Preschools, Skills & Training, Corporate, and Startups. By honoring the trendsetters, innovators, and education leaders of today, the awards aim to inspire future generations and catalyze positive change within the sector. Exploring the Key Discussion Points The summit will delve into a myriad of key discussion points, addressing the evolving needs of the 21st-century learner. Innovation in Teaching and Learning: Leveraging technology and innovative teaching methods to enhance student engagement and outcomes. Skills for the Future Workforce: Strategies for integrating employability skills and career readiness into educational programs. Sustainable Education Practices: Integrating sustainability education into the curriculum to foster responsible citizenship. Digital Literacy and Cybersecurity in Education: Building digital literacy skills among educators and students to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly. Global Collaboration and Partnerships in Education: Harnessing the power of international collaboration and partnerships to enrich teaching and learning experiences. The summit will also witness two insightful Leadership Talk Sessions Samsung Sponsored: Leadership Talk Session – A Roundtable Discussion  Topic: Experience unlimited learning possibilities with Samsung: Future trends and  innovations in technology to ensure education institutions represent the future of classrooms. D2L Sponsored –  Leadership Talk Session – A Roundtable Discussion Topic: Adapting to Change: Future-Proofing Education with Innovative Technologies and Continuous Improvement in Learning Management Systems A Call to Action As we stand on the cusp of a new era in education, the 11th New Normal Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024 serves as a rallying cry for progress and transformation. Together, let us unlock the boundless potential of education, shaping a future where every learner has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Join us tomorrow, 3rd May’24 in Coimbatore as we embark on this transformative journey, charting a course towards a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow. Stay tuned for live updates and highlights from the summit. For more details, visit Follow #ELSATamilNadu #ELSACoimbatore #ArdorComm #NewNormal for the latest updates and insights.

Dr. Gangadhar G Hugar, Director – MBA Department, Laxmi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management, Valsad expressed the vision of S.N.V International School on NEP 2020

“AICTE and UGC need to organize massive decentralized workshops at state, regional, and district levels to educate stakeholders on how to implement NEP policies effectively” said Dr. Gangadhar G Hugar, Director – MBA Department, Laxmi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management, Valsad at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. How does the new education policy actually help students become market-ready? In my view, the National Education Policy, which has been drafted by AICTE and UGC, is still not visible in the education market. As per my knowledge, only about 10 to 15% of elite higher education institutions have been able to execute NEP policy amendments and move forward. The remaining 85 to 90% of institutions, especially those in rural and tier 2 areas, are still following traditional methods of education. In my opinion, to address this, AICTE and UGC need to organize massive decentralized workshops at state, regional, and district levels to educate stakeholders on how to implement NEP policies effectively. This will ensure that the benefits of these policies reach the broader education community. How do you think implementing AI and technology in the education system will impact it in the next 5 to 10 years? While I’m not a technical expert, artificial intelligence is making waves globally, including in education and corporate sectors. However, its impact on the education system in India may not be significant in the next five to ten years. India needs to be more open to accepting new technologies like AI. Currently, traditional methods still dominate, and there is hesitancy in embracing new developments. I believe that AI implementation may only impact around 5 to 10% of the education system in India within the next decade. How is your university taking the lead in terms of addressing the mental health of students on campus? At Laxmi Vidyapeeth Institute, we have a vision to become a private university in the coming years. We aim to offer diverse courses to cater to the needs of students in our geographical area. Additionally, we prioritize creating a supportive and friendly environment on campus to alleviate stress among students. We encourage two-way communication with students, listen to their ideas, and implement feasible suggestions to enhance their experience. Moreover, we organize extracurricular activities to provide students with opportunities for relaxation and exploration outside the classroom, fostering creativity and personal growth. ArdorComm Media is now celebrating its second year of existence. Any message or suggestions you wish to share with us? I would like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Chandan Ji for leading ArdorComm. This event has brought together education leaders, including vice-chancellors, directors, and philanthropists, to share valuable insights. I believe that together, we can work towards converting the ideas discussed here into practical implementations for the benefit of the education community. I encourage ArdorComm to continue its efforts in facilitating such discussions and initiatives.

Archit Bhatt, Managing Director, Tripada Group of Schools & President, AOPS, Ahmedabad expressed the roadmap of NEP 2020

“We need to understand the previous national education policy of 1986 and the Indian knowledge system” said Archit Bhatt, Managing Director, Tripada Group of Schools & President, AOPS, Ahmedabad at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. How can educators align with the government to uplift the Indian education system for the upcoming years? The government has indeed provided a new policy, and it’s the role of educators to work on implementing it. We need to understand the previous national education policy of 1986 and the Indian knowledge system. Educators should start by understanding the new policy, unlearn old methods, and adapt to the necessities of the new era. It will take about four to five years to implement the new policy comprehensively, both in rural and urban areas. It’s essential for educators to actively participate in policy discussions, provide feedback, and collaborate with government bodies to ensure effective implementation. By aligning with the government’s vision and actively contributing to policy development, educators can play a significant role in uplifting the Indian education system for the upcoming years. What steps do you suggest to improve school infrastructure for all educators? Infrastructure needs to be inclusive, accommodating learning and physically disabled students into mainstream schooling. From upgrading washrooms to staircases, every aspect needs to ensure equality. The divide between regular and special schools should be eliminated. Also, teacher training infrastructure needs upgrading to align with the new policy’s requirements. Providing accessible and modern facilities not only enhances the learning environment but also fosters inclusivity and equality among students. Additionally, investing in continuous professional development programs for teachers is crucial to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students. How is the new education policy targeting the rote learning process and promoting experiential learning? The focus is on developing skills rather than rote or experiential learning. From grade five onwards, the emphasis is on skill development for better employability, considering the uncertain job market due to technological advancements like AI. The new education policy aims to shift the focus from memorization to understanding and application of concepts. By incorporating experiential learning methods such as project-based learning, internships, and hands-on activities, students can develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills essential for success in the modern world. The policy encourages educators to adopt innovative teaching methodologies that engage students actively in the learning process, fostering creativity, curiosity, and lifelong learning skills. What’s your overall takeaway from this event? More open forums and discussions are needed for societal progress. Media organizations should spread awareness, involving parents as major stakeholders. Bridging the gap between traditional entrance exams and the skills-focused new policy is crucial, and platforms like ArdorComm can facilitate this. The event provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in education and emphasized the importance of collaboration and innovation in driving positive change. As educators, policymakers, and stakeholders, we must continue to work together to create a more inclusive, equitable, and future-ready education system for all learners. As we’re celebrating our second anniversary, any message you’d like to share with us? I believe open forums and panel discussions should involve parents more, as they’re crucial stakeholders. Platforms like yours play a significant role in bridging the gap between traditional and skill-based education.