Malaysia’s Lincoln University College Makes Historic Move to Establish Campus in India

Malaysia’s Lincoln University College has emerged as the trailblazer among foreign universities seeking to establish a presence in India, becoming the first institution to apply through the University Grants Commission’s (UGC) dedicated application portal. The move marks a significant milestone in the internationalization of Indian higher education. The UGC has formed a five-member standing committee tasked with evaluating Lincoln University College’s application, indicating that a decision is imminent. This development comes in the wake of the UGC’s recent notification of regulations governing the establishment and operation of campuses by Foreign Higher Education Institutions (FHEIs) in India. According to Union Education Minister of State Subhas Sarkar, Lincoln University College has expressed interest in establishing a campus in Telangana, showcasing the growing appeal of Indian academia on the global stage. Sarkar’s statement in the Lok Sabha underscores the proactive steps taken by the Indian government to attract foreign investment and expertise in the education sector. While other foreign universities have shown interest by accessing the UGC portal to explore application requirements, Lincoln University College stands as the sole applicant thus far. Renowned for its academic prowess, the university holds respectable positions in prestigious global rankings, reflecting its commitment to excellence. The UGC’s regulations aim to facilitate the seamless operation of FHEIs in India, granting them autonomy in degree-granting, admission processes, and fee structures. The move is poised to enhance educational opportunities for Indian students and foster collaboration between domestic and international institutions. Responding to queries regarding the affordability of FHEIs for Indian students, Sarkar emphasized the potential for scholarships and tuition fee concessions, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity. Additionally, stringent measures have been put in place to prevent misuse of philanthropic resources and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.