Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina, Vice Chancellor, M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, tells how they transformed during pandemic

“One of the important and significant features of Ramaiah University is that we are truly multidisciplinary and if we look at in the context of the new education policy, I think it fulfils most of the objectives that are laid down there,” says Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina, Vice Chancellor, M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru If I use the three words, physical then digital and phygital what weightage would you like to give and why? So, frankly it is 30 30 30 because both are interdependent on each other as on date but I know that in the days ahead it is going to be more towards the digital era. The dream of our honourable prime minister is to make India digital and that Digital Drive I think there is going to be more and more people aligning towards the digital learning tools. I see there is a hope for the nation, hope for the next generation and when we look at the aspiration of the people I think they want to go more in the digital mode but we cannot compromise on the face-to-face learning tools as well. Any case study or keynotes which you want to share about how Ramaiah University transformed which could be helpful or useful for others who will be listening? Yeah, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences as we all know has been there for the last six decades catering to the needs of Education. One of the important and significant features of Ramaiah University is that we are truly multidisciplinary and if we look at in the context of the new education policy I think it fulfils most of the objectives that are laid down there. Pandemic was certainly a breakthrough in shifting our thought process from the face-to-face learning online. I think with lot many specializations that we offer nearly 75 specializations in medical in Health Sciences in engineering and Technology, social science it was not an easy path for us to adopt anyone so the Blended was the solution. So, what we did in the first place we used all our ERP tool systems to reach the larger diversity of the students and thereafter we give opportunity to students to come to the lab and work on the experiments wherever they had certain doubts I think I would say that during the pandemic Ramaiah University was in the Forefront of providing all possible tools and the services for the stakeholders and students. I would like to understand how does such kind of forums where we have a connect of government academia and industry helps overall the education community or a society at large? It is the need of the hour Mr Anand because you know people have aspirations from the government and government used to serve the society. This embedding system government the private players academics the corporates there has to be a wonderful tie up and the way you are creating this synergy is really wonderful fantastic indeed. I’m happy and glad to share with you that today we are proudly celebrating our first anniversary, any message would you like to share for ArdorComm Media? My compliments to you, this year have been I’m sure great learning for you but I know that you know you have to go a long way in making people satisfied with the process and the procedures that you adopt. The beginning is wonderful I compliment you and I through you appealed all people follow the practices what this great company is going to have for the society for the students of this country. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, let us grow together.

Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina, Vice Chancellor, M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, tells how they transformed during pandemic Read More »