CBSE Conducts Surprise Inspections Across India, Issues Show-Cause Notices to 29 Schools

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued show-cause notices to 29 schools nationwide following surprise inspections conducted on December 18 and 19, 2024. The inspections, carried out in Delhi, Bengaluru, Patna, Bilaspur, Varanasi, and Ahmedabad, uncovered multiple violations of the board’s Affiliation Bye-Laws. An official notification from CBSE stated, “Upon careful examination of the reports submitted by the inspection teams, it was observed that a majority of these schools had violated CBSE Affiliation Bye-Laws. CBSE has taken serious note of these violations and issued show-cause notices to all 29 schools involved. Each school has been provided with a copy of the respective inspection report and directed to submit their replies within 30 days.” The key violations identified include: Enrollment Irregularities: Cases of enrolling students beyond their actual attendance records, enabling “non-attending” enrollments. Non-compliance with Academic and Infrastructural Norms: Breaches of CBSE guidelines for academic and infrastructure standards. The schools under scrutiny include prominent names such as Hope Hall Foundation School (Delhi), Narayana Olympiad School (Bengaluru), Satyam International (Patna), Nirman High School (Ahmedabad), and Modern Educational Academy (Bilaspur), among others. CBSE’s rigorous action highlights its commitment to upholding educational standards and ensuring compliance across affiliated institutions. The board has emphasized that schools must respond promptly to the show-cause notices, failing which further action will be initiated. This development comes as part of CBSE’s ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of education and ensure adherence to its regulations, reinforcing its stance against any deviations in operational or academic practices.

CBSE Conducts Surprise Inspections Across India, Issues Show-Cause Notices to 29 Schools Read More »