ArdorComm Media Group

Zoheb Shah, Associate Director and Krupal Bhansali, Zonal Sales Head from Teachmint explains about the technology services they cater to

-By Chandan Anand, Group Editor, ArdorComm Media

“If you have to integrate all these platforms into one solution and connect all the five stakeholders that are there if you have to combine everything that is what Teachmint is basically,” says Krupal Bhansali, Zonal Sales Head, Teachmint in an interview with Chandan Anand, Group Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad

Would you like to give some light on what Teachmint is and what are the products and services which you cater to?

So, Teachmint was actually evolved during the covid period when our founders were looking for a platform for teachers to communicate with students through our platform where they can interact with students and of course deliver lectures or lessons so that was the base foundation of the entire solution and from then you know it’s been about a two-year journey right now from that particular one platform it is now evolved into an end-to-end digital solution. When I say end-to-end digital solution what I mean is that typically if you see a school ecosystem there are five key stakeholders one is the student, one is the parent we have the teachers the principal and the management body. Each school is associated with at least four to five digital vendors, there is a vendor separately for an LMS solution, there is a vendor for ERP solution there is a vendor for digital classrooms because it’s an era of digital content. It was the time of covid so many had taken the paid subscription of either Zoom or MS Teams, so from a school scenario it was you know too many things to handle for the management, if you have to integrate all these platforms into one solution and connect all the five stakeholders that are there if you have to combine everything that is what Teachmint is basically. It takes care of the entire digital solution for a school.

So, when it comes to a digital solution so still I think there is a gap of digital literacy amongst the stakeholders of the education Community, what are the key pointers which one should look when they hire a product or a service or when they enrol a technology partner with them?

That’s a very nice question thanks for asking this there are a lot of players in the market I think the key differentiator or the key change maker in such a solution would be a couple of points. One should be ease of use. Now Teachmint you know since it’s been evolved from the ground up we understand all the pain points of a school and you know that’s how the product has actually evolved into an end-to-end solution. Number two since you know India is a very diverse country it is very important that the solution should be available in across the languages, so Teachmint is available for all languages absolutely in India.

So, to Zoheb, how does such kind of forums when you get the right stakeholders like academicians, teachers and the EdTech experts the startups and the government, how does such a forum help as overall education community to grow and to learn?

I think people have a very different perception about edtech companies. See we are an education infrastructure company we are not an ERP or an LMS or a Content providing company so our aim is to participate in these events and change that perception. So, we are here in this event as integrated school platform partner, technology partner so the idea of integrated school technology is to only tell them that we are going to make it easy for them. So, there is a lot of challenge among educators about how they’re going to be operating these interfaces because every app, every technology has its own interface and you know educators have many other things to do apart from learning our technology so the easiest thing what we could do is to tell them that it’s simple to use and the ease of using and bringing in all their stakeholders together. So, as simple as the parent, teachers, admin and principals all coming together for communication or fee management or content management so that’s the whole idea to tell them that they don’t have to look anywhere else it’s one platform it’s one point of contact for them to do anything whether it’s their own school management or communications or examination, assessments. So, that’s the whole idea of building this product.

Krupal says: Also, I would like to add one thing which any school should look at while on boarding such a platform is the service aspect because we are dealing here with a lot of sensitive issues like you know parents, children, a school can never be in a position that they are adapting a platform and that is not being used or it is not working. So, now that is something which Teachmint is very strong at, we have each school comes with a dedicated support system so we ensure that the product is running up and running 24×7 365 days a year and we go all out to make sure that the school is happy using our product.

Just to share that so that ArdorComm Media is a growing media organization we have just celebrated our one year of existence, any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media?

We look forward to being part of more such events and great work and I think excellent yeah. We look forward to participating in every part of the country with ArdorComm Media because I think ArdorComm Media is curating the conversations for the community and bringing the whole industry together and the stakeholders together, the key decision makers of schools coming here and listening to us is also providing us great platform to have these conversations, understand the problem statements of the industry and then going back and building that for them. So, that’s what we expect from ArdorComm Media as well, thank you so much for giving us this opportunity.

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