ArdorComm Media Group

Peter Ledwidge, Sales Director, Nursery Story shared the vision of Nursery Story in Indian market

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

“Once it was ready we gave it to 50 nursery schools to test it and share the feedback on how we can improve it” said Peter Ledwidge, Sales Director, Nursery Story at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Can you share more on what exactly Nursery Story is doing in education sector?

Nursery story is a nursery management software package. Basically aim that the nursery teacher problem of being poor, didn’t have enough time to do everything, to record all observation from the toileting to napping to eating to learning of nursery kids. If you have to write all these down in pen and paper, it is taking away the time with the children. So, that time which is usually be spent administration task can be saved so from that mode. We develop with industry experts, a very fast and very responsive system where by the touch of a button teachers can record all these observation and share them with the parents instantly. So, as a parent who has the child in nursery all day is keen to know how they are doing. It’s been like a story, almost like timeline feed from Facebook before they pick their child up. So it’s great tool for nursery story teachers to save time. So, they have got more time with the kids and at information with the parents

How this idea came to you to nursery kids improve the life of their parents?

I am a grandparent now, the founder and CEO Sheena Johnston basically came up the idea. When she went to nursery to pick up her granddaughter, the nursery teacher was apologizing for not having the time to give her the details. So, that’s where the idea came. This type of software is not new. Our software is latest technology which makes it superfast. What we did is, once it was ready we gave it to 50 nursery schools to test it and share the feedback on how we can improve it. Of course! There are many features in which we’ll help the nursery owner business, for example Occupancy optimising but in the beginning we’re concentrated on the education of the kids and if the kids will get educated better, if the necessary teacher have time to spend with them and if parent will be happy , what’s going on than they can supplement that. So, that’s how it started it’s added with the real life experience of wanting to know what happened to your kids. If you got kids of 3-4 year, how their days been, teachers will say I am not going to give you details.

5 years from now how do you see Nursery Story to be in Indian market?

Software development partners invited as over because they have identify the need for what we have. They have been developing it and they like “Oh my god!” This should be here, there is a conference coming up, even you should come over, you’re like little bit excited. Yes of course! We want to come but at the same time looking around, we the only non-Indian people-exciting, nerve-wracking but at the same time enjoyable. We were welcomed, that’s been great so hopefully we’ll get a foothold in the market. We’re giving it to 50 Indian nursery school free for 3 months feedback. Necessary for how we can improve it and use it in India. The simplest thing is we have to change the currency to rupee, but we have development team standing by, ready to go, once we get some fraction and some feedback we’ll start developing it. It’s a self-service model so you can basically contract yourself online on board, your kid and your teacher yourself see going viral because nothing can compete with it.

Any message you wish to share to ArdorComm Media?

I think the presentation was very nice, we were very surprise.

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