ArdorComm Media Group

Anirudh Gupta


DCM Group of Institutions

Anirudh Gupta, CEO of DCM Group, is an ‘edupreneur’, an eminent writer and an enthusiastic philanthropist.

He is an Environmental Engineer by qualification and has done his Masters in International Trade and Finance.

He heads the (North-II) Chair of FICCI ARISE and also the Education Committee of PhD Chamber of Commerce (Chandigarh Region) and is an Advisor (Quality) to National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA.

Gupta is a distinguished writer, an eloquent speaker and a trainer. He has written hundreds of photo features and articles for various newspapers and magazines.

He is the recipient of numerous awards including the ‘Educational Entrepreneur of the Year – 2016’ by Indian Education Congress, ‘National Education Excellence Award’ by Global Leaders Foundation, the ‘Most Distinguished Leader of the Year 2018’ and ‘Exceptional Educator’ by American Board.

Gupta has been named ‘Edupreneur of the Year 2019’ by World Education Summit and the ‘Edupreneur of the Year 2019’ Award by World Didactic Association.