ArdorComm Media Group


Dr. Lathangi, Dean, Amity Business School elaborates on how they transformed during pandemic


“The strength of the academics is usually when you have a proper classroom, so that they missed out on,” says Dr. Lathangi, Dean, Amity Business School in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru We have seen that how in past two and a half years the overall teaching learning process has changed, what has been the role of Amity Bangalore and how have you transformed yourself? I think the past two and a half years initially which started and then in the campus we were a little apprehensive as to how do we conduct because that was a term where we had the semester exam coming up so March we closed on 2020 and we had our exams in the month of May. So we were just about to close our sessions and begin the examination so that was a little crucial so we had a lot of questions and all that but you know the university at Noida, they handled it very well actually they have a very strong IT support and they immediately I would say within one week, fourth day we got a mail and after that the fifth day or sixth day we got online with MS Teams and we had to be trained on that and then all the faculty were little sceptical about it. The software had to be downloaded and all but then we went ahead with that and the examinations also we took it online so that was one thing which I think the students were given training parallelly. They were all at home and they were not aware of, the question paper pattern was different because the regular question paper we could not use it. So, we had to use something else and then they devised a question paper in that short span. All the faculty were supposed to be uploading their question paper so the technology was so much into us by then. A lot of trainings were given to us even for the classrooms so the next two years we conducted even guest lectures and club activities. We also had some activities like students used to have a dance performance in their homes having it recorded and sent it and sometimes online in the MS Team is open and then we are conducting a club activity and then there is a dance sequence so parallelly they used to connect with one student from here another student from maybe north somewhere. So, they used to switch on these to start there so the camera used to be taken and then the students also really enjoyed it so that was one thing. Yes of course the strength of the academics is usually when you have a proper classroom so that they missed out on. I would like to share that today is a very special day for ArdorComm Media, we are a media start-up and today we are celebrating our first year of existence, any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media on first anniversary? I think it’s a wonderful conclave that you have arranged with all the academicians coming in and a lot of other. I can see a lot of other activities also wherein people are coming up with classroom kind of how to enhance the solutions and artificial intelligence and things like that. I think that’s very good because we don’t get much of time to explore all of this so on one platform when you’re coming up with this it really helps a lot of people actually it’s mutual win-win situation. So, when you sent an invite I was studying all that I said okay how do you people come in where do we fit in then I said oh this is a very good thing, very good initiative. I think many such activities will really help us maybe even whatever we speak, there can be a connect with the industry. So tomorrow you can as well keep in mind that some industry stalwarts can be called like Tata, Birla whatever and then you know they also have business schools and colleges and universities so that will really help us in learning and have that connect.

Dr. Lathangi, Dean, Amity Business School elaborates on how they transformed during pandemic Read More »

Dr. P. V. Vijayaraghavan, Vice Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra Institute of HE and Research Institute emphasizes on the importance of experiential learning

Dr. P. V. Vijayaraghavan

“But to my mind I think that is where we have to put our thoughts together, how we can sort out this experiential learning for the students,” says Dr. P. V. Vijayaraghavan, Vice Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research Institute in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru We have seen the way we have evolved in last two and a half years and now we are meeting at this forum where we are inviting the government, academia and industry. What is the takeaway of such conclaves and forums? I think it’s an excellent initiative that you have taken because ultimately if you want any major national effort to take off and be implemented appropriately, all stakeholders must be involved. So, the government has already come out with the policy and they’ve already announced it and they’re also making a lot of programs in terms of sensitizing people towards this. The academic leaders and academic institutions, faculty members are the next stakeholders who have to be brought into such type of initiatives because they are probably to my mind the most difficult people to change so that is something which I think this type of conclaves, when you are inviting would be able to produce some sort of an effect. Then of course the industry that is a huge concept that you have brought in because many times in the past a lot of efforts have been done purely by the academicians with the government agencies but nothing to do with the industry at all right. So you have brought the industry also on and I was so amazed to find that with the panel discussions you had in between interspersed with quite a lot of industry information because a lot of places the industries are given only stalls and people are expected to go around and see for themselves but to have specific time allotted during the program and asking them to highlight and a lot of industries never talked in a marketing fashion and they did tell some of the basic concepts of why a particular e-learning or LMS system has been brought into account. So, I think overall it has been a wonderful experience. During the pandemic everybody has transformed a bit or more, under your leadership how has your institute, shoot off or how did you take over this difficult phase of journey? Actually, Ramachandra has been making innovative changes since 2005, 2006. We were the first ones to have started the integrated curriculum for MBBS and having crossed that we actually were pioneers enough to be consulted by the medical council in developing the competency-based medical education which was announced in 2019. So, adapting to change is nothing new for Ramachandra so when covid came there was always some resistance on the part of the faculty to sort of adapt to smart classrooms, their smart devices and things like that but covid actually helped us to overcome that in a very big way. We moved into the google classroom platform and a lot of our online classes used to be taken but as I was telling even in my panel, the health professions education requires quite a lot of experiential learning. Of course, the virtual reality and augmented reality with even Microsoft like companies have come forward is really helping us to give the students that set up on experience but actual hospital experience I think they missed out to an extent and some of the postgraduate residents did get the covid experience a lot of covid patients got treated and they got to and they also gave them a multi-disciplinary learning there. But to my mind I think that is where we have to put our thoughts together how we can sort out this experiential learning for the students. We are very happy and glad to tell that we are celebrating our one year of struggling existence and it has been very exciting journey we are celebrating our first anniversary of ArdorComm Media, any message would you like to give to this growing company? Let me congratulate you for actually starting this company under very difficult circumstances. Many people during covid may not have taken that decision but you did it and having completed one year with so many webinars and so many in-house programs conducted by you. I really think it’s a great initiative and you are contributing to the society and education in a big way and I wish that this will continue in the future as well, wish you all the best.  

Dr. P. V. Vijayaraghavan, Vice Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra Institute of HE and Research Institute emphasizes on the importance of experiential learning Read More »

Dr. Latha K. C., Education Officer, UGC- SW Regional Office, Ministry of Education, GOI speaks about how UGC tackled with queries during pandemic

“I appreciate all institutes who took up our suggestions or our ideas, they were able to cope it up and they made it in a student-friendly way,” says Dr. Latha K. C., Education Officer, UGC- SW Regional Office, Ministry of Education, GOI in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru The way we have sailed across last two and a half years through the difficult times of Covid 19, how did your department respond to it, any message for the community at large? Yes, last two years was horrible and it was like unimaginable for all of us especially for student community they had to face a lot many challenges, they had to come over. We supported as a government agency, UGC was able to support and take immediate actions then and when it was required either by the student community or the faculty community or even at institution level. So, we faced a lot but I’m happy to say that we could come over all of it together in a much better way. The most important thing over last two years, what we learned or what we understood is yes we need technology for our support with the help of technology and with the help of contribution by most of the industries in the mode of technology wise and other things we were able to come out of this situation in a better way which did not alter or completely change the current education system or whatever it is with a slightly new adaptions we were able to come out and we proved that yes together with the help of combination of knowledge as well as technology we were able to achieve that in this pandemic period and we came out successfully. We are thankful for all communities, it might be institutions or it might be faculties or it might be industries or it might be new ideas or technologies which came in demand so with all these helps we came out of it in a much better and nice and safer way. How many universities in your region are there and what were the main queries to the UGC from them? As I handle regional offices like most of the university queries and university issues would be addressed by head office, New Delhi. We do handle colleges like there are around 750 plus colleges that comes under my office we do handle all queries related to these colleges, student faculty as well as we do handle certain schemes over here so all these related issues were handled and certain issues were passed on head office where their involvement was to be there. Then we would pass it on, so yes regularly during pandemic it was like always every day our inbox used to be filled up with queries and questions also most of the times. Especially from student sector sometimes there used to be a lot of panic it might be exam point of view or other things. Yes, we would handle it and we would give the best solution in student point of view and we also requested and also, I appreciate all institutes who took up our suggestions or our ideas or students request or student ideas they were able to cope it up and they made it in a student-friendly way. They were able to come out with a student-friendly way of learning and teaching more so this I am happy and I would like to thank all institutes for this who could help us out or who could help student community in this during this time. When you see the forums or the conclaves like this where we have the representation from government, from corporate and academia, how does it help to the society at large? I would like to congratulate the whole team over here for organizing or bringing out such platforms for exchange of ideas between academy as well as industries. This is a great platform and as NEP point of view yes, it is in scope or we need such kind of platforms more and more for the exchange of ideas between academic section as well as industry section and both together we can achieve much better. So, there could be lot of new ideas or new opportunities that would be brought out through these platforms and it would be helpful for both the sectors. ArdorComm Media which is a media start-up has just completed its one year of existence today so we are celebrating our first anniversary, any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media? I would like to congratulate, listening to your background story in the inaugural session I was quite amazed, like staying at home with just 12 people you are able to reach out at this stage bringing together so many academicians as well as so many industries in under one platform. So, I congratulate for successful completion and I wish you and I want you to organize more and more of such platforms. You can make it in much specific also if you would like to if you get it to the deeper curriculum part, so you can have that. You can take up one particular topic and you can bring both industry as well as academicians together and have more so I wish to have more and more I wish to see you celebrating 100th with the same speed as well as success and I wish you a great success in future.

Dr. Latha K. C., Education Officer, UGC- SW Regional Office, Ministry of Education, GOI speaks about how UGC tackled with queries during pandemic Read More »

Dr. S.N. Sridhara, VC, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai speaks about the initiatives taken by HITS to make students industry ready

“Instead of becoming employment seekers they are actually becoming employment givers,” says Dr. S.N. Sridhara, Vice Chancellor, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru As we have witnessed how the industry has sailed off from a traditional mode of education towards the digital mode of education, your views and how did your institute perform in the last two and a half years? It’s an appt question as all of us know already the pandemic has taught a lot of lessons to all the institutions, a few institutions which were ready digitally they could take off and I’m happy to say that Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science is one of such premier institute. The day actually the lockdown was announced the next day we were online because already we had the online platform ready and we were delivering it offline and online together so this is a big lesson for all of us and then we took it further. Any change in the mode of teaching and in the curricula, which could make a student industry ready, how did HITS prepare itself? Yeah there were many challenges during pandemic also the first one has basically many of the faculty members, though they were industry ready in terms of their experience etc they were not able to make use of the online platforms immediately and moreover the online platforms which are available during pandemic were so primitive in the beginning that today I could see because of you know entry of ed-tech companies they have improvised the whole scenario and they have made it easy to use by faculty as well as to the students also and earlier there were no proctoring systems available now the proctoring systems are also available for the exams this is another boon and I should be thankful to the friends from ed-tech company who took all our problems and then interacted very quickly and then giving the solutions. And of course, coming to the way actually we changed our scenario in terms of teaching learning process. Earlier it was only blackboard everybody thought that the physical interaction is only the best way to teach but later faculty started learning a new method of using LMS basically learning management system and also using animations, using flipped classrooms etc and so on. So, the technology enabled learning and teaching experiences have grown multi folded and I think almost all the faculty across the globe have learned this particular technique thanks to pandemic again. What is your focus or stress on entrepreneurship how can we prepare a student for an entrepreneurship mode? Fantastic it’s a very good question nowadays actually everybody is looking at what is your placement and to my surprise actually from past two years and especially after pandemic we are finding that many of the students are actually thinking that they can become entrepreneurs. Instead of becoming employment seekers they are actually becoming employment givers. In my own institution we have a technology business incubator called Hindustan Technology Business Incubator and we have incubated more than 100 companies already through ourselves and of course this has already come into the curriculum. There is one more unique thing what we have done under NEP is that we have introduced the innovation and design course in the very first year so the very first year the students learn to innovate and also learn to operate and also to make some fabrication using niche equipment with that actually as they grow up and as they move on with the higher semesters they learn the basic knowledge as well as the skills also and they are made industry and nowadays I find that most of my Ed-tech company friends here are also very young and I can see that many of them are the young entrepreneurs and they are doing really well so there is a lot of hopes for it and I think joining hands with everyone who would like to make our Atma Nirbhar Bharat as per our honourable PM’s vision. Conclaves like this or the forum like this where we are bringing government, industry and academia how does it help overall to the society or the communities? Yeah, it’s so good actually in the morning session we had two government officials here one from NAAC and one from Government of Karnataka and I am so happy to see that the mindset of these government agencies has changed so much because of the drive being done by our honourable Prime Minister and also the perception happening here and this platform was very good to actually give them an awareness as such not only that their own initiatives but the awareness given through our educational partners like our ed tech companies. They are telling that these are the new technology we have so why don’t you take it and similarly for me as you know from the academia I’m also seeing a lot of opportunities in terms of tech companies which are giving a lot much of technology oriented assistance for us and definitely this is going to be a very good boon to take it further so it’s a win-win situation for all three, academia, the agencies as well as for the industries. Any plan of expansion where a teacher exchange or a student exchange can happen nationally or internationally? Yeah, we have been doing it actually from past 10 years itself we have actually MOU with nearly about 100 universities across the globe and our faculty and students exchange is being happening already but now after they covid I think it is going to be multi-folded increase. There are three reasons for it the first reason students want to go to abroad but basically the expenses are so high so it is not possible to spend whole lot money for the

Dr. S.N. Sridhara, VC, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai speaks about the initiatives taken by HITS to make students industry ready Read More »

Dr. Madhur Gupta, Dean, St. Francis Business School & Director, St. Xavier’s College, Bengaluru emphasizes on the evolution of education during pandemic

“Learning can happen when you want to learn,” says Dr. Madhur Gupta, Dean, St. Francis Business School & Director, St. Xavier’s College, Bengaluru in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru As we have seen and witnessed from last two and a half years how the education industries has totally evolved. How has your organization or institutions responded to this change? So, I’m looking for two institutions St. Xavier’s College and St. Francis Business School, last two years are quite historic years I would say how we have changed from students sitting in the class and at their home, it’s really different and first time we all were experiencing and learning it all together. It was a big learning for the management, professors, learners who are in the home they are more comfortable, they were more free, disciplinary issues were less but there was a connect missing what I found and for that we have reduced theoretical portions we have given them lot of hands-on tasks, we have also increased lots of industry interaction, hands-on learning. We have given them very simple assignments which they can do by their own where a lot of innovation creativity is there. We have given them very simple things how being at home, simple gardening can be connected with your life, how you can be very happy by not going out, talking to your friends physically, partying out what are the different ways you can feel peace and happiness and still you are learning at home. Because I feel learning did not much happen in the closed cage classrooms, it happens with the very hard ways in life and when you really learn it means you are grown up. So most of us have learned the big lessons of our life where we have come outside of the institutions so last two years students were not in the institutions physically and we are trying to make them a balanced life giving them very less assignments to write more ideas to produce because there was enough time and most of the students were on online social media. They were talking about what is going on and also, we have learned how to come out of certain things which we were not at all prepared so this is a lesson of life we can get into any trouble don’t worry things will be there we can come out and this was something none of us were really prepared so we were shifting from our technology lot of technologies have been learned together. Our professors were also learning students were also learning so nobody was kind of an upper side or lower side. Some of our students were so smart they were helping us to learn this new technology how to connect, how to login, log out, how to create certain classrooms, how to upload notes so this is a very good environment happened in our institution where we were happily learning from our kids from our students and everybody was helping each other. Another thing we have learned what is an emotional support because when we were not going out so a lot of pleasures were not there, so we have learned how to connect with our family members, again we have learned how to cook together we have learned how important it is to be at home and that also whatever was available because lot of helpers were not there a lot of pleasures were not there. So, it’s a good time and now students are back, institutions were kind of lifeless without students, life is back but still this learning mode which we have learned is very important. If you are working, if you are not able to attend an institution we have learned a new way. Learning can happen when you want to learn. How skill plays an important role apart from the regular academics and the curriculum? It’s a very good question I always underline this, skills are very important all the skills which define us in our life, be it cleaning, cooking or technology we need to upgrade our skills we need to appraise our skills we need to understand not the theory studying in the class is important but the skills which we develop and there are interpersonal skills how you treat with people, are you really smiling enough, are you really so approachable that people would like to come and talk to you or they would like to ask help from you whenever they are in some trouble. So, these skills will always help you to work in a team because everybody would not sit on a laptop and work, there are few IT coding people other people will have to work in a society, in an interpersonal skill. So please develop your skills go out talk to people learn humanity, humility learn how to be grounded, down to earth it doesn’t matter how you are, how you look, what you wear, what position you carry, which chair you sit. How you make people feel when they talk to you is only important that’s why people will remember you. Today is also a very special day for ArdorComm Media as we are celebrating our one year of existence and we are celebrating our anniversary, any message would you like to give for ArdorComm Media? First of all, a huge congratulations to you Mr. Chandan and it’s such a happy day today, ArdorComm Media is a one-year-old baby and I wish you, your company, your teammates, everyone a very very successful long journey and I would like to meet you again on an international platform like this very soon where I would like to see ArdorComm in the whole world connecting leaders, educationist, students together. This is a very noble cause, this is a social cause which you are working and I would

Dr. Madhur Gupta, Dean, St. Francis Business School & Director, St. Xavier’s College, Bengaluru emphasizes on the evolution of education during pandemic Read More »

Prof. B. Thimme Gowda, Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Govt. of Karnataka emphasizes on the industry academia connect to make higher education relevant

“Digital education plays an important role in the present-day education and blended learning is the order of the day” says, Prof. B. Thimme Gowda, Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Govt. of Karnataka in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru We welcome you at today’s event. How does these kinds of summits and conclaves benefit the higher education sector? Yeah thank you Mr Chandan Anand, I’m very happy to be part of your conclave. Connecting the academia and industry it is very important, it would go a very long way. In bringing together the industry and academia together that would be the order of the day because the industry and academy are put together we have to frame the programs and design courses and the contents and whatever that is relevant to the Indian society and elsewhere it has to be done. It cannot be done in isolation it can only be done in collaboration with the industry. Therefore, in that way these types of conclave would help us in finding industry academia connect and therefore what we have to do is now it was perceived that vocational education is inferior to general education, it is not so it is not true. NEP emphasizes on integrating vocational education into general education it can be either an additional course or it can also be integrated into general education as two discipline subjects, one vocational and the other discipline eventually so that the candidate can get the degree in both the vocational and the discipline and in addition to that there can also be apprenticeship embedded undergraduate programs in universities and colleges that can only be done in collaboration with the industry. That’s what we have initiated in the state of Karnataka under the visionary leadership for honourable higher education minister Dr. C N Ashwath Narayan. Similarly, it will also be introduced in all the universities so that it is to improve the employability of graduates and in addition to that the online education has become order of the day and all the institutions which have NAAC grading of 3.26 and above are NIRF ranking two consequently two consecutive times below 100 can run online programs which are treated equivalent at par with the regular education. Therefore, the digital education plays an important role in the present-day education, all these transformations all higher education institutions have to bring in to survive the education part or to improve the employability of our graduates. We have seen a big-time difference, how the overall education industry reshaped and especially in the higher education from last two years of this Covid pandemic. How did under your leadership you made certain changes and revamped certain changes in the system under the council? Yeah you know Covid it’s a curse in one way but it is a boon in disguise because that has helped us to concentrate on digital educational online education therefore the UGC and the national regulatory authority has realized the importance of it and therefore it has allowed in all undergraduate programs up to 40 percent of the courses can be studied through online programs we have made similar changes in Karnataka also. In all the university regulations governing various degree programs we have allowed 40 percent online programs. Therefore, the blended learning has become order of the day and therefore with the introduction of academic bank of credits the candidates can earn credits in blended mode and pull them together get the degree because even as per UGC the candidate has to earn only 50 total credits from that institution which awards the degree. Other credits can be earned through other modes therefore the blended learning has become order of the day. As you know in today’s meeting as we are gathering we are also celebrating our one year of existence and this is our anniversary day. Any message would you like to give for ArdorComm Media? Now I have realized the importance of media like ArdorComm Media company because you are helping in bringing the academy and industry together without which higher education cannot become relevant, order of the day. Therefore, to make it relevant, remain relevant the industry and academy have to come together this can only happen when companies like yours, ArdorComm can bring them together so that they can probably interact arrive at what is needed for this society that way you are playing an important role in the society. I congratulate you for your potential and efforts.  

Prof. B. Thimme Gowda, Vice Chairman, Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Govt. of Karnataka emphasizes on the industry academia connect to make higher education relevant Read More »

Dr. M. S. Shyamasundar, Senior Advisor, National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Govt. of India elaborates on the digital transformation in education community

“In NAAC we are giving the very due weightage and we are empowering the education community with a digital transformation which is the order of the day,” says Dr. M. S. Shyamasundar, Senior Advisor, National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Govt. of India in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETbengaluru We have seen a major transformation of education from last two and a half years what has been the role of NAAC as an eye opener to the education industry? Now NAAC also has taken a different role especially in the era of pandemic because in the pandemic several higher education institutions came across very many challenges they were not able to come for face-to-face interactions that’s why now we have started very many webinars in a short span of time. We were able to organize several thousands of webinars to go for hand holding exercise of all the higher education institutions and also, we have created our website in a very robust way. Our website is self-explanatory and also when they want to ask any questions we have gone for artificial intelligence just like that they can ask any generic questions any time that is 24/7 and apart from that we have introduced the concept called IMS that is Issue Management Service, anytime they can ask any clarification if they don’t get appropriate answer from the artificial intelligence and within 24 hours’ time their queries would be resolved. I think that is one of the USP of NAAC. Nowadays three words are quite popular ‘Physical Digital and Phygital’, what is the weightage and why? Now especially in the era of pandemic we are constrained to give more weightage especially for the digital transformation because we there is no other go. Because in the absence of this blended learning maybe about 1.2 billion students across the globe would have been totally deprived from the education. Maybe because of this online learning and blended mode of education all these children have been benefited immensely and in NAAC also we are giving the very due weightage and we are empowering the education community with a digital transformation which is the order of the day. When everyone keeps on going in one track and keep performing how does assessment and accreditation plays a role in that? Now we have given due emphasis for data collection because earlier our physical team was going for face-to-face interaction now university should go for proper documentation and they have to put all the documents in order and they have to submit all the documentary evidences well in time and for that about 70 percent of the evaluation would be done based on their documentary evidences remaining 30 percent would be done by the actual peer team and they would be seeing the realities especially with respect to infrastructural development the digital infrastructure in the institution all these things and it’s a blend of both peer team visit and quantitative evaluation also of the data. How does certain conclave like this where we have industry academy and government makes an impact overall to the communities? Especially in the Indian context the mental framework is not so good maybe if you go to the any developed countries like US their corporates go after the higher education institutions for their research and innovation but in the Indian context still it has not been strengthened but anyway nowadays the trend also has been changed maybe conclaves like this would be helpful to create a platform to interact with industries by the higher education institutions because both the stakeholders from both industry would come together and they can have a proper dialogue and this dialogue will go in a very long way and which will be helpful to all the stakeholders and in turn which would be helpful for the growth and development of our Indian economy. As you know today is a special day ArdorComm Media is also celebrating its one year of existence, this is our first anniversary, any message for ArdorComm Media Group? Yeah within a span of just one year you have taken very many significant initiatives because last time also you did invite me for online program at that point of time also I got the opportunity to speak to stakeholders from industry and academia and this time also I did the same thing. Whatever the initiatives you have already taken please continue with the same set of initiatives and create this type of platforms both for industry and academia and all these people would be benefited immensely. Anyway, at this juncture I wish you all the very best to reach the pinnacles on the on the plateau of all your endeavour.  

Dr. M. S. Shyamasundar, Senior Advisor, National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Govt. of India elaborates on the digital transformation in education community Read More »

Dr Sandeep Pachpande, Chairman, ASM Group of Institutes emphasizes on leveraging the technology for the betterment of education

“I think this is the best time for us to rethink, reimagine and reboot the education system,” says Dr Sandeep Pachpande, Chairman, ASM Group of Institutes in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETPune Under your leadership how ASM group of Institution is growing and what is the vision forward for next five years? What we at ASM looked at and even I am is that I’m a completely optimist person, I believe every crisis gives an opportunity and that is how we have looked at the crisis as such. A full focus is on use of technology and partnerships with ed-tech companies and industry to develop courses which can increase the employability of the students. Since morning we have been talking about phygital, we are talking about setting up of digital university, multidisciplinary approach, in that robust conditions how have you managed to balance the teaching and learning process in your institutions? See what covid has done is that it gave us a very good option to change our pedagogy and leverage the technology to give students a right blend of a kind of education which will help them not only to learn the knowledge but also understand and, in the future, implement them in the companies which they will go and work for. So, I think the leveraging of these opportunities is what is required and I think this is the best time for us to rethink, reimagine and reboot the education system. Forums like this where we have the blend of academia, the corporate, startups and even a support of the government how does this kind of gathering helps the overall community to grow? So, one of the best things I liked about this event is that it is a mix of all the stakeholders of education and that is what is important. You know I could see not only the owners but directors and some teachers plus ed tech companies and people from the government itself here. And as Chandan you said in one of your talks in the panel it’s very necessary to get everyone on one page so I think that’s what events like this are very useful and I’m sure that you’ll become the catalyst of getting all these people together on one platform. Any message for the students who will be just facing the physical world of the schools and colleges again? I think everyone’s looking forward to the physical mode of education and they should remember that we’re not going to go back to the 100 percent normal again. So, they should leverage both the online and the physical together in the next coming days. Any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media? Keep on doing the good work and please make sure that you include all the stakeholders in your programs make sure that you do this at a regular level and it doesn’t stay with just the people who attend it make sure that it reaches the policy makers as well as the people who did not attend this.  

Dr Sandeep Pachpande, Chairman, ASM Group of Institutes emphasizes on leveraging the technology for the betterment of education Read More »

Dr Sachin S Vernekar, Dean, FMS; Director, IMED, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) says, today ‘network is the net worth’

“If you have a good network you have an excellent net worth,” says Dr Sachin S Vernekar, Dean, FMS; Director, IMED, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETPune Under your leadership how IMED has diversified in overall development in teaching and learning process? At the very outset let me congratulate ArdorComm Media for the excellent job you have done because today network is net worth and you have brought the academicians, the corporates almost all the stakeholders on the same platform that’s a great job you have done I would say. As far as I’m concerned, I have joined Bharati Vidyapeeth in 1985 and for the last 37 years I’m working for Bharati Vidyapeeth. From a faculty to director, to team, campus in charge, so I have played different roles in Bharati Vidyapeeth. Like Indra Nooyi always says we are all students, throughout our life we have to be students even today I am a student so I have tried my best to ensure that our students get the right input because through seven tire feedback system the fire time counselling system, industry institute partnership summit, 80-20 pattern that we have, 80 percent of the syllabus covered by the regular faculty, 20 percent by the corporates, the different events then support of the digital media the online programs the MOOCs, 20 to 40 percent is the digital media, the online courses that we have and more than 60 percent it is offline. So, these are the various things that we do, international conferences, national conferences, IMED gems i.e. inter class competition. We have expressions where we give an opportunity to the student not only from IMED, we give opportunities from 40 to 50 colleges across India to unfold their hidden qualities. Best manager, best entrepreneur, Elocutions, there are so many events that we organize and what I believe in is, we being the teachers we have to ensure that the students are exposed to fine aspects of management, holistic development of the students is very important, their physical features their mental faculties their mannerisms, their etiquettes all are very important. We want the students to be best citizens, very good citizens of this country. They should be proud of their country, their organization, their parents and I want these students to be very honest, committed and with lot of integrity and this is our focus and accordingly we are shaping and reshaping and organizing various events. What should be the criteria or what assessment a student should do before finalizing any admission in any institute?   What I would say is the very important thing for any student is not just the package the institute gives, generally what happens the students are looking for the placements, what is the highest package, they directly come and ask also what I feel the students need to be knowledge oriented not just the exam or placement oriented. The students will have to see, they have to find out who are the alumni, who are the alumnus of this particular institution what they are, what contributions are they making to the society, what kind of faculty they have, what is the curriculum and overall culture in the organization. What matters is the culture in that organization, whether it is society oriented or it is commercial and frankly speaking Bharati Vidyapeeth is social organization where we see the interest of every stakeholder in the society so they should look for the institutions where better citizens are prepared, where proud feeling is developed, where they think global, but act local. When we witness the forum and conclaves like this where we see the exhibition also where ed-tech companies, start-ups and MNC’s are displaying the product and services lots of academicians and educators and even the government involvement, how does it overall help?  Greatly helps, I interacted with SAS people, I interacted with Coursera, I interacted with many directors, the corporates it really helps because there are many things that are happening in the world unless we join such a network unless we attend participate in such panel discussions we will not know what’s happening around the world. We are the students and we should keep learning what was there yesterday is not today and it will not be tomorrow. The test preferences are changing technology is changing now today it’s all digital but to what extents we should go digital that’s again an important question. So, we have to have an excellent balance and such forums are very important after two years I think this is the first offline forum where vice chancellors, the corporates, the directors, the deans have been invited and excellent, I would say the session that I attended just now, excellent speakers, your choice is really good they have the experience to speak about, it was really great. Any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media? Yeah definitely you have been doing great, I can see that one question everybody has to ask to himself and the organization, is my organization growing or growing old, am I growing or I am growing old and I must say your organization, ArdorComm Media is growing, not growing old it is growing and it has a great future. The way networking has been done today, if you have a good network you have an excellent net worth.  

Dr Sachin S Vernekar, Dean, FMS; Director, IMED, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) says, today ‘network is the net worth’ Read More »

Prof. (Dr.) G K Shirude, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji University Pune emphasizes on the future of digitalization

“Technological tools today are going to be outdated tomorrow and therefore you have to update always with the changing technology,” says Prof. (Dr.) G K Shirude, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji University, Pune in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm – Higher Education and Edtech Conclave & Awards 2022’ #HEETPune Welcome you in today’s forum, what are your takeaways from the summit? Yeah, very nice to be here with you, your name itself is Chandan Anand so on one hand there is a Chandan that is sandalwood on the other hand there is Anand means happiness and this fragrance take place only when our learners are well skilled and that skills comes from not the traditional way but transformational digital way. This digitalization process which we are accommodating with those who are making a very excellent contribution in digital process and that is one of which we have experienced is that of Coursera courses and these courses we found at Sri Balaji University Pune are useful, students are also getting advantage of it. Sometimes it is difficult but Balaji university always welcomes the difficulties and we accept the challenges and we make the best of the best solution to solve these particular problems. How does the such kind of forums help where we have exhibition from the corporate and side-by-side conference also going on where the entire industry is uniting? See after all it is the society which is a combination of all these particular stakeholders and whenever these stakeholders are coming together with their merits with their limitations then certainly to discuss to discourse and to have a dialogue that will certainly give us a future road or future map how to proceed further. Any message for ArdorComm Media? One thing which is very common and which you have to be at your steps and that is learning never ends. Technological tools today is going to be outdated tomorrow and therefore you have to update always with the changing technology with the alpha generation which is coming now and this alpha generation will have a super brains and they will work more about the devices, tools, technology and how it is going to save their time, save their money and give a best possible output as far as the future entrepreneurs are concerned or getting a best possible jobs in the multinationals or the renowned companies in the world.  

Prof. (Dr.) G K Shirude, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji University Pune emphasizes on the future of digitalization Read More »