ArdorComm Media Group


Imtiaz Mirza, Sales Manager, Yes Marketing, Gujarat (Distributor- Canon) gave a sneakpeak of the upcoming gadgets from Canon

“Technology is constantly changing, so maybe new software will be introduced from Canon,” said Imtiaz Mirza, Sales Manager, Yes Marketing, Gujarat (Distributor- Canon) at the ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Give us a little idea about the product present here from Canon? Thank you very much for organizing this beautiful event, and we are here for the education leadership summit at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad. Our storage here includes a hello get it for that Canon. We are the main distributor for Canon, and I am from Yes Marketing. I am the sales manager for the Gujarat state. For this educational site, we have very good products from Canon, such as multifunctional products that are suitable for the education sector. These products are very good for the retrieval of organization and for collecting data for student enrollment. Whatever documents are there, you can easily scan and store them. It will also help to edit and stand documents. Thank you very much, and it’s a very beautiful event. How does technology play a crucial role in the education sector? Our hardware product, like Canon multifunctional, is required for every educational sector, such as schools, universities, and any common areas. It is useful for making copies, scanning to email, and scanning to store data. With the new technology, everything is going digital, so whatever hard copy you have, you can scan and store it in digital format. You can store it in the cloud, email, or USB to reduce the need for hard copies. This is the basic idea of this new technology, keeping documents in digital format. Is Canon planning to introduce more software or tools and gadgets in the upcoming years for the education sector? Technology is constantly changing, so maybe new software will be introduced from Canon. But currently, it is already available, and you can check our products to know all the features. We, at Canon, are very advanced and have advanced models in different colors and black and white. Ardorcomm Media is celebrating its second anniversary. Any message you wish to share with us? So, you have put up many kiosks and it is really great. Like this kind of event will give you a complete idea about digital interaction with clients and will give you complete knowledge about your marketing.

Imtiaz Mirza, Sales Manager, Yes Marketing, Gujarat (Distributor- Canon) gave a sneakpeak of the upcoming gadgets from Canon Read More »

Dr. Parag Sanghani, Provost, P. P. Savani University, Surat expressed his thought on the flexibility of NEP 2020

“The NEP is urging universities to be more flexible” said Dr. Parag Sanghani, Provost, P. P. Savani University, Surat at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. How will technology like AI make the student market ready to grab their desired goals? The whole world is changing because of technology, the way generative AI is transforming every field where we live today, the way the internet is shaping our lives in the early 21st century. Machine learning and deep learning will change how we educate our students. I would say that knowledge has been democratized, now students don’t necessarily come to universities solely to acquire knowledge. There are numerous technological advancements through which they can access knowledge. Today, if you want any courses for free, they’re available online, with materials accessible freely. However, universities still play a vital role in teaching students how to use this technology and how to incorporate it into their lives. More importantly, universities play a role in what we call character building, where their role shifts from merely imparting information to teaching students how to apply that knowledge. This transformation is underway, and that’s where my university, P.P. Savani University, is focusing more of its attention. What steps are suggested by the new education policy to change the dynamics of the education system? I would say it’s flexibility. The NEP is urging universities to be more flexible. Students can enrol and exit anytime, and if they don’t like a course, they can bank the credits for future use. The major focus is on the indianisation of education, with the NEP emphasizing it, and P.P. Savani University is focusing on the indianisation of higher education. We emphasize “Sanskar-Sathya-Shiksham,” which means character building, nurturing humans rather than machines. Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on social consciousness, building character alongside imparting knowledge. How will AI and technology impact the overall education culture in India? It will truly transform education. Universities will become social hubs where people come together to collaborate, enhancing social interaction and consciousness. Universities will help individuals learn how to live and coexist with technology and others. AI and technology will assist in data management and information retrieval, but it will be up to universities to teach students how to apply this information effectively. The entire university environment will become more flexible, offering plug-and-play opportunities. Universities will focus not just on imparting information and knowledge but also on teaching students how to apply this knowledge, how to build organizations and institutions. Currently, around 80-70% of education focuses on information and knowledge, while only about 30% focuses on skills. In the future, the focus will shift towards the heart and hands, with technology taking care of the head. What was your overall takeaway from this event? It’s great to bring the community together, providing more opportunities for interaction and networking among academics. If we can have more events like this, it will always be beneficial. I truly appreciate ArdorComm Media for their remarkable impact within just 2 years. They have brought together the right people in academia, technology partners, and content providers. Their growth has been impressive, and they have made a significant impact on every community they’ve engaged with.

Dr. Parag Sanghani, Provost, P. P. Savani University, Surat expressed his thought on the flexibility of NEP 2020 Read More »

Kamal Mangal, Founder, Anand Niketan Group of Schools, Ahmedabad expressed his thought on the roadmap of NEP 2020

“We are focusing on using technology to make children familiar with it” said Kamal Mangal, Founder, Anand Niketan Group of Schools, Ahmedabad at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. What are you doing in your school for the implementation of the NEP? Shed some light on it. Implementing NEP is a nice thing if done properly. For that, we are developing theme-based curriculum and focusing on providing practical vocational experiences to children after sixth grade. We are working extensively on this aspect, including AI, carpentry, and pottery. We are striving to provide proper education in schools. How important do you consider digital learning in proper education, and what role does teacher training play in your school? Well, although COVID has done a lot, there is still much work left. We are focusing on using technology to make children familiar with it. We are also working on how to match the technology with our products, so that the burden on teachers is reduced, management is streamlined, and children are motivated. What initiatives should schools take in skill development, and what initiatives have you taken in your schools? There’s still a lot of work left. We have done more work on soft skills than hard skills. Besides hard skills, we are now thinking of working on live skills and development in soft skills too. What do you learn from such events where so many academic educators come together, and what do you gain from ArdorComm Media’s events? Firstly, there is an exchange of views, and communication continues even after the event. Secondly, there is much opportunity for development in mindset. We haven’t changed our mindset yet, how the learning of new schools changes, we will work extensively on that. I extend my good wishes for ArdorComm Media Group.

Kamal Mangal, Founder, Anand Niketan Group of Schools, Ahmedabad expressed his thought on the roadmap of NEP 2020 Read More »

Rohit Mehta, State Project Advisor, School Education Department, Government of Gujarat shared the vision of Gujrat on NEP 2020

“Gujarat is a leader in implementing the NEP” said Rohit Mehta, State Project Advisor, School Education Department, Government of Gujarat at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. We want to understand a few initiatives under your tenure as an adviser in the School Education Department. Could you shed some light on that? Dr. Vinod Rai is the longest-serving Education Secretary of Gujarat State, and his tenure gave him an opportunity to overhaul the education system and bring in quality education for every student, ensuring appropriate learning outcomes. Under his leadership, and building upon the efforts initiated by the Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi since 2002, we have implemented various initiatives. The key initiatives taken in recent years are based on five pillars: attendance, assessment, accreditation, adaptive learning, and administration. All these initiatives are tied together through artificial intelligence, which is our sixth key initiative. These initiatives are centered at Vidya Shiksha Kendra, which received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration in 2022. Our recent major transformative initiative is the country’s largest School Transformation Program called Mission Schools of Excellence, where we are upgrading around 20,000 government and grant-in-aid schools with modern infrastructure, digital learning opportunities, and sufficient human resources and technology, aiming to enhance education for more than 90% of the students in the state. What is the structure of the school education system in Gujarat, and what steps have been taken towards the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP)? Gujarat is a leader in implementing the NEP. In terms of the education ecosystem for school education in the state, we have 33 districts, 254 blocks, approximately 54,000 schools, and 1.15 crore students. Gujarat has taken leadership in implementing some recommendations even before the NEP came into effect. After the introduction of NEP, we have been leading efforts such as the Nipun Bharat mission for foundational learning, introducing Balvatika for children aged 5 to 6 years, developing curriculum under the New National Curriculum Framework, providing books before the session starts, and expanding skill education in many schools. NEP talks about school complexes, and through our Gan Shiksha Residential Schools, which accommodate 2,000 students, we are building school complexes in social partnership. How certain forums contribute when government stakeholders, academicians, and corporates come together on a common platform? As our secretary rightly says, he is not the Secretary of Government Schools but the Secretary of School Education as a whole. These platforms provide the government an opportunity to share its vision and future plans with the entire education fraternity, aiding in implementing our schemes across all types of schools. Corporates can also assist us in spreading our vision and mission. Any message you would like to give to ArdorComm Media Group? ArdorComm Media Group has shown remarkable professionalism, and the arrangements for this event reflect a level of experience that one would expect from a group like this. Congratulations to the entire team, especially to you, for organizing such a wonderful event that connects everyone. It’s been a pleasure to be a part of it. Thank you so much for inviting us.

Rohit Mehta, State Project Advisor, School Education Department, Government of Gujarat shared the vision of Gujrat on NEP 2020 Read More »

Peter Ledwidge, Sales Director, Nursery Story shared the vision of Nursery Story in Indian market

“Once it was ready we gave it to 50 nursery schools to test it and share the feedback on how we can improve it” said Peter Ledwidge, Sales Director, Nursery Story at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Can you share more on what exactly Nursery Story is doing in education sector? Nursery story is a nursery management software package. Basically aim that the nursery teacher problem of being poor, didn’t have enough time to do everything, to record all observation from the toileting to napping to eating to learning of nursery kids. If you have to write all these down in pen and paper, it is taking away the time with the children. So, that time which is usually be spent administration task can be saved so from that mode. We develop with industry experts, a very fast and very responsive system where by the touch of a button teachers can record all these observation and share them with the parents instantly. So, as a parent who has the child in nursery all day is keen to know how they are doing. It’s been like a story, almost like timeline feed from Facebook before they pick their child up. So it’s great tool for nursery story teachers to save time. So, they have got more time with the kids and at information with the parents How this idea came to you to nursery kids improve the life of their parents? I am a grandparent now, the founder and CEO Sheena Johnston basically came up the idea. When she went to nursery to pick up her granddaughter, the nursery teacher was apologizing for not having the time to give her the details. So, that’s where the idea came. This type of software is not new. Our software is latest technology which makes it superfast. What we did is, once it was ready we gave it to 50 nursery schools to test it and share the feedback on how we can improve it. Of course! There are many features in which we’ll help the nursery owner business, for example Occupancy optimising but in the beginning we’re concentrated on the education of the kids and if the kids will get educated better, if the necessary teacher have time to spend with them and if parent will be happy , what’s going on than they can supplement that. So, that’s how it started it’s added with the real life experience of wanting to know what happened to your kids. If you got kids of 3-4 year, how their days been, teachers will say I am not going to give you details. 5 years from now how do you see Nursery Story to be in Indian market? Software development partners invited as over because they have identify the need for what we have. They have been developing it and they like “Oh my god!” This should be here, there is a conference coming up, even you should come over, you’re like little bit excited. Yes of course! We want to come but at the same time looking around, we the only non-Indian people-exciting, nerve-wracking but at the same time enjoyable. We were welcomed, that’s been great so hopefully we’ll get a foothold in the market. We’re giving it to 50 Indian nursery school free for 3 months feedback. Necessary for how we can improve it and use it in India. The simplest thing is we have to change the currency to rupee, but we have development team standing by, ready to go, once we get some fraction and some feedback we’ll start developing it. It’s a self-service model so you can basically contract yourself online on board, your kid and your teacher yourself see going viral because nothing can compete with it. Any message you wish to share to ArdorComm Media? I think the presentation was very nice, we were very surprise.

Peter Ledwidge, Sales Director, Nursery Story shared the vision of Nursery Story in Indian market Read More »

Avinash Sharma, Chief Manager, SAMSUNG discussed the future projects of Samsung in India

“This model was launched in the last August, now we have the complete line up” said Avinash Sharma, Chief Manager, SAMSUNG at the ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Samsung has launched its interactive display the smart learning and collaboration for the betterment of education system can you share a little more information on this gadget? So, we are a worldwide leader in display business solutions, So, it’s not commodity it’s a display with the solution. Interactive is just the extension of our product portfolio. So, it is now coming with the Android version and this has been launched in multiple schools and appreciated in terms of ease of use, how children can benefit in terms of communication, and Live interaction with the class with unique features we have in this panel. This is providing a complete transformation into a different school and fortunate and lucky to add value in the ecosystem. Technologies like the new gadget from Samsung how do you think that upcoming AI technology is enhancing the overall experience of education and learning in the Indian market? When you go back to the Corona Era it was very difficult to communicate with the students at the time this interactive panel adds value to education by educating the students in a particular way. It’s not about one way communication it’s a two-way communication. What students are learning, How they are benefiting, Are they learning in a particular way. In which exam they are not able to qualify, How much they are scoring. So, these all come in picture. We can enhance this and give value to the teacher so they can be focused in a particular area. Is Samsung planning any future product in India? Absolutely, this model was launched in the last August, now we have the complete line up. It will be a vertical lineup for enterprise as well as for education. So, this model now will have an inbuilt camera and definitely the specification will be coming. The best of the word is the most required “Make in India”, from the next month we will have the “Make in India” product so we have the complete line up required as per the specification. ArdorComm Media is now celebrating it’s second year of existence, any message to our team? I’m participating from the last 6 months in multiple educational events, I must appreciate and congratulate your team for doing a wonderful job. We had a wonderful discussion with the eminent personalities there. It’s a one-to-one discussion, we all were able to represent our product, So, that kind of interaction is much required. Let me congratulate your team for doing a wonderful job.  

Avinash Sharma, Chief Manager, SAMSUNG discussed the future projects of Samsung in India Read More »

Seema Singh, Director, Florescent Public School, Ahmedabad expressed her views on students happiness at school

“If student is happy they will be very responsible citizens and give their 100% in everything” said Seema Singh, Director, Florescent Public School, Ahmedabad at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. How does the New Education Policy impact the overall growth in the education system in terms of technology? Nowadays, technology is a great aspect, we need to introduce technology in school at all levels, be it is primary, secondary, senior secondary, college or university. Just now we discussed in our panel that how we have to take the initiative. So, we need to be aware that we have more and more parents association with us. We need to have a good infrastructure, we need to have some partner with us who can fund for the technology, and in this way, we can train our teachers as well as students to accept the new technology and use it for positively for teaching-learning process. 5 years from now how technology will eventually impact the education system of India? 100% it will bring modernization, this is the era of globalization, this is the era modernization, So, 100% to bring changes. AI cannot replace the teachers, of course. But AI can develop the teaching-learning process in such a way that the teachers and students learn more advanced. What was the overall takeaway from this event? The happiness that we need to create in the minds of students. If student is happy they will be very responsible citizens and give their 100% in everything. So, my takeaway is to how we can make our education system fruitful so that our students when they go home, they are happy and we can create a happy and safe environment all over. Any message you wish to share with ArdorComm media on its second anniversary I will just appreciate ArdorComm media that this platform is because of them. When we talk about little transformation, I got connected with ArdorComm media, with Chandan sir only via this digital platform. So, they are doing excellent and we hope that we have this association for a longer time.  

Seema Singh, Director, Florescent Public School, Ahmedabad expressed her views on students happiness at school Read More »

Sheena Johnstone discussed various possibilities for Nursery Story in the Indian market.

‘The standard of people speaking and the group discussions and everything has been really great” said Sheena Johnstone, Founder & CEO, Nursery Story at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat hosted by ArdorComm Media Group. How do you think nursery story will impact the lives of individuals when it comes to teaching their toddlers?  Nursery story is an amazing way for teachers to communicate exactly what’s happening during the day. Things like, what they’re eating, what they’re drinking, and if they are going to the toilet. Also, they can click pictures and share and instantly with parents. So, the parents don’t feel like they’re missing out on anything, and then the child can continue because they know what they have eaten, what to expect, and what are the things they have learned throughout the day with the child. How did this idea come to you—integrating AI and technology for the nursery kids and helping their parents to give more attention and more time to the kids?  So, I have three grandchildren, my youngest, when she was starting nursery, I was shocked by the little information that we got. We didn’t get any information on her, she had a great day, and that was it, no information about the details of the day like what she was doing, what she was playing with, and that’s when the idea came. There had to be a better way of communicating. When you can order a pizza on a tablet, why can’t you have your child’s information when your child is so important to you. Now you have that information during the day and I think for a parent it is vital.  Is Nursery Story planning any future projects or any more software like this?  The wonderful time that we had here, the people that we have met, our partners in India also we have Indian developers and a company here that developed our product, So they have suggested that there was a need in India for this kind of product, and we have been delighted at the uptake, the people that we have spoken to, and the excitement it has created. So India will be doing a lot more business.  Can we expect this to be worldwide or just for India?  I hope so, but India is a very big market, and we have just been delighted to do our best for the all Indian people here and to produce and continue producing a software that they need.  What was the overall takeaway from this event?  It’s just been amazing the standard of people speaking and the group discussions and everything has been really great. The quality of the speaker, the university lecturer, has also been quite amazing.  

Sheena Johnstone discussed various possibilities for Nursery Story in the Indian market. Read More »

Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Sinha, Vice Chancellor, Sandip University, Emphasizes on implementation of NEP 2020

“In today’s scenario practical learning is far more important than theoretical learning,” said Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Sinha, Vice Chancellor, Sandip University in an interview at “ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held in Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023. How is Sandip University implementing the New Education Policy, and what progress has been made in the process? The implementation of the New Education Policy at Sandip University is marked by a commitment to innovative teaching and learning methodologies. The university has embraced research-based learning, personalized learning, and project-based learning to meet the contemporary need for practical education over theoretical knowledge. Recognizing the significance of practical learning in today’s scenario, the institution is actively engaging in collaborations with other countries. This international exchange program involves sharing teachers and students to facilitate the mutual learning of diverse teaching techniques. The emphasis on personalized learning is particularly noteworthy, ensuring that teachers understand the ‘what,’ ‘when,’ and ‘why’ of their instruction, while students can gauge their comprehension effectively. What was the overall takeaway from this event? The event organized by ArdorComm has proven to be a valuable platform for Sandip University, providing a conducive environment for in-depth discussions on the future of education. The creation of multiple panels and a structured setup facilitated the exchange of diverse views, suggestions, and ideas. This collaborative space allowed participants to delve into the possibilities and challenges of evolving educational paradigms, contributing to the collective growth of the academic community. Any testimony for the ArdorComm Media? Extending wishes and appreciation to the organizing committee of ArdorComm Media, I express gratitude for orchestrating such a wonderful event. The seamless organization and execution of the event not only provided an enriching experience but also created a platform for meaningful discussions and networking. Best wishes for the continued success of ArdorComm Media in fostering educational dialogues and advancements in the future.

Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Sinha, Vice Chancellor, Sandip University, Emphasizes on implementation of NEP 2020 Read More »

Anantha Krishnan B, CEO-Operations, Kalorex Group, Highlights on Importance of Teachers Training

“We place a strong emphasis on teacher training programs at Kalorex Group,” said Anantha Krishnan B, CEO-Operations, Kalorex Group in an interview at ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held in Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023. How does mental health and well-being impact today’s era? The connotation of mental health and well-being has evolved significantly from our times to the current scenario. In today’s era, children face numerous challenges, ranging from difficulties in understanding lessons to issues like internet distractions, wrong friend circles, substance abuse, and various other complexities. Educators now bear a greater responsibility in addressing these multifaceted challenges, ensuring the overall well-being of students. The parameters discussed during the panel underscore the crucial role parents play in supporting the betterment of their children. Are there any teacher training programs that you’re running? Yes, we place a strong emphasis on teacher training programs at Kalorex Group. Our training initiatives include Continuous Professional Certification (CPC) along with mental, physical, and social training, collectively known as MPS. These programs cover various aspects of well-being, including anxiety, sleep, fasting, and other human-centric well-being topics. Importantly, these training programs cater to both parents and teachers, recognizing the vital role they play in the holistic development of students. What is your takeaway from today’s event? The event provided diverse perspectives and valuable data that, upon analysis, can be utilized for our own improvement. It offers insights into emerging trends and strategies, contributing to the continuous evolution of educators. The event serves as a platform to explore how to become an exceptional educator and enhance the educational experience for students.

Anantha Krishnan B, CEO-Operations, Kalorex Group, Highlights on Importance of Teachers Training Read More »