New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023 #ELSAChennai #ELSATamilNadu Theme: “Vision 2030: Expanding Boundaries of Education, Skill and Employability” ArdorComm Media Group, a growing media organisation in India, invites you to join the “New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023”, at Chennai, Tamil Nadu on 28th April 2023. ‘Chennai’ is the host city for our flagship event ‘New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards’. Madras now ‘Chennai’ is among the largest metropolitan economies of India. It is citing its amalgam of both modern and traditional values, and is also one of the best cosmopolitan cities of the world. Chennai is also one of the most-visited Indian cities by foreigners. It attracts a huge number of domestic & foreign health tourists, as is also referred to as ‘India’s health capital’. It hosts more than one-third of India’s automobile industry, and is a major film production center, home to the Tamil film industry (Kollywood). The literacy rate in ‘Tamil Nadu’ has seen an increasing trend with 80.09 percent as per latest population census. Of that, male literacy stands at 86.77 percent while female literacy is at 73.44 percent. Cities like Chennai, Coimbatore, Vellore & Trichy (Tiruchirappalli) represents India’s topmost educational institutes, industries, and career destinations. Hence, Tamil Nadu is considered to be one of the most literate states in India. Tamil Nadu, the land of Tamils allures with its art, literature, history, music and culture. Temples of this state flaunt an unbeatable architectural style, hence, it is often referred to as ‘The Land of Temples’, with old famous cities like Madurai, Kancheepuram, Rameswaram and Kanyakumari showcasing mesmerising architecture of temples. Ooty, Kodaikanal, Coonoor and several other cities of Tamil Nadu attract offbeat travelers and nature-lovers. Coimbatore, Madurai, Salem, Thanjavur, Vellore, Tuticorin, Tirunelveli, Tiruppur, Tiruchirappalli and Erode are the smartest cities in Tamil Nadu and has tremendous potential for job creation. Industrial development & academic infrastructure attracts workforce & students from across the nation. This Knowledge forum invites policy makers, representation from government, dignitaries from education, skill, labor & employment departments; academicians and educators from preschool, school, higher, technical, and skill education; industry experts from edtech and startups. All will unite under one roof to share their experiences, ideas, and innovations that have facilitated the growth of the education community and how the future of education is shaping in this technologically evolving scenario. The prestigious ‘ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023’ seeks to recognise individuals, educational institutions, EdTech, and startups who have worked diligently and selflessly for the development of the education community. KEY DISCUSSION POINTS Blended Education, Hybrid Class & Flipped Learning: Future of School Education in India. The ‘New-Age’ Teaching Mechanism & Upskilling: Empowering 21st Century Learners. Enabling Innovation in Admission, Enrolment, Examination & Assessment: A Sustainable Approach in HE. Digital First: The Future Readiness with Robust and Flexible Digital Infrastructure. Decoding NEP: Shaping India into a Global Knowledge Superpower PARTICIPATION FROM Government Dignitaries Academicians Educators Corporate EdTech Startups HRs KEY HIGHLIGHTS DAY 0 SESSIONS 0 + SPEAKERS 0 + SCHOOLS 0 + GOVERNMENT DIGNITARIES 0 + HIGHER EDUCATION 0 + EDTECH STARTUPS 0 + CORPORATE 0 + OUR SPEAKERS Our Partners Presenting Partner Platinum Partner Gold Partner Silver Partner EdTech Partner Acoustic Partner Admission Automation Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner Exhibitor Exhibitor Exhibitor Exhibitor COMMUNITY PARTNERS EDUCATION HEALTH & WELLNESS HUMAN RESOURCE GOVERNANCE MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT & ART ARDORCOMM EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARDS 2023 Indian Educators, Academicians, Institutions, EdTech companies & Startups have set an incredible example of excellence in front of the whole world during this unprecedented times, by adapting changes, transforming, re-skilling & re-inventing, ArdorComm Media, a growing media company in India has announced New Normal event as ‘EDUCATION LEADERSHIP SUMMIT & AWARDS 2023’ to recognize & felicitate the exemplary contributions and innovative initiatives taken by the Preschools, Schools, Higher educational institutions, Corporate and EdTech Startups associated with the education sector. ArdorComm Media would like to honor the Trend setters, Innovators, Education Leaders, Institutions and Organizations that have been providing excellence and outstanding accomplishment in the education sector; despite the tough times we faced since last one and a half year. Ardorcomm Media Awards 2023 aims to acknowledge those individuals, educational institutions, and EdTech companies that have played a key role in transforming the teaching, learning and employability outcomes. The prestigious award will bring recognition and visibility for an institution/ organization across the sector. This summit will bring together the top notch industry leaders and key decision makers from the education sector, to enrich the community by sharing their insights and knowledge with the stakeholders, which will eventually bring a paradigm shift in the education sphere within various parts of the country. Award Nominations & Selection Process – Terms & Conditions: Filling the e-nomination form is must. The nominee’s bio/ profile used for attachment should briefly state a concise statement about the eligibility nominee deserves an award. Attached profile should not be more than 2 pages. There is a nominal award nomination fee ranging INR 10,000 to INR 20,000 (excluding taxes) for different categories. (See the details in Award Nomination page section). The nomination fee is refundable incase not selected for the Awards (excluding applicable taxes & processing fee, i.e. INR 1000 only). Kindly make sure that you keep your updated profile & payment transaction details ready before proceeding with filling the nomination form. Read the e-nomination form carefully & fill the correct and relevant information. Post submission of the award nomination form, the assessment & evaluation process will be conducted by the selection committee & the jury members. Eligibility is based on the evaluation of the nominee’s overall portfolio and work that have transformed the education sector and the society at large. Selection committee & the jury will do necessary ref checks of the submitted nomination form and also re-authenticate the details present on the website & social media posts. The assessment process is reliable & authentic. Once the assessment process is complete, the winners will receive a confirmation mail & Award Ceremony Invite mail on the shared email id as filled in the nomination form.