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Dr. S. K. Rathore, Founder, Chairman & MD Sanfort Group of Schools shares the vision statement for his chain of pre-schools

-By ArdorComm News Network

My vision is to educate each and every child and empower children with the right skill so that they would be employable after completing their education says Dr. S. K. Rathore, Founder, Chairman & MD Sanfort Group of Schools in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group.

What does the word new normal stands for you?

For me, new normal is we need to do each and every thing now physically by following all the covid protocols.

Under your leadership how is your group of schools growing, what is the vision statement and post pandemic how are you prepared for this?

The journey of Santfort rather I can say the foundation of this venture was done more than 21 years back by my wife, Kavita Rathore. I joined her later so I am with her in this venture for more than 11 years now. She was running two schools and I expanded it to more than 250 schools. So, my vision is that every child in the country whether he or she is from the socially week background or from the village or from anywhere, that child has the right for the quality education. My vision is to reach out to those people, reach out to small villages, cities and everywhere. I want to share I have a branch of my school in a very small village, its just 100 km from Delhi itself and I tell you the kind of response we are getting in that school is much higher than the response we are getting from other schools in Delhi. So, peoples in villages are also willing to send their children to good school for good education but they don’t have that opportunity in their neighborhood. So, my vision is to educate each and every child and empower children with the right skill so that they would be employable after completing their education.

When people were not moving out and the pre-schools were closing up, any special initiative which Sanfort is taking?

I’m happy to share that Sanfort was the first pre-school to start virtual classes. We started our session well on time, 1st week of April 2020, all of my schools started their session on virtual platform. When the pandemic started and lockdown was announced, no pre-school in the country was having that kind of setup to conduct the classes and no teacher in any pre-school were trained to deliver classes on virtual platforms. Hatsoff to all the teachers, not only the teachers of Santfort, teachers of all the schools across the country, across the world who made it possible to deliver quality education to the children sitting at home because of this pandemic. I believe we have been prepared now for any kind of challenge and this everybody has seen all the people in the country can face any challenge whether it is covid or anything else.

How does such kind of gathering, physical event help the academicians and educators where we see the government, corporate and education fraternity all together?

The difference which is there on the virtual webinars or seminars and conferences is when you invited me on your webinars there was a point to point discussion. There is no out of the window discussion which is happening, so whatever question is asked on the screen we educators or education leaders have to answer that but there a lot of things to share in between out of the window. So, in this kind of events, physical conferences, we people from the different groups sit together and share knowledge, share what we’ve done, what we are planning and that benefits all of us.

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