ArdorComm Media Group

Prof. Dr. R. Haritha Devi, Director, Research Publications & Academic, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Highlights on Implementing Technology in Education

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

“We utilized platforms like Google Classroom to share study materials and assignments,” said Prof. Dr. R. Haritha Devi, Director, Research Publications & Academic, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSAChennai #ELSATamilNadu

How are you feeling to witness The New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Chennai?

I think I’m very happy and delighted to be part of this event. A huge thanks to the organizers for conducting it. I believe it’s a great encouragement for people who want to learn through new technologies. There’s always a controversy about whether new technology will advance education or not, and there are difficulties that some people face. For example, some students feel that traditional classroom teaching is better. However, events like this can change that perspective and show that new technologies can be implemented effectively.

Can you tell us how you are implementing technology in your university?

Definitely. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to adapt to online modes of teaching. We utilized platforms like Google Classroom to share study materials and assignments. In our classrooms, we have digital boards and frequently use PowerPoint presentations. So, we have embraced digitalization in our teaching methods.

What does “New Normal” mean to you? How do you define it?

“New Normal” means keeping up with technology. As technology evolves, we also need to grow and adapt. We can’t cling only to traditional methods. So, for me, the “New Normal” in education involves embracing and integrating technology.

In events like this, where the education fraternity, corporates, and government come together, how do you think it benefits the education sector?

Technology undoubtedly benefits the education sector. However, my concern is whether we are compromising the privacy of both teachers and students in the name of technology. We need to find a balance and ensure that technology doesn’t overpower us. Forums like this can address these concerns and help maintain a balance while spreading knowledge.

Any message you would like to share for ArdorComm Media Group?

I think this is a very commendable initiative. Congratulations to the institution for organizing this event. It should be taken forward. The key is to maintain a balance in education and ensure that knowledge is spread effectively while conquering technology rather than letting it conquer us.

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