August 26, 2023
Vice Chancellor
MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Kuldeep Kumar Raina is the Vice Chancellor of M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences. Prior to joining RUAS, Professor Raina, well known for his scientific acumen and leadership has served as the Vice Chancellor, DIT University, Dehradun for over 6 years. He has also worked in Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala for about 28 years. At Thapar, he has held several responsible administrative and academic positions like Director (Acting), Deputy Director, Dean of Faculty, Dean, Resource Planning and Generation, Dean Research and Sponsored Projects and Head, School of Physics & Materials Science. Prof. Raina did M.Sc and Ph.D in Solid State Materials and then post-doctorate research work from University of Manchester (UK). His contributions to the teaching and research have brought him recognition nationally and internationally through various awards and fellowships. Prof. Raina’s research achievements are known through his innovative practices and creative thinking approach. He has published over 250 research papers in peer review International journals and delivered about 60 Invited lectures in International conferences. He has attracted considerable research funding from different agencies like DST, DRDO, UGC, CSIR, AICTE etc. Professor Raina has supervised post Doc work, 33 Ph.D theses and 40 PG thesis. His works are well cited and has been awarded by many societies in India and abroad through Best paper awards.