ArdorComm Media Group

Dr. M. Grace Helina


Head, Dept of Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics
Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports university

Dr. M. Grace Helina is the Head, Dept of Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University. Her education qualification includes B.Sc., B.PEd., M.PEd., M.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD., Level I &II, Kinanthropometry, Certification in Floor and Step Aerobics. She has represented Tamil Nadu State in Foot Ball, Madras University in Kabaddi, Division in Kho Kho, Volley Ball, Hockey, Table Tennis, Badminton, Ball Badminton, Throw Ball and Tennikoit. Dr. Helina has more than 50 papers presented in International and National Journals and published books on Teaching Methodology in Kho Kho and Sports Knowledge. She has organized and attended more than 50 International, National Work Shops, Conference, Seminars and Workshops. She has also acted as Resource Person in International and National Conferences, Seminars and interdepartmental workshops.