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Sudhakar Joshi, Head – Marketing and Client Servicing, Chrysaalis I-Math India Pvt Ltd, Highlights the mission of I-Math

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

“Its core mission revolves around instilling critical thinking skills and dismantling the pervasive fear associated with mathematics among the youth” said Sudhakar Joshi, Head – Marketing and Client Servicing, Chrysaalis I-Math India Pvt Ltd in an interview at “ArdorComm New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” held in Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023.

Can you provide information about I-Maths and its objectives?

I-Maths, a well-established program with over two decades of operation across India, has been dedicated to nurturing the intellectual growth of early learners, particularly children. Its core mission revolves around instilling critical thinking skills and dismantling the pervasive fear associated with mathematics among the youth. With a robust track record, the program has impacted the lives of approximately 100 thousand children. The central objective of I-Maths is to present mathematical concepts in the most compelling and accessible manner, facilitating a deeper understanding of how mathematics works and fostering a positive attitude towards the subject.

Who are the major target audience, how is the program implemented, and what benefits does it bring to society?

The primary focus of I-Maths is on early learners, encompassing students from LKG to grade 3. Recognizing the critical developmental stage during these formative years, the program endeavors to eradicate the fear of mathematics. The implementation strategy is comprehensive, involving in-school programs as a foundational element. In addition to conventional methods, I-Maths extends its reach through activities centers, training facilities, and after-school programs, ensuring accessibility even in schools where official integration might be lacking. The societal benefits are profound, as I-Maths contributes significantly to reshaping the perception of mathematics, turning it from a daunting challenge into an empowering and rewarding learning journey for young minds.

Why is I-Maths is mainly focused on early learners?

The strategic focus of I-Maths on early learners stems from a well-founded understanding of learning pedagogy. Research indicates three crucial phases of learning: 0-5, where children ask numerous questions; 5-10, characterized by the application of acquired knowledge; and 10+, a period marked by logical reasoning. I-Maths zeroes in on the 0-10 age range, identified as the active learning period when children are most receptive to abstract concepts, numerical understanding, and brain development. By concentrating efforts during this phase, I-Maths maximizes the productivity of early learning, making it more engaging and effective.

What was the overall takeaway from participating in the recent event?

The recent event marked a significant milestone for I-Maths, with participation spanning multiple locations such as Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad. The program’s representatives expressed satisfaction in establishing connections with a diverse group of educators and like-minded educationists in these regions. Emphasizing a child-driven approach to learning, the event provided a valuable platform for sharing innovative ideas and experiences. The team acknowledged the importance of collaborative efforts to determine the most effective ways to educate the younger generation. Looking forward, they extended best wishes to fellow participants and expressed a commitment to continued collaboration, anticipating further developments and positive impacts on education in the years ahead.

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