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global health

WHO and FIND Join Forces to Accelerate Diagnostic Innovation and Access

FIND and the World Health Organization (WHO) have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that lays the foundation for accelerating innovation and achieving equitable access to quality diagnostics for people globally. One year on from the historic resolution to strengthen diagnostics, and with FIND as co-lead of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator diagnostics pillar, this new agreement marks a step change in a strengthened partnership between WHO and FIND to speed up both innovation and access to diagnostics, supporting countries to implement the World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution on diagnostics. “We are proud to be signing this MoU with WHO, as quality and accessible diagnostic testing is the backbone of health systems, primary healthcare and health security,” said Dr. Ayoade Alakija, Board Chair of FIND. “At a time when there have been three cases of H5N1 avian flu spillover events from cows to humans in the last month and an outbreak of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the importance of diagnostic testing to identify outbreaks and quash them before they become major epidemics or even pandemics has never been more critical.” This new agreement establishes FIND as the key strategic partner for diagnostics, working with WHO and others to address a number of priority areas including antimicrobial resistance, infectious diseases like HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, and noncommunicable diseases like hypertension, heart disease, cervical cancer and diabetes. Signed on 1 June 2024 at a ceremony attended by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Dr. Yukiko Nakatani (Assistant Director-General), and Dr. Ayoade Alakija (Board Chair of FIND), the MoU will also see the two organizations building new avenues to share knowledge and scale up critical activities to accelerate access to life-saving diagnostics. The signing of this MoU formalizes a long-standing partnership between WHO and FIND and marks a major milestone in the journey towards better health and well-being across the world. By leveraging the strengths and expertise of both WHO and FIND, this partnership promises to drive innovation on diagnostic tests and also improve access to the tests to reduce health inequalities, ultimately leading to a healthier future for people everywhere.  

Closing the Women’s Health Gap: A $1 Trillion Opportunity for Global Well-being

In a study by the McKinsey Health Institute in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF), the report titled “Closing the women’s health gap: A $1 trillion opportunity to improve lives and economies” sheds light on the profound impact of gender disparities in healthcare on both individual well-being and global economic prosperity. The study, focused on addressing the health gap between men and women, reveals startling statistics that demand urgent attention and action. Key Findings: Unraveling the Women’s Health Gap The report brings to light the alarming fact that while women tend to live longer than men, they spend 25 percent more of their lives grappling with poor health. This health disparity translates into a staggering 75 million years of life lost annually due to illnesses or premature death among women. The study identifies key areas contributing to the women’s health gap: Health Conditions Affecting Both Genders: 95 percent of the health burden on women is attributed to conditions affecting both men and women, such as sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health, and endometriosis. Prevalence of Conditions in Women: 56 percent of the health burden on women arises from conditions that are either more prevalent or manifest differently in women. The Case of India: A $22 Billion Opportunity In the context of India, the study highlights that closing the gender gap in healthcare could lead to a substantial economic boost. The report estimates that India’s GDP could rise by at least $22 billion by addressing the health disparities between men and women. The top health conditions contributing to this potential GDP impact include premenstrual syndrome, gynecological diseases, migraine, depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders. Global Root Causes: Science, Care Delivery, Investment, and Data The report identifies four primary global root causes contributing to the women’s health gap: Science: Historically, the study of human biology has predominantly focused on the male body, leading to less effective treatments for women. Over 50 percent of interventions with sex-disaggregated research are found to be less effective for women than men. Care Delivery: Women often face barriers to care, diagnostic delays, and suboptimal treatment due to healthcare systems designed and run predominantly by men. Investment: There has been lower investment in women’s health conditions relative to their prevalence, perpetuating limited scientific understanding and data on women’s bodies. Data: Health burdens for women are systematically underestimated, with incomplete datasets that exclude or undervalue crucial conditions affecting women. Closing the Gap: A Trillion-Dollar Opportunity The report emphasizes the potential economic and societal benefits of addressing the women’s health gap: Economic Growth: For every $1 invested in women’s health, the projection is nearly $3 in economic growth. Global Impact: Closing the health gap could add 7 more days of healthy living for each woman annually, contribute at least $1 trillion to the global economy by 2040, and generate an impact equivalent to 137 million women accessing full-time positions. Reduced Health Burden: Addressing the gaps in women’s health could reduce the time women spend in poor health by almost two-thirds, positively impacting 3.9 billion women. Strategies for Change To achieve health equity and foster economic growth, the report suggests a comprehensive strategy involving various stakeholders: Invest in Research: Prioritize women-centric research to fill knowledge and data gaps in women-specific conditions. Data Collection: Systematically collect and analyze sex-, ethnicity-, and gender-specific data for accurate representation of women’s health burden. Enhance Access: Improve access to gender-specific care, from prevention to diagnosis and treatment. Financing Models: Incentivize new financing models to support women’s health initiatives. Business Policies: Establish business policies that actively support women’s health. Raise Awareness: Promote awareness and advocacy to draw attention to the women’s health gap. By prioritizing women’s health in research, care, and investment, societies can unlock immense economic potential while ensuring a healthier

India Leads Global Preterm Births in 2020, Lancet Study Reveals

In 2020, India witnessed the highest number of preterm births globally, with a staggering 3.02 million cases, constituting over 20 percent of all premature births worldwide, as revealed by a study published in The Lancet journal. This research, conducted by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, further disclosed that more than half of all premature births in 2020 occurred in just eight countries. Following India, the countries with the highest preterm birth rates were Pakistan, Nigeria, China, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the United States, according to the researchers. The notable prevalence of preterm births in these regions is partly attributable to their substantial population sizes, high numbers of total births, and underdeveloped healthcare systems that struggle to provide high-quality family planning, antenatal care, and childbirth services to all those in need. Globally, approximately 13.4 million babies were born prematurely in 2020, with nearly one million succumbing to complications associated with preterm birth. This data equates to roughly one in ten babies being born prematurely, before completing 37 weeks of pregnancy worldwide. Given that prematurity ranks as the leading cause of child mortality in their early years, there is an urgent need to bolster both preterm infant care and preventative measures, particularly focusing on maternal health and nutrition to enhance child survival, emphasize the authors of the study. Furthermore, preterm birth significantly increases the likelihood of major illnesses, disabilities, developmental delays, and even chronic diseases like diabetes and heart conditions in adulthood for those who survive. This study derives its estimates from data that is representative of populations and national statistics, enabling internationally comparable assessments for the year 2020. It highlighted that India had the highest incidence of preterm births in 2020, totalling 3.02 million cases, accounting for over a fifth of all preterm births worldwide. While most high preterm birth rates were observed in low and middle-income nations, rates of 10 percent or higher were also evident in high-income countries such as Greece and the United States. Within South Asia, Bangladesh reported the highest preterm birth rate in 2020 at 16.2 percent, followed by Pakistan at 14.4 percent, and India at 13.0 percent. In Latin America, the rates ranged from 5.8 percent in Nicaragua to 12.8 percent in Suriname. As birth registration and facility-based deliveries have increased, data on the prevalence of preterm births has improved. Nevertheless, there are still 92 countries lacking sufficient nationally representative data. Consequently, the authors call for sustained efforts to enhance data availability, quality, and sharing to better target support and action where it is most needed. Dr. Anshu Banerjee, Director of Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Ageing at WHO, emphasized the vulnerability of preterm babies to life-threatening health complications and the necessity for dedicated care and attention. He stressed the urgency of substantial investments in services supporting preterm infants and their families, as well as a heightened focus on prevention, particularly ensuring access to quality healthcare before and during pregnancies. The researchers underscored that preterm birth is not exclusive to low and middle-income countries, as the data clearly reveals its impact on families worldwide, including some high-income countries such as Greece (11.6 percent) and the United States (10 percent).