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Inclusive Education

Punjab Government Proposes ₹3,000 Crore Action Plan for Samagra Shiksha Program

News on Education 5 1 ArdorComm Media Group Punjab Government Proposes ₹3,000 Crore Action Plan for Samagra Shiksha Program

The Punjab government has presented a comprehensive ₹3,000-crore action plan under the Samagra Shiksha program. This flagship centrally sponsored initiative for school education aims to address various facets, including quality education, access and retention, and vocational education. The proposed budget spans the financial years 2024-25 and 2025-26, with an annual allocation of ₹1,476 crore for each year. This marks a commendable 14% increase compared to the current year’s budget. The Samagra Shiksha program operates on a joint funding model, with the central and state governments contributing on a 60:40 sharing basis, emphasizing their commitment to transforming the education landscape. Outlined in the action plan are specific allocations for key areas of focus. An earmarked ₹503 crore is dedicated to initiatives and interventions related to quality education, emphasizing the importance of an enriched learning experience. Additionally, ₹225 crore has been allocated for measures addressing access and retention, ensuring that more students can benefit from an inclusive education system. Another significant chunk of ₹188 crore is set aside for the promotion and implementation of vocational education, equipping students with practical skills for the future. The proposed initiatives include the construction of new classrooms and toilets, improved drinking water facilities, the promotion of commerce and science education, teacher training, digital initiatives, strengthening school libraries, and the installation of solar panels. Furthermore, the plan envisions introducing vocational education in all high and senior secondary schools, reflecting a forward-looking approach to skill development. The Samagra Shiksha Project Approval Board, led by Union school education and literacy secretary Sanjay Kumar, will review the budget proposals in the upcoming month. The central government’s share of ₹886 crore, coupled with the state government’s commitment of ₹590 crore, underscores the collaborative effort to create a robust educational framework.

G20 Declaration: Commitment to Inclusive, Quality Education with Emphasis on Technology and Lifelong Learning

News on Edu 11th Sept 2023 ArdorComm Media Group G20 Declaration: Commitment to Inclusive, Quality Education with Emphasis on Technology and Lifelong Learning

In the latest G20 Declaration released on Saturday, member nations reiterated their unwavering commitment to providing “inclusive, equitable, and high-quality” education. Notably, the declaration takes a significant step forward by advocating the use of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance and ensure the widespread accessibility of education. The declaration strongly emphasized the use of digital technologies to bridge existing digital divides for all learners. It pledged support for educational institutions and teachers to help them stay updated with emerging trends and technological advancements, including AI. Additionally, the declaration highlighted the critical need for lifelong learning, with a particular focus on upskilling, reskilling, and skilling for vulnerable groups in society. This commitment to education is not new for the G20, as previous declarations have consistently stressed the importance of inclusive, equitable education and lifelong learning, with particular attention to marginalized communities. These declarations have also acknowledged the pivotal role that blended learning approaches played during the pandemic. Furthermore, the declaration underscored the significance of foundational learning, including literacy, numeracy, and socio-emotional skills, as the fundamental building blocks of education and employment. It reaffirmed member nations’ dedication to fostering increased collaboration among their educational institutions. The G20 Declaration also reaffirmed the commitment to promoting open, equitable, and secure scientific collaboration and encouraged the mobility of students, scholars, researchers, and scientists across research and higher education institutions. Moreover, member nations expressed their dedication to expanding access to high-quality technical and vocational education and training, recognizing its importance. Building on the previous declaration in Bali, the New Delhi declaration also addressed gender disparities in education, emphasizing the commitment to bridging this gap. It ensured equal access to affordable, inclusive, safe, and quality education at all levels, with a focus on women and girls, including those with disabilities, in STEM fields and emerging digital technologies.