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Physical activity

WHO Teams Up with IOC and France to Support Healthy Paris Olympics

The World Health Organization (WHO) is collaborating with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and France to ensure the Paris Olympics, starting this Friday, are healthy and safe for both spectators and athletes. “Just as athletes and fans around the world have been preparing for the Paris Olympics, WHO has been working with the IOC and the Government of France to make sure these Games are healthy and safe for everyone involved,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “From promoting physical activity to protecting people from a range of health threats, WHO has been proud to play its part in making the Paris Olympics a success.” WHO and the IOC, partners since a 2020 memorandum of understanding renewed this year, have launched the “Let’s Move” campaign. This initiative promotes physical activity, leveraging the Paris Olympics to motivate sports stars and the global public to move for better health. In support of this campaign, the French Government has introduced a program mandating 30 minutes of daily physical activity for school students to ensure a lasting, healthy legacy from the Paris Olympics. WHO’s health security experts at its Geneva headquarters and European Regional Office in Copenhagen have been actively supporting national and regional authorities. Their efforts include preparing for potential health scenarios like heatwaves, infectious disease outbreaks, food and water safety hazards, terrorism, and crowd management. Public health advice has been developed in collaboration with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and France for travelers attending the Paris Olympics and Paralympics, starting on August 28. Guidance includes recommended vaccines, protection against various illnesses, and tips for staying cool and hydrated. WHO has participated in IOC Paris 2024 simulation exercises to test public health plans, established Olympics-specific health event-based surveillance, and is producing daily situation reports with ECDC. These reports aim to capture early signals of any health events and support timely responses, providing information to the IOC and other partners. Dr. Tedros will participate in the Olympic Torch Relay on Friday, following his speech at the Paris Summit on Sports for Sustainable Development, hosted by the French Presidency and the IOC. At the Summit, WHO will commit to mobilizing for nutrition ahead of next year’s Nutrition for Growth Summit in Paris and expand support to countries to improve diets, promote physical activity, and manage obesity, aiming to reduce obesity prevalence in targeted countries by 5% by 2030.

Eco-friendly Living for Better Health: How Sustainable Choices Improve Well-Being

In today’s world, the connection between our environment and our health has never been clearer. The choices we make in our daily lives, from the food we eat to the products we use and how we travel, have a profound impact not only on the planet but also on our personal well-being. Eco-friendly living is not just a trend; it’s a path to better health, both for ourselves and the Earth. In this article, we will explore how adopting eco-friendly practices can lead to improved health outcomes and a more sustainable future. Clean Air, Better Breathing One of the most immediate benefits of eco-friendly living is cleaner air. By reducing our carbon footprint, we help decrease air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Clean air is essential for respiratory health, as poor air quality can exacerbate conditions like asthma and allergies. Embracing sustainable transportation options like cycling, walking, or using electric vehicles can reduce exposure to harmful pollutants, resulting in better lung function and overall well-being. Nutrient-Rich, Sustainable Diets Eco-friendly living often goes hand in hand with sustainable eating habits. Choosing locally sourced, organic, and plant-based foods not only reduces the environmental impact of agriculture but also promotes better nutrition. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are associated with lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, while also reducing the demand for resource-intensive meat production. Reducing Toxic Exposure Many conventional household and personal care products contain harmful chemicals that can be absorbed through our skin or inhaled. Eco-friendly alternatives are often free from toxic ingredients like phthalates, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. By making the switch to natural and eco-friendly products, we can reduce our exposure to potentially harmful substances, supporting healthier skin and reducing the risk of adverse health effects. Enhancing Mental Well-Being Spending time in nature has a profound impact on our mental health. Eco-friendly living encourages outdoor activities, such as hiking, camping, and gardening, which can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall mental well-being. The practice of ecotherapy, or nature-based therapy, has gained recognition for its positive effects on mental health. Sustainable Exercise and Recreation Physical activity is crucial for good health, and eco-friendly living often promotes active transportation and recreational activities in natural settings. Biking, hiking, and outdoor sports are not only enjoyable but also help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve cardiovascular fitness. Reducing Plastic Pollution Plastic pollution is a significant environmental concern, but it also has implications for human health. Plastics can release harmful chemicals into the environment and enter the food chain, potentially affecting human health. Eco-friendly living includes reducing plastic consumption, opting for reusable alternatives, and supporting policies to mitigate plastic pollution’s health impacts. Building Sustainable Communities Eco-friendly living extends beyond individual choices to community-level initiatives. Sustainable urban planning, green spaces, and public transportation systems contribute to healthier communities. Walkable neighbourhoods encourage physical activity, reduce traffic-related pollution, and foster a sense of community well-being. Conclusion Eco-friendly living is not just about saving the planet; it’s also about improving our own health and well-being. By making conscious choices that prioritize sustainability, we can breathe cleaner air, eat healthier foods, reduce toxic exposures, and enjoy the mental and physical benefits of a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. As individuals and communities, we have the power to create a healthier, more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. Embracing eco-friendly living is a positive step in that direction. The author, Pratik Ghosh is associated with ArdorComm Media