ArdorComm Media Group

State Governments

Government Employees Prepare for Indefinite Strike Demanding Restoration of Old Pension Scheme

News on Government 6 ArdorComm Media Group Government Employees Prepare for Indefinite Strike Demanding Restoration of Old Pension Scheme

A consortium of trade unions and associations representing approximately 28 lakh Union government employees, including those from the Railways and Central Public Sector Undertakings, along with over three crore employees and teachers from state governments, is gearing up for an indefinite strike starting May 1. The primary demand behind the strike is the restoration of the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) in place of the current National Pension Scheme (NPS). The decision to proceed with the strike was unanimously taken by the steering committee of the Joint Forum For Restoration of Old Pension Scheme (JFROPS), which plans to serve strike notices to respective administrations on March 19. Shiv Gopal Mishra, the Convener of JFROPS and General Secretary of All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF), stated that talks with the Centre regarding the issue had collapsed, leading to the decision for the strike. Despite repeated protests, letters to the Prime Minister and Finance Minister, and discussions in Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) meetings, the government has neglected their demands. Ahead of the strike call, strike ballots were conducted in Railways, various departments, and PSUs under the Centre, with unions claiming nearly 100% support from employees. General Secretary of All India Defence Employees Federation, C. Srikumar, expressed discontent over the government’s insensitivity towards their genuine grievances. He noted the disparity in treatment, citing the recommendation of defined and guaranteed pension for judges by the Judicial Pay Commission while government employees continue to face the uncertainty of the National Pension Scheme. Mishra emphasized that the strike was necessitated by the government’s indifference to their demands, and all unions except the pro-government Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) will participate. Regarding the timing of serving the strike notice amidst the possibility of the model code of conduct for general elections, Mishra highlighted the importance of the OPS issue and urged for its discussion during elections, even if the model code of conduct is in effect. He expressed hope that the government would address their demands, considering the significant impact on millions of lives.

Government e-Marketplace (GeM) Achieves Rs 2 Trillion GMV in 8 Months, Resulting in Rs 45,000 Crore Savings

News on Gov 14th Nov 2023 ArdorComm Media Group Government e-Marketplace (GeM) Achieves Rs 2 Trillion GMV in 8 Months, Resulting in Rs 45,000 Crore Savings

In less than eight months of the current fiscal year, the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing a Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of over Rs 2 lakh crore. This exceeds the GMV recorded at the end of the previous fiscal year (2022-23). The average daily GMV has also experienced substantial growth, reaching over Rs 850 crore in the current financial year. A noteworthy aspect of this achievement is the substantial contribution of Central entities, including Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), which constitute an impressive 83% of the total GMV. The active participation of State Governments, making up the remaining 17%, highlights the widespread adoption of GeM’s transformative impact on public procurement. Several states, including Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Odisha, Bihar, Assam, and Uttarakhand, have placed significant procurement orders. The collaboration between Central and State entities showcases a harmonious synergy that has propelled GeM to unprecedented success. GeM’s expansion into the services sector has played a pivotal role in driving its accelerated adoption, with the services segment experiencing exponential growth over the last three years. The services sector’s contribution to the total order value on the platform has surged from 23% in FY 21-22 to nearly 46% in the current financial year. This accomplishment reflects not only the platform’s rapid growth but also its crucial role in transforming public procurement throughout India. GeM’s commitment to fostering efficiency and transparency in procurement processes has enabled government agencies to access a diverse range of products and services in a streamlined and cost-effective manner. With a catalog featuring nearly 312 service categories and over 11,800 product categories, GeM caters effectively to the dynamic requirements of government buyers at all levels. Since its inception, GeM has surpassed a cumulative GMV of Rs 5.93 lakh crore, with over 1.8 crore transactions. GeM’s dedication to inclusivity and accessibility is evident in its integration with e-Gram Swaraj, streamlining Panchayat-level procurement and optimizing costs at the grassroots level. This approach showcases GeM’s influence on India’s procurement landscape, particularly in addressing the unique contexts and limitations of marginalized seller segments such as small and medium enterprises, women entrepreneurs, startups, and artisans. Nearly 49% of the total order value transacted through the platform has been awarded to MSEs. In just seven months, over 45,000 MSEs have registered as sellers/service providers on GeM. GeM’s success lies in its commitment to cost savings, contributing to government savings of over Rs 45,000 crore since 2016. According to the Economic Survey 2021-22, GeM’s prices were 9.5% lower than other online platforms for 10 out of 22 commodities. GeM’s transformative journey reflects transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity driven by cutting-edge technology and innovation.