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India plans to deploy a 6G telecom network by the end of the decade: PM Modi

-By ArdorComm News Network

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Tuesday that India plans to build out a 6G telecom network by the end of the decade, which will deliver ultra-high-speed internet connectivity.

India now has 3G and 4G telecom networks, with 5G expected to be launched in the coming months.He said the 5G network rollout will add USD 450 billion to the Indian economy, speaking at the silver jubilee event of telecom industry regulator TRAI.

“This is not just increasing internet speed but also the pace of development and creating jobs,” he stated, adding that 5G technology will improve the country’s governance, quality of life, and ease of doing business.It will boost growth in agriculture, health, education, infrastructure and logistics, he said.

Modi stated that connectivity will determine the country’s progress in the twenty-first century, and that new infrastructure must be implemented.A task force, according to the prime minister, has begun work on deploying a 6G network before the end of the decade.

Modi said the 2G era was symbolic of policy paralysis and corruption under the previous Congress-led UPA government.Under his leadership, the country transitioned to 4G and is presently transitioning to 5G.

He added that teledensity and internet users are rapidly increasing, and that India’s mobile manufacturing units have grown from two to over 200, making it the world’s largest mobile manufacturing hub.

The prime minister also stated that his government has promoted healthy competition, resulting in India having one of the world’s lowest telecom data rates.In the telecom sector, an indigenous 5G test bed is a vital step toward India ‘s self-reliance, he noted.

Source: PTI

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