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Union Budget 2023: Education Ministry receives the highest allocation ever of 1.12 lakh crore

-By ArdorComm News Network

The Union Budget 2023–24 was presented to the parliament on February 1 by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. According to budget documents, the centre has allotted a whopping Rs. 1,12,898.97 crore to the Ministry of Education for the upcoming fiscal year.

This is the highest budget allocation ever given to the ministry. The Higher Education Department has been given a budget of Rs. 44,094.62 crore while the School Education Department has an allocation of Rs. 68,804.85 crore.

For the financial year 2022–2023, the Education Ministry received a budgetary allocation of Rs. 1,04,277.72 crore.

In engineering institutes, 100 labs will be set up for the development of apps using 5G services. Apps like Smart Classrooms, Precision Farming, Intelligent & Transports Systems, and others will be covered in these laboratories, among others.

Nirmala Sitharaman stated that up to 38,000 teachers and support staff will be recruited over the course of the next three years for the 740 Eklavya Model Residential Schools that will serve 3.5 lakh tribal students.

To empower youth and help them in realising their dreams…PMKVY 4.0 will be launched, adding 30 skill India international centres across states, to train lacks of youths over the course of the next three years.

The minister of finance, stated that the National Child Trust, Children’s Book Trust, and other sources should be encouraged to provide and replenish non-curricular titles in regional languages and English to these libraries. She also suggested collaborating with NGOs that support literacy.

Facilities at a few ICMR labs will be made accessible for faculty members from public and private medical colleges and private sector research teams to conduct research in an effort to promote collaborative research and innovation.

Three centres of excellence in artificial intelligence will be established in top institutions. In the fields of health, agriculture, and sustainable cities, top industry leaders will collaborate to perform multidisciplinary research, create cutting-edge technologies, and find scalable solutions to issues.

FM Sitharaman has announced the establishment of 157 new nursing colleges in core areas.

A National Digital Library for children and adolescents will be established to make it easier to access important books from different regions, languages, genres, and educational levels. According to FM Sitharaman, states would be urged to create libraries for them at the panchayat and ward levels as well as infrastructure for accessing the National Digital Library’s resources.

Innovative pedagogy, continuous professional development, curriculum transition, and ICT implementation are all expected to be used in teacher training programmes. According to FM Sitharaman, the district’s educational and training facilities would be transformed into vibrant institutes of excellence.


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