ArdorComm Media Group

Wipro reduces salary offer to new hires by 50%

-By ArdorComm News Network

While Wipro is eager to welcome the freshers it had chosen, the latter are feeling very disappointed and discouraged as their pay has been reduced by half.

The IT major has reduced salaries for freshers who are waiting to join by 50%. As a result, people who were previously promised a package worth Rs 6.5 lakhs year are now expected to accept a salary of Rs 3.5 lakhs a year.

Wipro has been asked to reconsider its decision since it is unfair to the freshers and goes against the principles of transparency and fairness, according to the Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES). According to the Senate, it is unethical to punish the freshers for the Company’s financial troubles.

“The decision to cut the salaries of the employees without prior consultation and negotiation is not only unjust but also goes against the principles of fairness and transparency. It is unacceptable that the burden of the company’s financial troubles is being placed solely on the shoulders of the employees,” Harpreet Singh Saluja, President of NITES, said.

Nonetheless, the company believes that by halving salaries, it is giving new hires a chance to develop their abilities and learn new things, and that this choice was prompted by the uncertain economic downturn present around the world. Those who are awaiting onboarding have been informed that there are currently project engineer roles available with a salary of roughly Rs 3.5 lakhs per year.

The freshers who have just completed the company’s Velocity programme for graduates’ training and development have been greatly surprised by the pay cut. NITES has urged management to reconsider its decision and hold meaningful discussions with the union to arrive to a mutually beneficial solution.

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