ArdorComm Media Group

image 2024 02 26T04 39 49 317Z ArdorComm Media Group Dr. Kartik Jain, Provost, Gandhinagar University, Gandhinagar discussed about NEP and it’s benefit on upcomming labour force
image 2024 02 26T04 39 49 317Z ArdorComm Media Group Dr. Kartik Jain, Provost, Gandhinagar University, Gandhinagar discussed about NEP and it’s benefit on upcomming labour force

Dr. Kartik Jain, Provost, Gandhinagar University, Gandhinagar discussed about NEP and it’s benefit on upcomming labour force

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

“In Gujarat I have found very good things, students are very particular about their objective,” said Dr. Kartik Jain, Provost, Gandhinagar University, Gandhinagar at ArdorComm Media Group hosted ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2024’ on 10th February 2024 at Crowne Plaza Ahmedabad City Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

How new education policy is making the students market ready?

The new education policy have certain parameters through which they are making it very student friendly. Initially what was there the entire academics was classified into two or three categories like core subjects, core elective subjects, there was no focus on student development. When I say student development its around 360 degree development. So, there was no focus on sports, there was no focus on meditation-yoga, there was no focus on Indian ethics, so, that policy has bought all the parameters in consideration and now it’s about your capabilities is if apart from academic also if you are capable of doing different things then you will get grades, you will get credits, according to it. It’s not like you have to be very proficient in academics, if you are good in extra-curriculum activities, good in academics, if you are good in meditation, if you are good in history, so all these things are now taken into consideration and that has helped student a lot regarding maintaining their capabilities maintaining there confidence in the academics.

How technology and AI will eventually impact the education culture of India in the next 10 years?

If you see the latest development in the field of AI, machine language and IOTs, this thing has changed entire academic landscape. Initially, we were thinking and talking in terms of traditional method of teaching and learning but now after introducing these technology, these things have changed the entire landscape. Now, student are free to learn whatever they want to study. Second thing is that these thing have bought a freedom to students, it’s not like 9 to 5 or time table sort of system but if you are interested, if you have capabilities, and if you really want to prove yourself, you have 24 hours with you and so using those technology you can implement and you can feel the excitement of academics in you, so that is the best thing.

How Gandhinagar University has adopted the structural changes in the new education policy?

First thing is that what is the requirement? When we talk about standard syllabus, we cannot implement standard syllabus across all the discipline and all the team. If I’m teaching engineering, if I’m teaching management, if I’m teaching liberal studies, parameters and inputs should be different. On basis of all the parameter collected from students from faculty member, we have framed the curriculum which is totally based as per New Education Policy and in that curriculum we have given weightage,  every category whether it’s of your core academics, academics of other institute, sports, all sort of things which are related to internal development of student like. How good he’s in ancient Indian culture, how good in meditation, how good in yoga and culture, impact the student. So, we have taken all the parameter into consideration on the basis of that feedback collected process of designing a system as per the parameters of NEP. And once this system is ready then we are going to introduce it to students so that there is all around development of students not only in terms of academics but also in terms of 360 degree personality development. In Gujarat I have found very good things students are very particular about their objective whether they want to go for further studies, in India or in abroad, whether they want to do entrepreneurship, whether they want to start their own startup, that are in the mind of the students. So being educator, being universities, it’s our responsibility to make sure what student once desire should be given to students in terms of academics. So, whatever long term short term objective they have taken that objectives are fulfilled.

Any message you wish to share on the second anniversary of ArdorComm Media?

I am associated with ArdorComm Media, since its inception and I have been a speaker before as well. So, I think now it’s high time for education institution and as a university to take a lead. Your organisation is doing very good, the way you have taken the entire academy fraternity in one frame. So whatever long-term, short-term objectives they have taken are fulfilled. You have not only taken academia but also industry under one umbrella, so that is the best thing. I really congratulate to your efforts and hats off to your Founder and CEO, Mr. Chandan.

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