ArdorComm Media Group

Pharmacies in Government Hospitals to Provide Medication Instructions in Vernacular Language

-By ArdorComm News Network

Pharmacists working in government hospitals will now be required to provide medications in envelopes with dosage instructions written in the local language. The objective of this measure is to enhance patient safety, ensure quality assurance, and prevent medication errors.

The new policy applies to all patients seeking treatment at government hospitals. Due to the high patient volume, doctors in these hospitals may not always have sufficient time to explain dosage instructions and timings to each patient individually.

Additionally, medical prescriptions are typically written in English, which many patients receiving care at government hospitals may not understand.

As per the new directive, pharmacists from the hospital’s dispensary will be responsible for writing the names of the medicines, along with their dosages and timings, in the local language on a stamped format that includes the hospital’s name.

A health official stated that this initiative aims to promote the safe and appropriate use of medications.

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