ArdorComm Media Group

image 2022 11 16T11 31 07 449Z ArdorComm Media Group Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Chakravorty, Executive President, Indus University, Ahmedabad highlights some of the initiatives under his leadership in the university
image 2022 11 16T11 31 07 449Z ArdorComm Media Group Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Chakravorty, Executive President, Indus University, Ahmedabad highlights some of the initiatives under his leadership in the university

Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Chakravorty, Executive President, Indus University, Ahmedabad highlights some of the initiatives under his leadership in the university

-By ArdorComm News Network

“We have the online courses being floated up for various students to take it on, it’s just like only after 2020 when the new education policy came up this got a bit of recognition,” says Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Chakravorty, Executive President, Indus University, Ahmedabad in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad

Would you like to highlight some of the initiatives under your leadership of Indus University?

Coming here actually I am a panel member for the new education policy so in that particular ground I would like to say that the new education policy which is focusing more on the Indian knowledge system and all so Indus University is one of I would say the pioneers in that particular field. We under Center for index studies under Indus University we have been working on these various aspects of ideology right from 2015 onwards so right from 2015 we are doing let us say online courses we are doing documentaries of great scholars who are working in this particular field. We have the online courses being floated up for various students to take it on, it’s just like only after 2020 when the new education policy came up this got a bit of recognition. I would say at the national level which we were already on a strong footing right from 2015 and our member or the director of that particular centre is also a member in the UGC in framing the curriculum and in hand holding the other institutes and universities so that whatever we have gained through this particular centre we are ready to also give it to the other universities and the institute and help them to establish this particular centre and see that the narrative of the Indian knowledge system is given to the students in the right perspective through the curriculum and through different programs.

So, as you are aware that the event name is New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards, what does the word new normal for you stands?

The New Normal here I would say that the evolving disruptive technologies that are coming up and how well we are training ourselves or upskilling ourselves or reskilling ourselves to take this particular challenge so that is the New Normal because things are changing very fast, technology is changing very fast and it is having an impact in every spear of our life and to a greater extent into the delivery. The teacher needs to change the way the things are being given to the students, the pedagogy change has to come up, the understanding change has to come up, the mindset change has to come up so that’s the new normal according to me that we need all need to be ready for.

So, in this gathering we have seen that there are panel discussions going on representing by the government people, from the private sector players and we can see the edtech players and the corporates over here, how does certain forums or symposiums helps the overall education industries?

A forum like this where you have tried to get everyone in the same platform I would say you have the ERP thing into, they are the infrastructure members also out here certain things onto the digital technology part also out here so it’s under one roof we come to know and discuss about all the various aspects and the challenges that we face and how as a team member put together we can put our best foot forward and see that things improve for the betterment of the students and we as a university or an Institute are in a better platform to give the best to our students. I think that’s one of the major contributions that this sort of a forum helps us into.

I’m very happy and glad to share with you so we just celebrated our successful one year of existence, our anniversary any message would you like to give for ArdorComm Media Group?

As it was just being spoken by you in the morning, you don’t have a physical office and you are a young I would say team full of enthusiasm full of energy trying to take up the challenges and trying to make a difference in every spear to the extent possible. To an extent as I told into my discussion also we also are a young team I am a young leader leading at young universities so it’s a lot of things common between ArdorComm Media and all you are doing a great job keep the job moving, keep the ball rolling and I wish all the very best and success in times to come and may you succeed in whichever ventures that you take up.

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