ArdorComm Media Group

Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Kumar


Vice Chancellor
Pratap University

Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Kumar, Vice- Chancellor, Pratap University, has more than 39 years of experience in the field of education. He has been an entrepreneur for 3 years and worked in the industry for over 16 years as Senior Manager- Personnel.

He acquired his PhD from the Department of Business Management, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal and completed his MBA from Motilal Nehru Institute of Research and Business Administration, the University of Allahabad.

Prof Kumar has a keen interest in the field of Marketing Management; Strategy being his forte and he has more than 20 years of experience in teaching and research. He is the author of several research papers and has also been the Keynote speaker/Chief Guest at a number of Conferences and Seminars.

Prof Kumar is a member of numerous bodies related to higher education and is on the Boards of Management and Advisory Boards of many institutes and universities.