ArdorComm Media Group

TCS mandates “3 days a week in office”

-By ArdorComm News Network

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has sent a note to its employees requiring them to be in the workplace for a minimum of three days a week after attempting to entice them back with a social media campaign.

That indicates that TCS is gradually moving towards its 25×25 model. The workforce has been instructed to adhere to the schedule that their team leads, supervisors, or managers have established for them in accordance with the demands of the various projects, even though a deadline for their return to work has not been established. The Company is facilitating the shift to a more hybrid model with improved internal processes.

The mail advised the staff that because the company’s clients were already visiting the offices and senior staff had been working from them for some time, it was about time the workers followed suit. As a result, managers must create a roster and ensure compliance.

The staff have been made fully aware that failing to follow the mandate or the roster will result in harsh consequences. According to TCS’ 25×25 model, which was unveiled during the pandemic when everyone was instructed to work from home, the goal for which was established at 2025, the company’s objective was to make sure that, at any given time, only 25% of employees were doing so.

The Company, on the other hand, is gradually implementing the model while exerting far more control over it.

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