ArdorComm Media Group

Wipro fires new hires with low internal test scores

-By ArdorComm News Network

Wipro notified 452 freshers that they had to leave the company since they performed poorly on the internal evaluation. Despite the training they had received, it appeared that these freshers did poorly on the organization’s internal test.

According to Business Today, the impacted employees received a termination letter informing them that the company had decided to waive off the cost of their training even though they actually owed them Rs. 75,000. For some new hires who were finally onboarded after months of waiting after getting the offer letter, the termination came as a huge shock.

Wipro, however, says that these fired freshers were let go because they failed the test, which consists of evaluations that determine whether the person will be able to match with the goals of the company. The Company apparently makes an effort to mentor and train them, but if they don’t still improve, they are terminated.

In the last several weeks, layoffs in the tech sector have been making headlines. Most organisations throughout the world are turning to team downsizing as a result of firms realising they have excess staff on hand and an anticipated recession.

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