ArdorComm Media Group

A lot of employers are unhappy with the workers refusing vaccination, as a rise in covid-19 cases is seen again

-By ArdorComm News Network

With the advent of the covid-19 vaccine becoming more of a compulsion, a lot of rage and confusion has been raised among the employers. The question is being raised as to what can be done if the workers refuse to take the vaccination for Covid-19. On the other hand, employers are also asking non-vaccinated workers to get tested every week. If in case they are not vaccinated, so that the employers are weekly updated about their worker’s covid-19 infection status being negative or positive.

Based on The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), has given the answers to these confusions to some extent. Stating that, “the federal anti-discrimination laws don’t prohibit employers from requiring all employees who are physically entering the workplace to be fully vaccinated, for COVID-19. “

On the other hand, employers in the United States encourage or mandate vaccination must adhere to the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 and other workplace-related laws as per the EEOC.

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