-By ArdorComm News Network
August 17, 2021
A panel was chosen from the whole-exome and transcriptome data of over 1500 cancer patients, for 28 different types of cancer. As per the company, most patients as a part of data sampling were on stage III and IV of the disease. Along with that, all the options in the standard of care were exhausted.
As per the company, the TARGT indigene cancer panel is based on data generated from tumor tissues resulting in better success rates using precision medicine in the treatment of cancer.
Dr. Hitesh Goswami, CEO 4basecare, said, “Our vision is to leverage technology to develop affordable solutions, to customize the patient care in oncology. With TarGTIndiegene, we wish to help out with precise ways to personalize the treatments for Indian Cancer Patients. The data collected from the research have helped build the largest source of mutational signature identified in a cancer patient in India”.
Source: Healthworl.com