ArdorComm Media Group

blog image 1 ArdorComm Media Group ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ to be held at Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023 #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra
blog image 1 ArdorComm Media Group ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ to be held at Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023 #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra

ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ to be held at Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023 #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra

-By ArdorComm Media Bureau

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the challenges and opportunities presented by the ‘new normal’ have been nothing short of transformative. To explore and celebrate the pioneers of educational excellence, ArdorComm Media Group is delighted to announce the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023,’ scheduled to take place on the 24th of November in Pune, Maharashtra. With the summit theme of ‘New Normal: Maharashtra – Pioneering Excellence in Education, Skilling & Employability,’ this event promises to be an intellectual and visionary journey into the future of education.

In this dynamic and ever-evolving era, education plays a pivotal role in not just imparting knowledge but also in shaping the skills and employability of individuals. Maharashtra, with its rich legacy of educational excellence, stands as a beacon of inspiration, leading the way in this transformative journey. This theme signifies our commitment to celebrate and explore how Maharashtra, its educators, institutions, and innovators, are spearheading initiatives that set new standards in education, skill development, and ultimately, in equipping the workforce of the future. Join us as we delve into the ‘new normal’ of education, where Maharashtra serves as a guiding light, pioneering the path to excellence.

Maharashtra: The Beacon of Educational Excellence

Maharashtra, a diverse and culturally rich state in India, has long been a cradle of educational excellence. Known for vibrant cities like Mumbai, Pune, and Nagpur, the state has a legacy deeply rooted in academia. Its commitment to nurturing intellect and fostering academic growth has drawn students and scholars from all corners of India and beyond. Maharashtra’s educational heritage is a tapestry woven with tradition and modernity, making it a focal point for those seeking knowledge and enlightenment.

Furthermore, Maharashtra’s educational landscape is a vibrant blend of heritage and innovation. With a plethora of prestigious universities, research institutions, and a thriving EdTech ecosystem, the state offers a diverse range of opportunities for learners of all backgrounds. From ancient centres of learning to cutting-edge technological advancements, Maharashtra continually pushes the boundaries of education. It serves as a model for the harmonious coexistence of traditional wisdom and the transformative power of modern education, making it an ideal host for the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023.’ This event aims to celebrate and further elevate the rich educational legacy that Maharashtra has meticulously cultivated over the years.

Pune: The Oxford of the East

Pune’s journey towards becoming the ‘Oxford of the East’ has been a testament to its unwavering commitment to academic excellence. The city boasts a plethora of rich educational institutions, ranging from esteemed universities and colleges to research centres and specialized training institutes. This diversity has created an intellectual ecosystem that fosters innovation, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge among its students and scholars.

Moreover, Pune’s unique charm lies in its ability to seamlessly blend tradition with modernity. It respects its historical significance as a centre of learning while continuously embracing cutting-edge educational technologies and practices. This synthesis of old and new creates an environment where students can connect with their roots while preparing for the challenges of the future.

With its serene surroundings and a vibrant community of scholars, Pune encapsulates the essence of academic pursuit. It is the perfect backdrop for the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023,’ where education enthusiasts and visionaries will converge to chart the course for the future of education in the ever-evolving ‘new normal.’ Together, they will explore innovative approaches, discuss critical challenges, and celebrate the rich heritage that Pune represents in the educational landscape.

A Legacy of Excellence

The ArdorComm Education Leadership Summit & Awards (ELSA) series stands as a testament to a remarkable legacy of unwavering dedication to educational excellence. This legacy has been carefully cultivated and nurtured over eight successful events, each leaving an indelible mark on the educational landscape. ArdorComm New Normal ELSA has evolved into a shining beacon of inspiration, drawing educators, policymakers, and innovators from far and wide. It has become a platform where these visionaries converge to shape the future of education.

Throughout its history, each ELSA summit has consistently demonstrated the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing. It has provided a fertile ground for education enthusiasts to unite, exchange profound insights, and contribute to the overall growth of the education community. New Normal ELSA’s rich legacy is a testament to its enduring impact, continually igniting the spark of innovation and excellence in the hearts of those passionate about education.

The Summit: A Confluence of Visionaries

The ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ is poised to be a unique gathering of forward-thinkers and change-makers in the realm of education. It extends a hearty invitation to all those who are passionate about shaping the educational landscape, from policymakers who craft the framework to educators who mould young minds, and from EdTech pioneers who leverage technology to industry experts who bridge the gap between education and employability. This diverse blend of perspectives and expertise converging under one roof will foster rich dialogues, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts aimed at addressing the pressing challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving educational sphere.

Moreover, this summit serves as a platform for networking and knowledge exchange that transcends boundaries. It’s an opportunity to break down silos and unite in a shared vision of enhancing the quality and relevance of education. The synergy created by the collective intellect and dedication of these education enthusiasts will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the future of education, not just in Maharashtra but far beyond. It’s a gathering of visionaries who understand that education is not just a means to an end; it’s the catalyst for societal progress and transformation. The ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ promises to be an enlightening experience, where ideas are transformed into action, and the legacy of educational excellence continues to flourish.

Awards for Educational Excellence

The ‘ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023’ represent a prestigious and integral component of the summit, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and celebrating outstanding contributions in the field of education. These awards serve as a powerful reminder that educational excellence is not solely achieved through policy changes or technological advancements, but through the dedication and selfless efforts of individuals and organizations that go above and beyond to shape the future of learning.

These awards will recognize a diverse spectrum of achievements, from educators who have inspired and nurtured generations of students to institutions that have set new standards of excellence. EdTech companies and start-ups that have harnessed innovation to enhance the learning experience will also be honoured. These accolades not only reward past accomplishments but also inspire continued commitment to educational excellence, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the education community. The ‘ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023’ will undoubtedly shine a spotlight on those who have made exceptional strides in the educational sector, motivating others to follow suit and contribute to the ongoing transformation of education in the ‘new normal.’

Key Discussion Points of ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra

The summit promises to be a melting pot of ideas and discussions, focusing on critical issues in education today. Some of the key discussion points include:

  1. NEP 2023 Implementation & Funding: Paving the way for Transformational Reforms & Reshaping K-12 and HE Framework.
  2. Global Education and Cultural Exchange through Mobilizing Technology.
  3. Research-based Learning, Skill Development & Multidisciplinary Approach: A Robust Eco-system in HEIs.
  4. Mental Health & Well-being in Education.
  5. How to Cultivate 21st Century Skills including Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy?
  6. How the New Age Technology like AI-ML, AR-VR, IoT can help in Fostering Experiential Learning Pedagogy?

Key Highlights of ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra

  • Day: 1
  • Sessions: 6+
  • Speakers: 50+
  • Schools: 100+
  • Government Dignitaries: 10+
  • Higher Education: 100+
  • Edtech Startups: 15+
  • Corporate: 15+


Thus, the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ is poised to be an extraordinary event that transcends the boundaries of a typical conference. It is a celebration of a rich legacy, one that has been meticulously crafted over years of dedication and commitment to educational excellence. As we gather in Pune, Maharashtra, we come together not only to discuss the challenges and opportunities in education but to actively participate in shaping its future.

This summit embodies the spirit of collaboration, inviting visionaries, educators, policymakers, innovators, and experts to unite and work towards a common goal: enhancing the quality and relevance of education in the ‘new normal.’ It is an opportunity to build upon the foundations laid by those who came before us and to inspire future generations of learners and educators.

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey, adding another chapter to the remarkable legacy of educational excellence that Maharashtra represents. Together, let’s ignite the spark that will illuminate the future of education, paving the way for a brighter, more innovative, and inclusive educational landscape. Stay tuned for updates, and let’s make history at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023.’ #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra.

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