ArdorComm Media Group


Dr. H.N. Shah, Director (GIT), Gandhinagar University, Ahmedabad elucidates on skill-based education

“Because of not having the basic knowledge they are sometimes not getting employment,” says Dr. H.N. Shah, Director (GIT), Gandhinagar University, Ahmedabad in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad Would you like to throw some light on the initiatives which Gandhinagar university has recently taken? Gandhinagar University campus actually it was established in 2006 as a standalone institutive like Gandhinagar Institute of Technology but in 2022 with the Private University Act 2009 Amendment 2022 we got the status of a State private university as a Gandhinagar university. So, it is spread across 11 acres land and we have a six institutions right now we are offering a program in Engineering, Management, Commerce, Science and latest trending BSc courses like BSc in data science, BSc in IT, Bsc in computer science and apart from that we are more focusing on the skill development programs so we have another vertical, skilled development so under this institute we are offering a skill programs which is industry required. So, ultimately our aim is to just provide the industry ready workforce so ultimately this industry gets the benefit. How is industry ready curriculum important and how skills are important to be a part of the main course curriculum? See up till now what we observed that these students are running behind just A4 size paper, after graduation they are just entering in their professional life. Because of not having the basic knowledge they are sometimes not getting employment. So, here this skill development plays important role in fact in the previous days it was there but because of now in the modern technology, modern technology tools it is available, they are adopting by all the fraternity maybe MSME or industry or teaching faculty so these today’s youth are very creative. So, just we have to give them platform and we have to direct them so we are just identifying their skill their inclination on which they are, we can give them the direction for the other future. So, skilled program based on that we are just offering them as skill programs and we are just preparing them for the industry. As we have gathered together at a New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards according to you how would you define new normal? Yes, new normal word came after covid, new word it was just normal initially so new normal means what after covid, after pandemic because of this pandemic it was worsely affected in all sectors not only in industry education even in particular health also even thought process is also mentally change. Now we are coming up slowly we are coming up in a normal position so that is why we are just saying that it is a new normal. So, now how we can survive for the longer period of time and for that we have to think for the different society of ourselves our development also right so new normal is nothing it’s just new thinking, and for our survival how we can accommodate all the things which is adversely affecting in our life. I’m happy to share with you that we have successfully completed our one year of existence this last one and a half years since covid till now has been very exciting thrilling and learning opportunities, any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media Group? Yes, first of all I’m very much thankful and happy that you are organizing such kind of things in Gujarat. So, again I’m wishing you all the best, I just came across one poster even you are going to organize in Rajasthan also so yes you have a tremendous scope right now and because of your team is very dedicated what I observed throughout the day right, so wish you all the best for your future.  

Dr. H.N. Shah, Director (GIT), Gandhinagar University, Ahmedabad elucidates on skill-based education Read More »

Dr. Gangadhar G. Hugar, Director, Laxmi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management, Valsad emphasizes on importance of industry ready curriculum

“We have to work out and bring the changes in our curriculum system because what we are teaching, there is a huge mismatch between what industry is required,” says Dr. Gangadhar G. Hugar, Director, Laxmi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management, Valsad in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad Would you like to highlight some initiatives about your institutions which you have done pre-pandemic and post-pandemic now? I have recently changed the institution, I have shifted to Laxmi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management Studies. I can focus much about pre-pandemic situation where we had used ICT tools for educating the students those who are from the remote areas, giving them and getting a more clarification about their courses, how best we can ensure and educate and transform their knowledge and upgrade their knowledge during the pandemic. With the help of the technology, with the help of the different platforms through which we used to conduct the classes online classes and that has worked out very well for us but the thing is you know the other way around the students at the receiving end are having or faced a lot of difficulties in terms of receiving the sessions. So, sometimes it was very indiscipline one, time management was a challenge for the students and technology was a challenge and network was a challenge. These are all the issues which were faced but you know gradually we worked and we worked together, students and the management and then it was resolved. Would you like to highlight how the industry ready curriculum should be there and what skill sets would be required so that the employability outcomes increase? It is like a very interesting subject for me and I’m the panel speaker for that, like when we talk about the industry related curriculum design my heartfelt feeling is industrialist has to come one step ahead and then associate with all the educational institutions irrespective of only focusing towards the tier one city or tier two cities. They should also, approach come down to the tier three cities and below level also because you know now the student’s fraternity which are having spread across the country in India they are facing a lack of employability skills and what do we teach in the institution and what do they learn and then when they are dumped into their job market they are unable to match their knowledge with the skills which are expected in the industry. So, henceforth what I request is some of the local small level or large level industrial associations has to have tie up and we also as an educationalist and the leaders in education segment we also would like to go ahead and then tie up with them so that in what level we can provide the employment opportunity for the students for which we have to work out and bring the changes in our curriculum system because what we are teaching is absolutely there is a huge mismatch between what industry is required. So, if for example if I take up an example of our present BO course introduced by GTU you know we have started giving the training to the students in each semester minimum one month they have to take a offline physical training. So, this is a beautiful thing what I have planned and you know like they will be observed by the end of the course itself and they are getting trained practically on the real platform it is not a dummy, it is not a duplication. They are given an opportunity to work on the real platform and really, we have worked out within a small span of time that is hardly three months it is really working out for me and I’m with which you know I have encouraged myself and my team of faculty members to do more so that because we are getting a positive response from the industry as well. So, see always when we talk about the industry it is not only the big players in the industries we should also focus on the small concerns small entrepreneurs you know individual, entrepreneurs, public company, private company whatever it is. We should have some kind of an association locally as well because our institutions when we talk about tier two cities or the tier three cities our students as well are requirement of a job opportunities so how to make employable to them at that level regionally tire two, tire three level so it helps a lot for us to have a local partners local associations so with whom we can make it possible and for that we have to design the curriculum which matches to ensure our student should start working from the day one itself. The name of the event is New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards, what is the word New Normal stands for you? New normal for me is you know doing something which is totally different and that different word has to have a catchy, meaning that for the present generation how we can enlighten, empower and transform the knowledge so that they could do something different things it is not one among the ten it has to be at the 11th one. By living one to ten he should or she should do the 11th one which is totally different, see doing the similar things anybody can do it any institution students can do it but every institution has to aspire the development of the students to come out with the kind of a creativity which is really acceptable in the industry segment. I’m happy to share that we recently celebrated our one year of existence and anniversary has been celebrated any message would you like to give for ArdorComm Media? It’s really a proud moment for me personally and professionally and I’m representing Lakshmi Vidyapeeth

Dr. Gangadhar G. Hugar, Director, Laxmi Vidyapeeth Institute of Management, Valsad emphasizes on importance of industry ready curriculum Read More »

Dr. D. J. Shah, Provost, Sankalchand Patel University, Mehsana emphasizes on research-based learning

“We have to have the proper content prepared in order to establish this research-based learning for the future,” says Dr. D. J. Shah, Provost, Sankalchand Patel University, Mehsana in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad Dr Shah would you like to throw some light on the subjects or the streams which your university is into? Ours is basically an only university in the north Gujarat region where we offer Engineering, Medical, Paramedical, Dental Sciences, Ayurvedic everything in a single campus. We are basically based in Visnagar in Mehsana district and because of this multi-disciplinary education available in the campus our students get benefit on the topic that you already have taken into consideration. There is multi-disciplinary education so we have an engineering student an engineering faculty supporting dental faculty and students in building up their projects in their denture related issues so that indirectly helps even during the covid time our team helped Medical College and hospital to set up oxygen set units so that they help the society from the floor whereas we are outside managing all oxygen requirements. So, technically both are helping each other and probably in the future no single degree is going to be used there is going to be a multi-discipline education and knowledge which is going to be the key. How important is research-based learning and where does skill play a role in the regular curriculum of academia? Research based education in today’s context is important but at the same time we have to have the proper content prepared in order to establish this research-based learning for the future. Once we prepare a content then the next important thing is to train the faculty members because see faculties are the key. If my faculties are not good enough to take care of that content forward then all this idea has gone. I gave an example during my panel discussion that one of my faculty when he was teaching me like constant acceleration motion he explained me by saying that can you write down a mechanical equation for a cover, a blank cover which I am falling it freely from the top and second time he put a pencil inside a cover and said now you write an equation see both the motions are different then he gave me certain examples and then based on that example I went to the library studied on something and so these kind of faculty members are also required otherwise this whole concept will fail. Skilling today is important but again when it comes to the skill people always talk about the soft skills but it’s not a soft skill but at the same time a technology related skills today are key along with the value based education because if I have the skill I have the knowledge but I don’t have the value or ethical practices in fact right then also I’m not going to be useful to the society so all this all in all needs to be a single package. We are here together to be a part of New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Award, according to you what is New Normal? See before covid I think we were all reluctant that how online education is going to be, nobody was ready to accept but post covid probably we have seen the advantages of online learning also. So, probably New Normal is going to be the hybrid mode of learning along with the required skills and technology utility for the future generation. If that happens things are going to be different. I’m happy to share that we recently celebrated our first anniversary and this exciting journey was full of excitement, learning and experience since covid till now, any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media Group? Yeah let me first congratulate ArdorComm for completing one year and I’m sure that kind of activities that right now we are doing with this kind of gathering also first time in Gujarat you’ve been able to pick up good officials as well as leaders from higher education as well as schools. So, I’m sure that ArdorComm Media will be able to deliver better things for the society by combination of higher education, societal needs as well as industry need you can do a lot of things.

Dr. D. J. Shah, Provost, Sankalchand Patel University, Mehsana emphasizes on research-based learning Read More »

Dr. CA Achyut Dani, Director, General & Provost, J.G. University, Gandhinagar emphasizes on internationalization of education

“Ultimately education has to lead to enlightenment and that enlightenment comes only when you are socially acceptable all across the world,” says Dr. CA Achyut Dani, Director, General & Provost, J.G. University, Gandhinagar in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad As you have been moderating the NEP session today what is the initiative under your leadership, how is your University going to implement it? So, the NEP is basically about enabling people or enabling students and basically University’s job is to see that whosoever comes to the university is either able to self-employ himself or is able to get into the industry seamlessly. So, as JG University what I would like to say is we have a benchmark program called M. Com honours program which is in US accounting and taxation, which is absolutely based on the NEP guidelines and which says that you study for first six months and the second semester onwards you are really on the job. You are on the job at a salary of 25,000 rupees a month for the second, third and fourth semester so just imagine the beauty of the new education policy that it brings what to the student at the end of two years, at the end of the two years student will have a full-time job, 4,50 000 rupees in his bank account and M. Com honours degree so that’s the best thing which we can achieve from NEP. This is just a single program which I’m talking about there are lot many things which we can do using the benefits which are given by the NEP for the educational arena. How important is the industry ready curriculum and skills important apart from the regular education which is going in the system? Industry has to be the focus if you do not focus the industry no education would mean anything to anybody because we have seen that there’s a lot of gap, there’s a big gap between what industry demands and what kind of skill set is available with the students who are studying in the traditional education system. So, there is a gap and we need to bridge that gap until and unless the industries involved, industry orientation is brought in, Industry oriented curriculum has come into the practice we will not be able to solve the problem of unemployment which we are currently facing. So, industry adoption is the basic thing which every University, every higher education institution must look for. Would you like to highlight something about the alliances internationally and it could be led to a student exchange program or a faculty exchange program? So, that has become an integral part of the new education policy now because any good university would need to give an amazing exposure to the students who have come to the university to develop skill. Now it is not about the hard skill, it is about hard skill, soft skill, formal education, informal education too and the kind of exposure a student will get when he travels to other countries, meets other people, comes in the conjunction with other cultural backgrounds and people from different arenas would definitely help him evolve as a better human being. Ultimately education has to lead to enlightenment and that enlightenment comes only when you are socially acceptable all across the world. So, the new education policy has made its way and we are also there to see that this is achieved. So, you are aware that the event name is New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards, what does the word new normal stands for you? New Normal is that anything which comes our way has to find its destination, new education policy or anything coming to the education arena now is not new so we have to forget the world new and we have to talk about normal. It is a normal thing that we behave in a way where education is available to all, education is more affordable, it is more open-ended and it is more student-centric. It is more faculty-centric and it is more employment centric. So, that’s the normal thing, that is the part and parcel of education which everyone must understand and implement. You have been witnessing that we have the representation from the government, the private players from the universities, institutions and the edtech players and startup, how does certain forums and symposiums help overall the industries? I’ll be very honest with you, first of all let me congratulate you for arranging this amazing symposium this amazing conclave wherein there was a platform for people like us who wants to talk to people and you know give the message of what is required to be done. It is an opportunity to all of us to express our views, to get it validated from the people. So, let it be the startup ecosystem, let it be the investment, venture capital ecosystem, let it be education ecosystem, let it be administrative ecosystem at all these places we need to come together and these kind of activities, symposium and these kind of panel discussions will definitely prove to be the most fatal in actual and effective implementation of the new education policy as also achieving the educational targets which we have. As you are also a qualified and a senior CA how is a financial planning especially for the academicians like chancellors, vice chancellors should be in implementing or how should they educate themselves to have a good financial planner for a better infrastructure? Not as a chartered accountant but otherwise as a normal human being when I think about this particular question I have to mend my finances before I do anything. So, budgeting is a very important part which every institution, every university everyone should look into before starting or venturing into anything. Finances now as we are most of the

Dr. CA Achyut Dani, Director, General & Provost, J.G. University, Gandhinagar emphasizes on internationalization of education Read More »

CA Utpal Shah, Director, Amity School, Bharuch; Amicus International School, Vadodara shares how the schools sailed off during the tough times of covid

“The adaptability is going to be the life factor for anybody to survive,” says CA Utpal Shah, Director, Amity School, Bharuch; Amicus International School, Vadodara in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad Under your leadership how it has been taking the education and implementing the newest technology in the schools which you are leading? See the phase of pandemic has given us absolutely new dimension to the field of Education as far as the classroom teaching is concerned. Lots of emphasis has been given on the use of technology and internet connectivity. The school did well just because we could adapt ourselves during this pandemic time. With respect to the use of technology and bringing it to the from the classroom to the residences of each and every child. When we talk about the implementation of newest technology in the institute a very important factor which comes to the mind is the financial knowledge of investing right amount into right product, having a finance background how do you manage to inculcate or adopt a technology? I think it is always like whether ‘egg came first or hen’ so I think as an Institute we should invest first in the technology and then we should think about the returns. I am sure once the parents are satisfied with your services they never mind paying the fees. So, cost factor maybe yes initially we might have to invest something but in the long run it pays. Any of the case studies would you like to share during this tough time of two years, how did you manage and sailed off across taking teachers, faculties, parents and students? I must say thanks to the God that we could envisage such a critical situation in the first week of pandemic. We started our online classes on the 1st of April itself that was I think around 23rd of March the lockdown was announced and we could start the online classes within seven days of its announcement so that was the one thing which clicked almost in the right direction for us. We took the Reliance Broadband connections we made the laptop compulsory for all the teachers and classrooms were converted into the studios. So, each classroom was having a 65-inch Smart TV the teachers were bringing their laptops the connectivity was given and somehow, we could reach to the students despite having offline classes within seven days that was I think a crux of the issue. So today we have been gathered where we can see so many schools are here, teachers, academicians are here we can see the edtech players and the startups are here even the government is coming, how does such kind of forums or symposiums help overall education sector to grow and learn? I think over the period of time it has been very transparently clear that one thing which is going to happen is one has to change the way we think. The adaptability is going to be the life factor for anybody to survive. I think the way these people who are coming here and displaying their products is going to be the future of the education. For example, the first presentation which was given was of a classroom acoustic, it has clicked us right so this is something where probably you know the future of classroom or future of school education is going to be so I think it immensely helps all the participants. Sir to share with you we have recently completed our one year of existence, ArdorComm Media was started as a startup and we have celebrated our anniversary, any message or any guidance would you like to give for ArdorComm Media Group? I can’t give you any guidance but I can wish you best of luck you are doing a fantastic job for the school education and maybe for the higher education my best wishes to you.  

CA Utpal Shah, Director, Amity School, Bharuch; Amicus International School, Vadodara shares how the schools sailed off during the tough times of covid Read More »

Dr. Amit Ganatra, Provost, Parul University, Vadodara highlights some of the initiatives of the university under his leadership

“We want to make them good citizen, good global citizen rather than just any graduate from the University,” says Dr. Amit Ganatra, Provost, Parul University, Vadodara in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad Would you like to highlight some of the initiatives under your leaderships of Parul University? So, right now our focus is on skill development at Parul University and what we have done is we have remodelled our curriculum and started remodelling our curriculum and right now we have decided to go for two third that is 66 percent of the practical credits that is practical weightage is going to be almost 60 to 70 percent and theories are going to be lesser so this is one of the important feature of NEP, skill based education. We want to make our curriculum that is modern up-to-date Global and we have explored so many universities, have contacted so many of our alumni, we have consulted number of Industry people also and we have tried to reorient our curriculum based on the need of this society. So, in future students are going to get relevant skill which is I think missing in today’s most of the curriculum. So right skill we are going to provide to the students so that they can be made job ready and it’s not only about corporate or industry we would like to give equal emphasis on providing the opportunities to work for the students in education in government like Indian army, Indian Navy. You see there’s so many opportunities out there a lot of retirement is there in next two to three years so we want to make them good citizen good global citizen rather than just any graduate from the University. Apart from the regular curriculum how is hard skill and soft skill important? Both are equally important and I don’t think everybody is lacking for all kind of skill so I think it’s a patient-doctor kind of thing we need to find out which skill in which the students are lacking and based on that like mentors have the responsibility they have to find out the appropriate skill which are missing and they are responsible to install. So, they in turn will discuss with the dean and they are going to attend this session and this groupism can be done and based on that the lacking skill are required to be provided but both are very much essential so interpersonal skills, soft skill, internal qualities are equally important because now you see most of the students are filtered in HR round and we want to restrict that right. So, due to HR issues students should not get rejected this is our prime motto. Once a person or a student enrols into a higher education, he is definitely looking for placements so how are you helping your placement team and student to actually strengthen that division? Basically, we do career counselling in fifth semester and we are asking them whether they want to pursue a further study, they want to go for higher education, they want to go for immediate job or they want to start their own business and accordingly we are going to mould them. So, we start from fifth semester and accordingly we prepare like those who want immediate job or entry level job we prepare them separately those who want to become entrepreneurs there is SSIP cell and all they are having initiative by their own and they are preparing for that and those who want to go for government job, research organization and all there is a separate preparation for them. So, as we have gathered together on a New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards so according to you what is the word New Normal to be defined? You see that after pandemic we have started becoming normal now right so new normal is a very relevant word for what you have kept so I again appreciate you. I was also thinking when I heard first time this one and then I thought after pandemic everything has to be now work exactly like the way we were working so we have started becoming normal and it’s a new normal because nothing has been realized like such kind of pandemic will be there in and we are going to work like online and all. Literally we need to provide training and people were reluctant like digital initiative for which I was doing the training for other branches faculty no one was coming like Google and Google classroom and Moodle and all people were reluctant in adopting and due to that people have started adopting all technologies. So, new normal is very relevant word because after pandemic we have started becoming normal and it’s a new beginning so I appreciate you for this new normal keyword and its very relevant and thank you for inviting us. I’m happy to share that we recently celebrated our first anniversary, any message would you like to give for ArdorComm Media? We have to upgrade and update ourselves, we have to be recent and we should be future ready. I think no option is left with me also and no action is left with us also so we have to be flexible, we have to be open-minded and we have to be future ready. So, always we have to ask are we future ready, anybody who is not only from your side in our community also see, if I am not going to adopt the technology I’ll be replaced by the person who is knowing the technology so this is what it is. Thank you for providing the opportunity to interact with all of you, I wish you all the best.  

Dr. Amit Ganatra, Provost, Parul University, Vadodara highlights some of the initiatives of the university under his leadership Read More »

Pritam Kumar Agrawal, Founder & Director, Hello Kids Preschool & Riverstone School emphasizes on the early childhood education as envisaged in NEP 2020

“After seeing 16 years of education in this industry in terms of Early Childhood, I’ve been traveling across the country and I’ve seen that it was very difficult to make the parents aware that what is the importance of that first six years,” says Pritam Kumar Agrawal, Founder & Director, Hello Kids Preschool & Riverstone School in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad How do you think the early childhood education reached and what is again a dent which you feel that should be addressed in early childhood education? The thing is when we talk about early childhood education there was a proud moment during this covid times the government of India has recognized us as a part of the foundation years and after these 34 years the Early Childhood has given a space in the compulsory education space which is, it will be a mandatory for the children below the age of six years that they’ll be attending preschools and then mention it in the new education policy 2020 that there should be a part of this Foundation years. Now in the last 16 years it was struggling for us to tell people about how important the early childhood years are. Way back in 2005 when I was doing my first preschool in Bangalore I went to Google and I was checking about all this and when I was doing my research I found that without a right early childhood education there were a lot of problems which has been addressed throughout the world and which even talks about that even without a good early education even a child is going to drop out from the school they may not be attending the schools they may not be attending colleges they may be having criminal records they may be not physically and mentally well for their life. So, after seeing 16 years of education in this industry in terms of Early Childhood I’ve been traveling across the country and I’ve seen that it was very difficult to make the parents aware that what is the importance of that first six years. First six years means the 80 to 90% of the brain develops in between the zero to six years and we have to give that importance. And with this pandemic even we say that with these two years of education we have lost and we have lost nothing but we are going to have a long-term implication for the same thing. Parents are going to face this child is going to face it so it is not that ABCD, it is not that one to ten it is that early foundation level which has to be very strong and coming to a forum like this I thank ArdorComm Media and Chandan and Ashish now that all these platforms are giving us understanding that what is happening across the world, across the nation and what our seniors, mentors talks about in terms of Early Childhood or higher education because we need to upgrade ourselves to the next grade of Education. Also coming to technology in this part yes technology in terms of training, technology in terms of safety and technology in terms of management that is anyway we are all doing it but now after pandemic we are able to see technology in terms of academically how strong we are going to use it in a long year. Be it assessment be it is updating the databases of the child and tracking the child not from a school level to a graduate level or to a career level but yes from the early childhood to that KG that is PG from play group to the post-graduation level how we can have that data and utilize it for the future references so that is how my learning goes. Any message for the people who are willing to have their hands as a business of having a preschool owner what message and or what are the two three pointers which you say when while selecting a brand for taking a franchisee? Chandan it is very clear that preschool was unorganized and even I say 20 to 30 percent of preschool industry is organized in the country right now 2020 data says that this industry is growing at a rate of 30 to 35 percent but not exactly after this pandemic but yes it is a 30,000 crore rupees of Industry which some of the research companies has given and after this new education policy this industry has tremendous growth in this country so definitely this is the right choice. There are a lot of investment we are expecting in this segment. Now who wants to come in terms of business as a challenges new education policy will give another edge but yes regulations will come into picture and even the good quality of schools, new curriculums coming in CBSE giving importance, ICSE coming up with their curriculums will definitely help our industry to grow much faster than any other educational institutes in the country. How does this kind of forums help overall industry to grow where we see the preschool people the school people the technology partners and even the government what is the outcome of such forums or how the outcome of certain forums should be? When we come to you as a delegate or a speaker we are able to meet people from the industry and now not only this part of using the services or meeting our mentors let’s say we all the seniors are like mentors we talk to them this is what we are planning this is what we are doing this we are trying to do they do guide us that there are this product available this is the way you should do so that is first thing is networking second thing is availability of the

Pritam Kumar Agrawal, Founder & Director, Hello Kids Preschool & Riverstone School emphasizes on the early childhood education as envisaged in NEP 2020 Read More »

Prahar Anjaria, Founder & Chairman, RANGOLI Group of Institutes; Secretary, AOPS emphasizes on Early Childhood Education

“Early childhood education is very important and government has rightly acknowledged it,” says Prahar Anjaria, Founder & Chairman, RANGOLI Group of Institutes; Secretary, AOPS in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad We want to understand how these kinds of events where so many academicians, teachers, educators and ed-tech players come together, what outcome does it bring together? The biggest benefit here is knowledge sharing. Like from entire Gujarat the owners and principals of prominent schools have come together so we come to know many new things when we interact with them. At the same time many ed-tech professionals are also involved here so we can also know about their products. So, three cheers for ArdorComm Media. We are seeing that pre-school education has been included in NEP 2020, what are the long-term benefits of this according to you? That was our long pending requirement which government has addressed. Early childhood education is very important and government has rightly acknowledged it. In the coming days lots of benefits would come from its regulations and serious players will be there. So, I’m very hopeful for NEP and especially for Early childhood education. Would you like to through some light upon Association of Prominent Schools of Gujarat (AOPS)? We have involved the prominent schools of Gujarat in AOPS and the basic purpose was to make a level platform with likeminded schools where they can interact with each other. We regularly conduct teachers training as well as students forums. We work for the betterment of education for the students and the upcoming generations. I would like to inform you that ArdorComm Media has recently completed one year of its existence and we celebrated our first anniversary, any message would you like to give for ArdorComm Media? I know Chandan and Ashish since years, they are a good team. Even in Gujarat very less events take place but the amount of response this event has got is really commendable and I’m sure that we’ll also celebrate the 11th anniversary together and that also in Gujarat.

Prahar Anjaria, Founder & Chairman, RANGOLI Group of Institutes; Secretary, AOPS emphasizes on Early Childhood Education Read More »

Vijay Aher, Director, Vatsalya International School, Anand, shares his views on the implementation of NEP 2020 in his school

“We have made separate coordinators for the sections and coordinators are given sufficient guidelines as far as NEP is concerned,” says Vijay Aher, Director, Vatsalya International School, Anand in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad How are you feeling to witness this physical event of New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022? Thank you, Pratik, actually this is a wonderful arrangement by your company and this is the best platform provided for all the educationists to come and share their views. Pretty well the topic was NEP which is a very happening topic these days in the discussions and all the educationists are quite worried after knowing the theories. We are all in the process of discussions about implementation of NEP, so this platform has definitely given a new thought to everyone that yes, we shouldn’t be stagnant and we have to move ahead with lots of new ideas which are already been provided through this platform to share with each other otherwise communication becomes a gap. But this platform has helped us to extend our ideas and thoughts to each other and it will definitely help implementation of NEP and hardly others are thinking on what NEP is and how to implement. All these queries are hardly coming in the regular routine but this platform has provided that opportunity and definitely it will help everyone each one of us being the very eminent speakers and renowned personalities from the Gujarat Board and from other all private schools, directors and Founders are here so sharing the views will definitely help everyone. Would like to understand how the pedagogical framework of NEP 2020 can be implemented in your school? Actually, in my school when it was declared that time pandemic was going on but then when I studied the literature of the policy I found that I shouldn’t be waiting for something to happen from the board side or from the government side then I started working on it. I made my own PowerPoint presentations and last year itself I have conducted two sessions for my school. So, they are almost updated with what NEP is and we are already working also on the various sections which are suggested by NEP like Foundation, Preparatory, Middle School. We have made separate coordinators for the sections and coordinators are given sufficient guidelines as far as NEP is concerned. This kind of events where we bring together the industry and the academia under one roof, how does this kind of symposiums and summits benefit the society or the education community? Exactly it’s a very good question actually, just now I was visiting one of your partners so those ideas I like because I always thought that this echo sound, sounding getting echo in the halls or cinema halls is a very common problem and which is solved by some solutions. Absorbing sounds solution which is reducing the echo but then this problem will come in the classroom I never thought because we never face that such problem can come in the classrooms also. So, I was just going through their stall and understanding the concept what are the solutions they suggest, plus some other of your partners who have already added nice ideas because those ideas are also very important because the school leaders if they are knowing that such ideas are there and their solutions are also available in the market then when it comes to the time of implementation such ideas definitely helps. I’m happy to inform you that ArdorComm Media has recently completed one year of existence so what message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media? Yeah, I must be thankful to the organizers first, to be frank with you I was a bit reluctant to come but Mr Chandan called me two three times which made me to attend the session but now I am feeling that after attending the session, decision is not wrong. So, everybody should keep coming to attend such sessions and definitely they are good brainstorming sessions.

Vijay Aher, Director, Vatsalya International School, Anand, shares his views on the implementation of NEP 2020 in his school Read More »

D.V. Mehta, Chairman, Genius Group of Institution & Gardi Vidyapeeth, Rajkot, Gujarat emphasizes on gamification of education

“Students can remember for longer time and their interest in studies also will regularly enhance, so with a little control if we can then gamification also is very much useful for extending their logical skill,” says D.V. Mehta, Chairman, Genius Group of Institution & Gardi Vidyapeeth, Rajkot, Gujarat in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad How are you feeling to witness this new normal education Leadership Summit and Awards in Gujarat? I’m really feeling very excited because I can interact with so many educationalists and I am certain few excellent institutions are also participating in this that’s why this particular interaction will be really very much helpful to deal with the new normal especially at this time. As you know the theme of our event is reimagining school education in the 21st century workplace so what are your views on this? See nothing is permanent but change so things are changing so fast and if you cannot keep the pace with the change then definitely will be out of date so everybody needs to and this is the time for the change. India is now really becoming a developed country in all the fields so why not in education so all the educationalists should come forward and really these new changes everybody should accept, adapt and implement in the new education system. What are your views on the gamification of education which is coming up with the AR VR? Of course, when you read, you can recollect 10 percent, when you listen you can recollect 20 percent but when you visualize anything then your retention would be more than 30 percent and many visual learners are there. So, with this particular new technology of AR VR can make the students learning very interesting. Certain concepts which a teacher through like 1D 2D cannot explain properly, say space, planets, anatomy, certain topics, certain subjects. For teachers it would be very difficult to explain but when they will use the AR, VR, or MR even, automatically their job would be easy. Students can remember for longer time and their interest in studies also will regularly enhance, so with a little control if we can then gamification also is very much useful for extending their logical skill. So, for the same also gamification is absolutely suggested but all these things, anything in excess is bad. See this technology cannot replace teacher but this technology can support teacher so being an educationalist we need to understand but of course on the other hand the teachers they need to upgrade and update themselves continuously in their classroom teaching. They also should imbibe these technologies and they also need to update themselves to keep themselves in the new normal situation. These types of events where we bring together the academia and industry together so how does this kind of events benefit the society at large? Of course, it’s a part of Education because see ultimate goal of education is what one of the goals is earning, one of the goals is security or one of the goals is profession, job. If it is so then what’s wrong if education and industry they are coming together. So, this has really helped a lot because when industry and education they will come together they will come to know that what actually on field practically the industries require and what are the current trends are going on because education is a particular segment where process is little slow the change is little slow so at that time all these sort of interaction may help even institution also to upgrade and in which direction they should move that also they’ll come to know. Same way to the industries also they’ll come to know that what are the undercurrents going on in the education, 21st century is of collaboration and coexistence so this collaboration definitely may help the society to really redefine it to really regain it to really upgrade it so it will be a huge benefit to the society also by and large. I’m happy to inform you that ArdorComm Media Group has recently completed one year of existence, so what message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media? Really I’m very much happy to hear this, like in one year only in 365 days your speed is very fast it’s really very exciting and the way you are handling the way the company is dealing it’s really fantastic my best wishes to the company, to the all the stakeholders and with such organizations institutions and events we can grow together and in real sense we can say that in 21st century India is booming so my best wishes to the company and to all the stakeholders.  

D.V. Mehta, Chairman, Genius Group of Institution & Gardi Vidyapeeth, Rajkot, Gujarat emphasizes on gamification of education Read More »