Dr. H.N. Shah, Director (GIT), Gandhinagar University, Ahmedabad elucidates on skill-based education
“Because of not having the basic knowledge they are sometimes not getting employment,” says Dr. H.N. Shah, Director (GIT), Gandhinagar University, Ahmedabad in an interview with Chandan Anand, Founding Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘ArdorComm New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ #ELSAGujarat #ELSAAhmedabad Would you like to throw some light on the initiatives which Gandhinagar university has recently taken? Gandhinagar University campus actually it was established in 2006 as a standalone institutive like Gandhinagar Institute of Technology but in 2022 with the Private University Act 2009 Amendment 2022 we got the status of a State private university as a Gandhinagar university. So, it is spread across 11 acres land and we have a six institutions right now we are offering a program in Engineering, Management, Commerce, Science and latest trending BSc courses like BSc in data science, BSc in IT, Bsc in computer science and apart from that we are more focusing on the skill development programs so we have another vertical, skilled development so under this institute we are offering a skill programs which is industry required. So, ultimately our aim is to just provide the industry ready workforce so ultimately this industry gets the benefit. How is industry ready curriculum important and how skills are important to be a part of the main course curriculum? See up till now what we observed that these students are running behind just A4 size paper, after graduation they are just entering in their professional life. Because of not having the basic knowledge they are sometimes not getting employment. So, here this skill development plays important role in fact in the previous days it was there but because of now in the modern technology, modern technology tools it is available, they are adopting by all the fraternity maybe MSME or industry or teaching faculty so these today’s youth are very creative. So, just we have to give them platform and we have to direct them so we are just identifying their skill their inclination on which they are, we can give them the direction for the other future. So, skilled program based on that we are just offering them as skill programs and we are just preparing them for the industry. As we have gathered together at a New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards according to you how would you define new normal? Yes, new normal word came after covid, new word it was just normal initially so new normal means what after covid, after pandemic because of this pandemic it was worsely affected in all sectors not only in industry education even in particular health also even thought process is also mentally change. Now we are coming up slowly we are coming up in a normal position so that is why we are just saying that it is a new normal. So, now how we can survive for the longer period of time and for that we have to think for the different society of ourselves our development also right so new normal is nothing it’s just new thinking, and for our survival how we can accommodate all the things which is adversely affecting in our life. I’m happy to share with you that we have successfully completed our one year of existence this last one and a half years since covid till now has been very exciting thrilling and learning opportunities, any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media Group? Yes, first of all I’m very much thankful and happy that you are organizing such kind of things in Gujarat. So, again I’m wishing you all the best, I just came across one poster even you are going to organize in Rajasthan also so yes you have a tremendous scope right now and because of your team is very dedicated what I observed throughout the day right, so wish you all the best for your future.