ArdorComm Media Group

Jaywant v Shelar

Dr. Jaywant V. Shelar


Vice Chancellor
ITM Skills University

Dr. Jaywant Shelar is the Vice – chancellor, ITM Skills University. He is an MBA & Ph.D. in Management, bringing an exceptional set of knowledge & skills to the table. Dr. Shelar, a respected veteran in the disciplines of academics, operations and compliance, stands as an invaluable asset to any educational institution today, with more than three decades of industry expertise in the higher education sector. Dr. Shelar has been instrumental in the establishment of over 12 educational institutions under the ITM Group Of Institutions, in the areas of Management, Hospitality, Law, Nursing, Engineering & Architecture. He is an inspiring go-getter, who is committed to creating a versatile educational atmosphere, which develops students to be the strong & agile leaders of tomorrow. Dr. Shelar aspires to be a significant contributor to building & strengthening educational institutions across India.