ArdorComm Media Group

ArdorComm Media Group

Shweta Rastogi, British Council Certified, Career Coach, Soft Skills Trainer, Faculty, IIMT University, Shares Insights on Technology Implementation at IIMT

Shweta Rastogi British

“We have technology embedded in various aspects of our university,” says Shweta Rastogi, British Council Certified, Career Coach, Soft Skills Trainer, Faculty IIMT University, in an Interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram How are you feeling about witnessing the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Delhi? Thank you for this bright opportunity. It’s a vibrant platform where people from different universities have come together. I’m looking forward to it, and such events give us a boost. How are you implementing technology in your University? We have technology embedded in various aspects of our university. We have a digital library, we focus on research and development. We recently got the diamond ranking in terms of outcome-based education and all these are the testimonies where IIMT stands upright and like among top 100 in India among those universities in NIRF ranking and as well as when you talk about other ranking also we are among the top 36 universities. So, I think I carry it with pride that I am a part of the university with such a legacy which has been there from 1994. The event’s theme is India Vision 2030. What’s your take on the NEP, which shares a similar vision? Implementing the new education policy is a significant task. The NEP aligns with the vision of 2030, and it’s crucial to consider sustainable development goals, including education and equality, which we’re discussing at this forum. In forums like this, where education leaders, industry experts, and government representatives come together, how does this benefit the education sector? Such forums provide a common platform for networking and collaboration. Participants from various universities, organizations, and startups can build relationships and work together to enhance the education sector. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group on its 2nd anniversary? You’re doing great work, and I appreciate the organizers for their efforts. Congratulations on your two-year anniversary. It’s a significant milestone, and events like these provide a platform for us to showcase our efforts to the world.

Dr. Harshita Sharma, Founder Director, Brainstorm International, Pune, shares her views on aligning SDGs in Pre-School Education

“In the early years, I think if we align sustainability goals, in simple steps, we don’t have to have a very heavy curriculum,” says Dr. Harshita Sharma, Founder Director, Brainstorm International, Pune, in an interview with Chandan Anand, CEO & Group Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram How are you feeling to witness this summit? First of all, congratulations to you for a wonderful, amazing, and very insightful event. ArdorComm is doing a wonderful job connecting so many educators. I think this was a very different experience because I have never seen people from the NCERT team staying and talking, sharing their insights the way they have given the inputs. Everybody was in the room, and nobody walked out, and that shows what kind of speakers you had since morning. Amazing panel and warm hospitality. So, congratulations to you. What were the learnings and takeaways from the topics on which the discussion happened? I think you have touched on the core topics, beginning with technology being so transformative and what are the new things transforming in technology. Moving on to the foundation stage, early years, and how we can align with the sustainable goals. What we can do at the ground level, and what are all the stakeholders doing, their best practices and insights. This was just amazing. Moving forward to the K-12 schools, it’s all about how the new education policy (NEP) and National Curriculum Framework (NCF) are being implemented. The best practices shared by schools were amazing. I really liked that slogan “Issue of a tissue,” which was something very interesting. They were saying that a small spark in a child can lead the discussion to a completely new revolution of sustainability and making the planet the safest planet. What is the message for the people who are entering the preschool section and what will be the sustainability advice for them? In the early years, I think if we align sustainability goals, in simple steps, we don’t have to have a very heavy curriculum. With the new NEP, you have the first five years based on play, themes, stories, and experiential learning. If we can combine that along with the Panchakoshas (five layers of development) in a simple way, engaging the community together so that all our pillars and stakeholders are aligned, it becomes easier to implement. We also need to ensure that parents are aligned with our vision and mission. Make them the most important stakeholders who should be aligned with your vision, which is crucial. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group on its 2nd anniversary? As a human being, I think I relate to you more than anything else. The kind of passion you have for the entire organization that brings us here from all the way from Pune, and I think the event and the content, both the combination when it comes together, it becomes worth coming all the way from wherever all the educators are coming from. Congratulations to you and thank you for connecting such wonderful people. It’s not easy, and you all are doing an amazing job. Congratulations once again and keep up the good work.

Geetika Bahuguna, COO, Millennium Education, Gurugram, Emphasizes on Technology Implementation in Schools

Geetika Bahuguna, COO, Millennium Education, Gurugram, Emphasizes on Technology Implementation in Schools “We also provide training to teachers on using technology effectively for their own growth and enhancing the students’ experience,” says Geetika Bahuguna, COO, Millennium Education, Gurugram, in an Interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Delhi? It’s always a great learning opportunity and a chance to connect with many thought leaders. It’s been going very well since the morning. What should be the vision for the school education sector going forward? Every school has its own vision so now with technology intervention and SDGs integration, schools have to align their vision with the national mission and take it forward. How are you implementing technology in your school? We have been using technology extensively since the pandemic. Since we have chain of schools so we use platforms like Zoom and Microsoft for connecting thought leaders and students. In the classroom, we adopt a hybrid mode. We also provide training to teachers on using technology effectively for their own growth and enhancing the students’ experience. Could you explain the process of training teachers? We provide training both physically and virtually. Virtual platforms are used not only for group training but also for one-on-one mentoring and coaching. This personalized approach has been a significant advantage, especially for addressing individual doubts and clarifications. In forums like these, where the education leaders, EdTech players, and government come together, how does it benefit the education sector? Such forums are highly beneficial. I think the government sector and the policy makers when they are there you can clarify a lot of your doubts. Like today also we could find out as to what’s happening when is the new NCF coming up what would be the trajectory of the concepts like, so whatever doubts you have you are on the same page as them and you are able to plan better for your own schools. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group on its 2nd anniversary? ArdorComm Media is doing a great job in bringing together thought leaders effectively. I’ve been part of it both times, and I wish the entire team continued growth and success.

Dr. S. K. Rathor, Founder, Chairman & MD, Sanfort Group of Schools, Shares his views on Vision 2030 for Education Sector

“My request is that every progressive private school should handhold one budget school, one government school, or one school in a rural area to help uplift them and bring their education level up to par with children in more privileged schools,” says Dr. S. K. Rathor, Founder, Chairman & MD, Sanfort Group of Schools, in an Interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Delhi? Thank you so much for inviting me. I’d like to share that when Chandan and Ashish were planning their first event two years ago, they met me. I’ve known them for many years, and they explained their plan to start their own venture. I’m delighted to see the remarkable growth that your company have achieved in just two short years. Today’s event is much better than the first one, which was the first physical event post-COVID in the industry. I must say it’s a significant achievement, and I look forward to an even bigger event with a larger audience next year. The theme of our event is India Vision 2030. What do you think should be the vision for the school education sector? The vision for the school education sector shouldn’t be limited to any particular group or individual; it should be a vision for the entire country. Our Prime Minister has introduced the National Education Policy, which prioritizes Early Childhood Education for the first time in our education system. When it comes to private schools, many have good infrastructure and budgets for investment. However, it’s crucial to remember that a significant portion of our population attends government schools, budget schools, or schools in rural areas, and these children come from less privileged backgrounds. My request is that every progressive private school should handhold one budget school, one government school, or one school in a rural area to help uplift them and bring their education level up to par with children in more privileged schools. Only then can the National Education Policy truly become a reality on the ground. The government cannot do it all; it’s the duty of every educator and private institution to support government schools and underprivileged children. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group? ArdorComm Media is doing a fantastic job, and I believe you will experience multi-fold growth in the next couple of years. I wish you to become the premier organization for education conferences and seminars in the country.

Dr. Niyati Chitkara, Director, Chitkara International School, Highlights on the Vision for School Education Sector

“The vision for 2030, as outlined in the National Education Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals, can be achieved by investing in teacher and counsellor education,” says Dr. Niyati Chitkara, Director, Chitkara International School, in an Interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Delhi? I’m very excited, and I had a wonderful learning experience with great keynote speakers and an amazing fraternity. It’s a fantastic opportunity for networking, sharing best practices, and appreciating each other’s work. This conference brings the entire education community together, and it’s going to be very helpful for everyone. When people come together, meaningful things happen, and that’s what this conference aims to achieve. I’m really enjoying it. Thank you. What are your views on the theme of our event, India Vision 2030? The vision for 2030, which is just seven years away, revolves around two crucial aspects, in my opinion. First is teacher education, and second is counsellor education. If we focus on training our teachers and counsellors effectively, especially pre-service teachers who are pursuing B.Ed, we can shape a highly skilled future generation. This will not only contribute to employability but also help us harness the potential of our resources. The vision for 2030, as outlined in the National Education Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals, can be achieved by investing in teacher and counsellor education. We need well-trained and happy teachers and counsellors to ensure the well-being and happiness of all stakeholders in our schools. How are you implementing NEP in Chitkara International School? The National Education Policy (NEP) offers keywords that are futuristic and important. We’ve identified these keywords that align with our school’s vision. The NEP emphasizes the synergy between school education, higher education, and industry. When schools, universities, and industries work cohesively, we can achieve significant results. It’s essential for school leaders to thoroughly understand the NEP for school education and higher education and connect it to their schools. This alignment will drive meaningful change. In forums like this, where education leaders, EdTech players, and the government come together, how do you think they benefit the education sector? Forums like this offer open discussions and bring together stakeholders from various facets of education, including NCERT, CBSE, skilled organizations, and regulatory bodies. It’s a platform for discussions, brainstorming, and sharing meaningful ideas. Industry partners also showcase products that can enhance the education system, making life easier for teachers and school principals. This ecosystem benefits everyone involved, and I highly recommend attending such events. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group on its 2nd anniversary? Congratulations to ArdorComm Media Group! We are very proud of it and another thing is that it’s my presence here also for the second time and last year also I was here as a keynote speaker and I’ve had a wonderful time, this year too. Last year just things were becoming normal post-covid but this time you guys have nailed it. So, it’s a wonderful session and congratulations, best wishes for future.

New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023 #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka

Ardorcomm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka Theme: ‘New-Normal’ Karnataka: Karnataka’s Unconventional Odyssey as the Premier Hub for Education Transformation ArdorComm Media Group, a growing media organisation in India, is glad to announce “New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023. Karnataka is known for their breath taking and mesmerizing scenic beauty, vibrant and rich tradition & culture. School, higher & technical education in cities like Bengaluru, Manipal, Mangalore, Mysore, Belgaum, Udupi, Tumkur, Chitradurga, Belagavi and Dharwad is progressing as one of the largest & fastest growing education systems in India. Strong governance policy, financial resources & infrastructure are actively improving the quality of teaching, learning & employability. Literacy rates and per-capita income is making significant progress. This is why students and parents get attracted to seek education and opt for careers here. At this Knowledge forum, we invite policymakers, government dignitaries, academicians, educators, edtech corporate, start-ups and industry experts. All will unite under one roof to share their experiences, ideas, and innovations that have facilitated the growth of the education community. The prestigious ‘ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023’ seeks to recognise individuals, educational institutions, Edtech, and start-ups who have worked diligently and selflessly for the development of the education community.       KEY DISCUSSION POINTS Redefining Education Policy: Transformation with ‘New Age’ Technology, Innovation & Skilling Rethinking Curriculum & Pedagogy to Reflect the Accelerated use of Technology in School Education Research-based Learning, Skill Development & Multidisciplinary Approach: A Robust eco-system in HEIs Reimagining Higher Education through the ‘PHYGITAL’ mode of learning: Enhancing Entrepreneurship & Employability Outcomes Unleashing The Potential of Education 4.0 on Innovative Pedagogy and Industry ready Skills How the New Age Technologies like AI, ML, IoT are Changing India’s Education Landscape? PARTICIPATION FROM Governement Dignitaries Academicians Educators Corporate EdTech Startups HRs KEY HIGHLIGHTS DAY 0 SESSIONS 0 + SPEAKERS 0 + SCHOOLS 0 + GOVERNMENT DIGNITARIES 0 + HIGHER EDUCATION 0 + EDTECH STARTUPS 0 + CORPORATE 0 + OUR SPEAKERS OUR PARTNERS ORGANISER Presenting Partner EdTech Partner Admission Automation Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner Supporting partner Supporting Partner EXHIBITOR COMMUNITY PARTNERS EDUCATION HEALTH & WELLNESS HUMAN RESOURCE GOVERNANCE MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT & ART ARDORCOMM EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARDS 2023 Indian Educators, Academicians, Institutions, EdTech companies & Startups have set an incredible example of excellence in front of the whole world during this unprecedented times, by adapting changes, transforming, re-skilling & re-inventing, ArdorComm Media, a growing media company in India has announced “New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” to recognize & felicitate the exemplary contributions and innovative initiatives taken by the Preschools, Schools, Higher educational institutions, Corporate and EdTech Startups associated with the education sector. ArdorComm Media would like to honor the Trendsetters, Innovators, Education Leaders, Institutions and Organizations that have been providing excellence and outstanding accomplishment in the education sector. Ardorcomm Media Awards 2023 aims to acknowledge those individuals, educational institutions, and EdTech companies that have played a key role in transforming the teaching, learning and employability outcomes. The prestigious award will bring recognition and visibility for an institution/ organization across the sector. This summit will bring together the top notch industry leaders and key decision makers from the education sector, to enrich the community by sharing their insights and knowledge with the stakeholders, which will eventually bring a paradigm shift in the education sphere within various parts of the country. AGENDA Time Topic 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM Panel 1: K12 + HE :- Redefining Education Policy: Transformation with ‘New Age’ Technology, Innovation & Skilling 9:45 AM – 10:50 AM Inaugural Session:- Vision 2030: Theme: ‘New-Normal’ Karnataka: Karnataka’s Unconventional Odyssey as the Premier Hub for Education Transformation 10:50 AM – 11:00 AM Industry Speech 1 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM Networking Tea 11:15 PM – 12:15 PM Panel 2 – K12 :- Rethinking Curriculum & Pedagogy to Reflect the Accelerated use of Technology in School Education 12:15 PM – 12:25 PM Industry Speech 2 12:25 PM -12:35 PM Industry Speech 3 12:35 PM -1:35 PM Panel 3 – HE :- Research-based Learning, Skill Development & Multidisciplinary Approach: A Robust eco-system in HEIs 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM Networking Lunch 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Panel 4 – HE :- Reimagining Higher Education through the ‘PHYGITAL’ mode of learning: Enhancing Entrepreneurship & Employability Outcomes 3:30 PM – 3:40 PM Industry Speech 4 3:40 PM – 3:50 PM Industry Speech 5 3:50 PM – 4:50 PM Panel 5 – HE :- Unleashing The Potential of Education 4.0 on Innovative Pedagogy and Industry ready Skills 5:50 PM – 5:10 PM Networking Tea 5:10 PM – 6:00 PM Valedictory, Felicitation & Award Ceremony Time Topic 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Inaugural Session :- INDIA’s Vision 2030: A Move to Improve Education & Skills in 21st Century Workplace 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM Networking Tea 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Panel 1 :- Disruptive Technologies Transforming Education in the 21st Century 12:15 PM – 12:25 PM Industry Speech 1 12:25 PM- 12:35 PM Industry Speech 2 12:35 PM – 1:35 PM Panel 2 :- Need of an Effective Early Childhood (ECE) Curriculum for a Sustainable Development Goal. 1:35 PM – 2:15 PM Networking Lunch 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Panel 3 :- STEM-based learning and skill-based education, most progressive education trends 3:15 PM – 3:25 PM Industry Speech 3 3:25 PM – 3:35 PM Industry Speech 4 3:35 PM – 4:25 PM Panel 4 :- How NEP 2020 Policy Aims to make Education More Inclusive, Equitable, and Holistic? 4:25 PM – 4:40 PM Networking Tea 4:40 PM – 4:50 PM Industry Speech 5 4:50 PM – 6:00 PM Valedictory, Felicitation & Award Ceremony VENUE Venue: The Chancery Pavilion Address: 135, Residency Rd, Shanthala Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025 View larger map Testimonials “Platforms like the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in New Delhi by ArdorComm Media are the right platforms where we can connect and curate education for today’s modern children. At the end of the day, everyone wants to see …

New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023 #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka Read More »

New Normal – ELSA Series: Education Summit & Awards in Delhi NCR 2023 Education Conference

New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023 #ELSANewDelhi #ELSAGurugram Theme:: “INDIA Vision 2030: A Move to Improve Education & Skills in 21st Century Workplace” ArdorComm Media Group, a growing media organisation in India, invites you to join the “New Normal- Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023”, at Gurugram, Delhi NCR on 21st & 22nd July 2023. The Indian Education System is one of the largest in the world. There are cities in India that are known for their literacy, education institutions and are ranked in educational hubs of the country like Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Dehradun, Kota, Manipal, Kanpur, Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, Visakhapatnam to name a few. The State and Central Government, through various schemes and enactments of policies, make certain that every child is given an opportunity to study. The government aspires to promote India as a global study destination providing premium education at affordable costs. India’s National Education Policy (NEP) implemented in 2023 will drive significant educational reforms. The government’s purpose to launch this policy was to develop 21st-century skills in the students of India. The amendments in NEP from the previous education policy strive for Research, Innovation, and Quality. Its motto is to Educate, Encourage and Enlighten. Internationalisation & globalisation is expanding the boundaries of an Indian Institution, and vice versa. This will help in collaborative research and teaching along with greater faculty and student exchange with high-quality foreign institutions. India is at par when it comes to match the global standards of quality education, technology, Infrastructure, resources, and other facilities. With all these benefits and assistance provided by the Government, India has become one of the top educational destinations in the world. At this Knowledge forum, we invite policymakers, government dignitaries, academicians, educators, edtech corporate, start-ups and industry experts. All will unite under one roof to share their experiences, ideas, and innovations that have facilitated the growth of the education community. The prestigious ‘ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023’ seeks to recognise individuals, educational institutions, Edtech, and start-ups who have worked diligently and selflessly for the development of the education community. PARTICIPATION FROM Government Dignitaries Academicians Educators Corporate EdTech Startups HRs KEY DISCUSSION POINTS Day 1- Higher Education New-Age Technology: A Boon to E-Learning How to Cultivate 21st Century Skills Including Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy? How can NEP 2020 can help build the Skilled Workforce? Syllabus-driven Education vs 21st Century Employability. Its Relevance & Adoptability. Future Facing Edtech to Drive Teaching-Learning Outcomes Day 2- School Education Disruptive Technologies Transforming Education in the 21st Century How NEP 2020 Policy Aims to make Education More Inclusive, Equitable, and Holistic? STEM-based learning and skill-based education, most progressive education trends Need of an Effective Early Childhood (ECE) Curriculum for a Sustainable Development Goal. Rethinking Curriculum and Pedagogy to Reflect the Accelerated use of Technology. KEY HIGHLIGHTS DAY 0 SESSIONS 0 + SPEAKERS 0 + SCHOOLS 0 + GOVERNMENT DIGNITARIES 0 + HIGHER EDUCATION 0 + EDTECH STARTUPS 0 + CORPORATE 0 + OUR SPEAKERS OUR PARTNERS ORGANISER Government Supporting Partner Government Supporting Partner Representing institutions Presenting Partner Co-Presenting Partner Gold Partner EdTech Partner Online Learning Partner Payroll Partner Admission Automation Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner Associate Partner CREDENTIAL PARTNER UNIVERSITY PARTNER UNIVERSITY PARTNER UNIVERSITY PARTNER SCHOOL PARTNER SCHOOL PARTNER SCHOOL PARTNER SCHOOL PARTNER PRESCHOOL PARTNER Exhibitor Exhibitor COMMUNITY PARTNERS EDUCATION HEALTH & WELLNESS HUMAN RESOURCE GOVERNANCE MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT & ART ARDORCOMM EDUCATION LEADERSHIP AWARDS 2023 Indian Educators, Academicians, Institutions, EdTech companies & Startups have set an incredible example of excellence in front of the whole world during this unprecedented times, by adapting changes, transforming, re-skilling & re-inventing, ArdorComm Media, a growing media company in India has announced  New Normal event as ‘EDUCATION LEADERSHIP SUMMIT & AWARDS 2023’ to recognize & felicitate the exemplary contributions and innovative initiatives taken by the Preschools, Schools, Higher educational institutions, Corporate  and EdTech Startups associated with the education sector. ArdorComm Media would like to honor the Trend setters, Innovators, Education Leaders, Institutions and Organizations that have been providing excellence and outstanding accomplishment in the education sector; despite the tough times we faced since last two and a half year. Ardorcomm Media Awards 2023 aims to acknowledge those individuals, educational institutions, and EdTech companies that have played a key role in transforming the teaching, learning and employability outcomes. The prestigious award will bring recognition and visibility for an institution/ organization across the sector. This summit will bring together the top notch industry leaders and key decision makers from the education sector, to enrich the community by sharing their insights and knowledge with the stakeholders, which will eventually bring a paradigm shift in the education sphere within various parts of the country. AGENDA Day 1 – Higher Education Day 2 – School Education Time Topic 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM Inaugural Session :- INDIA’s Vision 2030: A Move to Improve Education & Skills in 21st Century Workplace 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM Networking Tea 11:00 AM – 11:10 AM Industry Speech 1 11:10 AM – 12:10 PM Panel 1 :- New-Age Technology: A Boon to E-Learning 12:10 PM – 12:20 PM Industry Speech 2 12:20 PM – 12:30 PM Industry Speech 3 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Panel 2 :- Interactive Learning in the Digital Age: Fostering Critical Thinking Online 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM Networking Lunch 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Panel 3 :- How can NEP 2020 help build the Skilled Workforce? 3:15 PM – 3:25 PM Industry Speech 4 3:25 PM – 3:35 PM Industry Speech 5 3:35 PM – 4:35 PM Panel 4 :- How to Cultivate 21st Century Skills Including Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy? 4:35 PM – 4:50 PM Networking Tea 4:50 PM – 5:35 PM Panel 5 :- Future Facing Edtech to Drive Teaching-Learning Outcomes 5:35 PM – 6:20 PM Panel 6 :- Effect & Impact of ‘Education 4.0’ on innovative pedagogy and industry ready skills 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Valedictory, Felicitation & Award Ceremony 7:30 PM Networking Dinner Time Topic 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM …

New Normal – ELSA Series: Education Summit & Awards in Delhi NCR 2023 Education Conference Read More »

ArdorComm Media Group celebrates its 1st Anniversary, reminiscing the glorious journey from July 2021-22

ardor anniversary

On 15th July 2022 ArdorComm Media Group celebrated its 1st Anniversary as it completed its glorious journey of one year. To give a background of ArdorComm Media, it’s a growing media company enabling communities of Education, HR, Healthcare & Wellness, Governance, Media, Entertainment & Art (abbreviate as MEA) to Effectively Advance their Businesses and Strategic Interests by becoming their Collaboration Catalyst. Our Passion is to Co-create, Co-learn and Collaborate for Innovation & Socio-digital Transformation. ARDOR means Passion- Zeal, COMM stands for Community- Communication. Our 5 Core Values are Aspiration, Reimagination, Digitalisation, Opportunity, and Readiness, abbreviated as ARDOR. We are a team of passionate enthusiasts who have taken an effort to co-creating positive changes in society by collaborating with community leaders to help co-create knowledge-sharing platforms. We aim to become India’s Leading and Most Desirable ‘Media Voice’ by Enriching Communities with the Ecosystem of Knowledge Sharing Platforms, Information & News and also opening doors of networking & collaborations. Under the guidance and vision of Mr. Chandan Anand the founder, CEO & founding editor of ArdorComm Media Pvt. Ltd. the venture started a year back when the industries were going through a tough time due to the pandemic. With his passion to Co-create, Co-learn and Collaborate for Innovation & Socio-digital Transformation, he started the journey of ArdorComm Media along with Mr. Ashish Jain, Co-Founder & COO and his team. In this 1st Anniversary year, ArdorComm Media Group has officially launched 3 Communities, Education, HR and Healthcare & Wellness. Along with the Soft launch for 5 communities: Education, HR, Healthcare & Wellness, Governance, Media, Entertainment & Art (MEA). Being the media voice for these communities ArdorComm Media drives content through its website for community engagement and amplifies it through its social media handles to provide a 360-degree coverage. Our prime focus is on publishing news, articles, blogs, interviews, press releases, product launches & stories. Promoting Socio-Digital transformation. Amplifying reach via social media & digital media campaigns. Regular emailer campaigns. Newsletters postings – highlighting weekly community updates. ArdorComm Media has created many community groups for knowledge sharing, networking & collaboration opportunities. ArdorComm Media has successfully hosted 4 Physical Events, around 34 Webinars/ Online Symposiums and 7 Prestigious Award Ceremonies. Few highlights of our Summits & Symposiums are given below: India’s 1st and Biggest ‘New Normal – Educational Leadership Summit & Awards’, held on 30th Sep & 1st Oct 2021 ArdorComm Media Group hosted India’s First & Biggest ‘New Normal Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2021’ (#ELSA2021) on 30th Sep & 1st Oct 2021 at Hotel Radisson, Gurugram. AICTE (Under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India), Department of Collegiate & Technical Education, Government of Telangana associated as ’Government supporting partners’ and National Book Trust (Under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) associated as ‘Knowledge Partner’. India’s 1st & Biggest ‘New Normal-Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2021’ built the congregation of Indian Education Community from pan India as a re-union after a long gap of almost 2 years. The event witnessed the convergence of education leaders and innovators from various institutions, schools, organizations, universities, EdTech &startups. The Summit’s theme was focused on ‘Empowering Education Community with Socio-Digital Transformation & 21st-century skills in VUCA World’. New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’, held on 7th and 8th January 2022 ArdorComm Media Group hosted the second edition of India’s First & Biggest ‘New Normal Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ (#ELSA2022) on 7th & 8th January 2022 as a Virtual event. AICTE (Under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) and Higher Education Department, Government of Telangana associated as the ‘Government supporting partners’ in this event. The virtual symposium of ‘New Normal Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2022’ built the congregation of the Indian Education Community from pan India to discuss and explore the possibilities of innovation in education, the future trends and the existing scenario of the education sector. The event witnessed the convergence of education leaders and innovators from various institutions, schools, organizations, universities, EdTech & startups. The two-day virtual symposium witnessed the powerful deliberation of the leaders from apex government bodies, academicians and educators from universities, colleges, engineering institutes, B-schools, K-12 & pre-schools, experts from corporate, EdTech companies & start-ups. ArdorComm – Education Leadership Symposium, #ELS2022 The education sector is witnessing a major shift due to digitalization. In order to propel necessary discussions between the major education stakeholders, ArdorComm Media in collaboration with ‘Financepeer’ organized a 3 months education webinar series featured as ‘ArdorComm Education Leadership Symposium’ from February’22 to April’22. The deliberation aimed to acknowledge that how technology and new-age learning is leading the next wave of value creation in overall education sector i.e. school, higher & technical education. Meaningful implementation of technology, innovation & financial assistance helps the teaching-learning process to be more affordable & accessible. It really aids in bridging the digital-gap. This gap is one of the most important factors that also determine the economy of the country. This webinar series helped to understand how meaningful implementation of technology, innovation & financial assistance is making teaching-learning process more affordable & accessible. ArdorComm – Higher Education and EdTech Conclave & Awards 2022 held on 6th May 2022 at Pune, Maharashtra; #HEETpune ArdorComm Media Group hosted the ‘HIGHER EDUCATION and EDTECH CONCLAVE & AWARDS 2022’ as the 1st & Biggest ‘Physical Event’ in Pune, Maharashtra on 6th May 2022. The Summit’s theme focused on ‘Empowering Higher Education community with Ed-Tech collaboration to voyage from Education 4.0 to Education 5.0’. This Knowledge forum invited policymakers, higher education leaders, innovators, and Edtech experts to share their experiences, ideas, and accomplishments that have helped the growth of the education community during the tough times of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 250 attendees from over 135 institutions from Maharashtra & rest of India united under one roof for a mission to co-create, co-learn, and collaborate for Innovation & growth of the Higher Education sector. Thus, Featuring Maharashtra as a ‘Higher Education & EdTech Hub’ of the Country. ArdorComm – Education Leadership Symposium 2022 held on …

ArdorComm Media Group celebrates its 1st Anniversary, reminiscing the glorious journey from July 2021-22 Read More »