ArdorComm Media Group


Dr. Heera Lal, Greater Sharda Sahayak Command Area Development Authority, Govt. of UP emphasised on students interest in choosing career pathway

“Relying 100% on digital methods is not ideal. There needs to be a balance between digital and physical education” said Dr Heera Lal, Greater Sharda Sahayak Command Area Development Authority, Govt. of UP What does “New Normal” means to you? Thank you for inviting me. The term “New Normal” in education, in my opinion, should mean that when a student enters an institution and eventually graduates, they should leave not only with a certificate but also with a profession. The old system of education, where students just leave with a certificate, is not sufficient in today’s world. We need to identify a student’s passion from the moment they enter our institution, help them grow that passion, and turn it into a profession by the time they graduate. This will ensure that they are not only employable but will also enjoy their profession. How should we address the digital divide between urban and rural areas, and what initiatives should be taken to bridge this gap? The digital divide is a significant issue. However, in my opinion, relying 100% on digital methods is not ideal. There needs to be a balance between digital and physical education. Based on my personal experience, the effectiveness of physical education is much higher than that of digital education. Therefore, I believe the ratio should be 70% physical and 30% digital to ensure that students receive a well-rounded education. How should education balance between skills and employability? As I mentioned earlier, if you impose something on a student that they do not enjoy, they will not take an interest in it, and you will not achieve the desired objectives. Every subject, every action, every activity is equally valuable today. The focus should be on developing a student’s passion so that when they graduate, they have a profession that aligns with their interests. This will make them not only employable but also fulfilled in their careers. Which department or position has been the most inspiring and provided the most learning experience for you? Every department and position I’ve held has been inspiring and challenging in its own way. For instance, the position of District Magistrate (DM) is highly regarded, but I have enjoyed and learned a lot from every position I’ve held, even those considered less desirable. Whether in the cultural department or any other, I have embraced each role and found immense joy and learning in it. The key is to have the ability to govern effectively, no matter where you are, and turn every position into a meaningful experience. In events like this, where government dignitaries, policymakers, corporate leaders, and academics come together, what do you learn, and what is the experience like? Such events are crucial because society is like a bouquet that requires a variety of flowers. By bringing together people from different fields—bureaucracy, academia, technology—you create a complete and impactful product. This initiative is commendable and beneficial for our society. We are celebrating the third anniversary of our media company, AdCo Media. Do you have any message or good wishes for our company? I wish that your company continues to grow and thrive, at least 30 times more in the coming years. Keep evolving and adapting to the needs of the time. My good wishes are with you as you continue doing the great work you are doing. Thank you for being a part of this forum.

Shri Yogendra Upadhyay, Hon’ble Minister of Higher Education, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh emphasised the contribution of new government in Uttar Pradesh.

“Approximately 15 private universities have been established, and around 10 more have received Letters of Intent” said Shri Yogendra Upadhyay, Hon’ble Minister of Higher Education, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh Highlight some of the major achievements or policies that your department has drafted? In Uttar Pradesh, particularly in higher education, significant progress has been made. There were six regions in the state where there was no government university, and the education system was not up to the mark. However, since the Yogi government came into power, the education system has developed based on the National Education Policy (NEP). There has been a focus on both the quality of education and its expansion. Today, approximately 15 private universities have been established, and around 10 more have received Letters of Intent (LOI). In the six regions that previously had no government universities, either universities are already operational or are under construction within two years. This is a significant achievement, and the quality of education has improved, with several universities receiving high grades, both government and private. What is Uttar Pradesh’s contribution to urban and rural education, and how is it progressing? Urban education is advancing everywhere, but under the guidance of Yogi Ji, a new education policy is being prepared to expand rural education. The goal is to establish a university in every district, ensuring that even the most remote areas have access to higher education. Incentives and facilities will be provided to support the establishment of new universities in these regions. What provisions are there in government universities for employment or employability? The NEP clearly states that all courses and programs will connect education with values, employment, and technology. When education is linked with technology and employment, and when it provides skills, it will not only create job opportunities but also generate employers. The establishment of new universities also brings employment opportunities, from peons to chancellors. Therefore, education that fosters employment will be provided. What does the term “New Normal” mean to you? The “New Normal” refers to how we can introduce innovation in a regular environment, enabling future generations to compete in the global race. What outcomes do you expect from such an amalgamation, and how has your experience been? This event is a confluence where people from various sectors have gathered. When such a brainstorming session occurs, it produces valuable insights that can benefit society. Would you like to say something special about us on the third anniversary of our organization? I wish you all the best for completing three years of this initiative. I hope your organization continues to thrive and serve society and the nation in the coming years. This should be our collective purpose.

Dr. S. K. Rathor, Chairman & MD, Sanfort Group of Schools shared insights on Franchise model of education

“The first question I always ask is, “Why do you want to take our franchise? What is your vision?”” Said Dr. S. K. Rathor, Chairman & MD, Sanfort Group of Schools What are your thoughts on institutions offering pre-school education, especially with the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020? I don’t have a problem with such institutions, but my submission is that if anyone is opening a pre-school, they should be very serious about their profession. Now that pre-school education is part of the formal school education setup, especially after the National Education Policy 2020 has come into effect, everyone must comply with state norms for opening pre-schools. Quality pre-school education is now mandatory. What would be the foundational steps and guidelines for someone wanting to enter this serious business? When anyone plans to start a new venture, like how we started 24 years ago, the key question is, “Why should we enter this particular profession?” For instance, when we decided to start a pre-school, we thought about the purpose behind it. Back then, not many people knew about pre-school education. But we knew that teaching 2-3-year-old kids would make them smarter and prepare them better for their educational journey. So, if someone is entering this business out of fascination or because they see it as profitable, that shouldn’t be the purpose. The goal should be to deliver quality pre-school education. What are the key points you would guide someone with if they want to take a franchise of your brand? The first question I always ask is, “Why do you want to take our franchise? What is your vision?” It’s important that their thought process aligns with our philosophy. We are very selective in franchising; we don’t chase numbers. Our focus is on ensuring that whoever takes our franchise fully embraces our philosophy in both word and action, delivering quality early childhood education. How important are health, discipline, and hygiene in this industry? What’s the secret behind your physical and mental health well? There’s no secret. People often ask me how many hours I work, and I say I work for about 8 hours a day, but I work sincerely. After 6 PM, no one is at the office. I give the same environment to my team as well—focus on fitness in the morning, work during the day, and spend time with family in the evening. If anyone follows this routine, they’ll find that their profession, business, or job performs well, their body stays fit, and their family remains happy. What do you think is the outcome of forums like this one where government, education, and corporate sectors come together? I’m very happy to hear from the Minister of Higher Education for Uttar Pradesh. The kind of change I’ve seen in the state, especially in education, is tremendous. When ministers and bureaucrats start talking about outcomes, society will automatically see change. I’ve witnessed a remarkable environment in UP since Yogi Ji came into power, especially in education. It’s crucial that the educational infrastructure in a state as big as UP is strong, and when the focus is on outcome-based education, the results will follow. We are celebrating our third anniversary, do you have any message for ArdorComm Media Group? I’ve been a witness to your journey from the start, and though I can’t attend all your events, I’m always impressed by your work. You’re doing fantastic work, especially in smaller towns where big media houses don’t usually go. This creates opportunities for people in those areas. Keep this momentum going, don’t lose yourself in the crowd. Even if profits from smaller towns aren’t as high, remember you’re also doing social work. It’s an honor and pleasure to be associated with your events, and I wish you all the best. Keep up the good work!

Mr. Piyush Singh Chauhan, Vice Chairman of SR Group of Institutions shared his growth journey over 15 years

“We started our educational institution in 2009 with 240 students, and now we have more than 19,000 students.” Said Mr. Piyush Singh Chauhan, Vice Chairman of SR Group of Institutions Welcome Mr. Piyush Singh Chauhan, Vice Chairman of SR Group of Institutions in today’s event Thank you so much, Chandan Ji. This event is truly blessed by God, and the discussions we’ve had so far have been very fruitful. The talks about the New Education Policy, IQAC, and holistic development are especially important. We are trying to address the gaps in our current education system that have been lacking in the last few decades, and with your help and presentations, we hope to bring these improvements to the students. Can you tell us a bit about your educational institutions? We started our educational institution in 2009 with 240 students, and now we have more than 19,000 students. Over the last 15 years, we have been aggressively working with students from rural backgrounds, as this is an area that often gets overlooked. We also have higher education facilities, including a nursing institute, a B.Sc. board school, and ICSE board schools. We cater to students from kindergarten to postgraduate levels, and we strive to help them achieve their potential. Many of our students come from army backgrounds, or have parents who are doctors or IIT graduates. We aim to fulfill the gaps that have existed until now. As we move from traditional education to digital education, what initiatives have been taken by your institutions in this direction? We are currently planning to build an AI, VR, and AR lab in our institution. The reason behind this is that what we read often isn’t retained for long, but what we visualize stays with us much longer. AI is both the best and the worst tool, depending on how it’s used. We’re setting up this lab to make the best possible use of AI. We already have an Atal Tinkering Lab, among other facilities, where we provide education to students. As the event’s name is “New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards,” what is your definition of “New Normal”? For me, the definition of “New Normal” should be about focusing on making students good citizens and good human beings. While education, grades, and knowledge are important, the “New Normal” should also focus on emotional intelligence. Today, many children struggle with anger, depression, and rejection, leading to drastic steps. If we can handle children emotionally well, they will grow into balanced citizens who contribute positively to society. We are pleased to share that this is the third anniversary of our company. Do you have any wishes or messages for the ArdorComm Group? My heartfelt congratulations to the ArdorComm Group for your hard work and the growing team that you’ve built. I wish that you don’t just celebrate 30 years, but also 200 years of anniversaries in the future. I hope you continue organizing such excellent events, bringing together many educationists and education leaders, and I extend my best wishes to you.

Prof N M P Verma, Vice Chancellor, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University emphasised on the foundation of startups

“The current economic philosophy emphasizes disinvestment, market growth, CSR, and the hiring of technologists and professionals by corporate sectors.” Said Prof N M P Verma, Vice Chancellor, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University We would like to know more about your university. Under your leadership, how has the university expanded and flourished, and what is your vision for the coming years? This university was established by the Parliament of our country in 1997, and over the last 25 years, it has established itself in various disciplines such as social sciences, technology, engineering, science, environmental science, mass communication and journalism, law, and many more. We have two centers here, one of which was previously occupied by IIIT, and we are now developing that campus. We have around 800 students, 400 teachers, and 1,000 non-teaching staff, along with approximately 1,000 PhD scholars. Our campus spans about 250 acres, equipped with full infrastructure, and is located in the heart of the city near the airport, with easy access via the highway. The university is a NAAC A++ accredited institution, and we recently organized a NAAC workshop for the North Zone. We have also advocated for changes in the NAAC rating policy to ensure that only truly deserving universities receive the highest ratings. In the 21st century, how important are skills and employability, and how is your university progressing in this direction? Education is intrinsically linked to employability, knowledge generation, peace of mind, pleasure, and even entertainment. But fundamentally, education provides livelihood. We all work for our livelihood, seeking wealth, assets, and luxury. In this century, especially in a country with a rapidly growing population like ours, employability is crucial. If more and more educated people remain unemployed, it indicates that the country is not progressing, which could lead to violence, political instability, and social issues. My humble suggestion is to link education with ethics to prevent moral erosion in society. Character building is essential, just as it was during our national struggle for freedom. We must ensure that education is free from unethical practices like question leaks and delays in result declarations. The big challenges today are in imparting education, evaluation, and enhancing employability. If around 80% of IIT graduates are not finding employment, we must question the purpose of their education. We need to increase employability to ensure that the income level rises, and as income increases, the population size may decrease due to the inverse correlation between the two. This will lead to overall improvement. In forums like this, where the government, policymakers, corporate representatives, and academicians come together, what do you think is the takeaway or outcome of such gatherings? Corporate sectors play a significant role in the development of the country. The current economic philosophy emphasizes disinvestment, market growth, CSR, and the hiring of technologists and professionals by corporate sectors. These professionals are, in turn, driving startups and investments both in India and globally. However, the best talents from our country often migrate abroad due to the substandard ease of doing business here. This issue needs to be addressed to attract and retain our best talents, who are currently moving to capitalist or developed nations. This is the third anniversary of ArdorComm Media, and we are celebrating our third year. Do you have any message or good wishes for the ArdorComm Media Group? Yes, you are doing very well in terms of social transformation and business development. My advice would be to focus on managing quality over quantity, as there is a lot of competition in your field. If you maintain quality, your success will naturally follow, and your growth will be substantial. My best wishes to you.

Empty Desks at This Over ₹12 Crore Worth Govt Polytechnic in Nagaland

Nagaland has nine government polytechnics offering a range of trade-specific diploma courses, but one institution, Government Polytechnic Peren (GPP), has had zero enrollment for three consecutive years. Established in 2021, GPP offers short-term certificate and diploma programs in interior design, but there have been no takers since its inception. Despite having all necessary facilities, including faculty and staff, the institution struggles with student enrollment. GPP consists of four blocks, including a boys’ hostel, academic block, principal’s quarters, and two staff quarters. However, the lack of a girls’ hostel and poor road conditions from nearby Jalukie town hinder accessibility. An anonymous source revealed that the institution faces issues such as inadequate water supply, poor electricity connectivity until recently, and lack of internet services. The staff, about 15 including the principal and faculty, often visit the campus on a rotational basis for meetings and maintenance. This year, three students were selected through the diploma entrance exam for the interior designing program, but none enrolled. Officials attribute the lack of interest to the institution’s location and inadequate prior survey of the course’s demand. GPP was established with central financial assistance to state governments for setting up new polytechnics in unserved and underserved districts under the scheme of sub-mission on polytechnics. The scheme provided ₹12.3 crore per polytechnic for capital costs, with the state government responsible for providing the land and bearing recurring expenses. Despite the challenges, professional interior designers see potential for growth in the field in Nagaland. Asen Ao, a Dimapur-based interior designer, and Soren Odyuo, a Kohima-based interior and landscape designer, believe the scope for interior design is expanding in the state and encourage young aspirants to pursue it as a viable career alternative. GPP is situated in New Peren, around 15 km from Jalukie town and 30 km from Old Peren town, with the nearest airport and railway station in Dimapur, a two-hour drive away.

Education Ministry greenlights IIM-Guwahati courses starting next academic year, says Assam CM

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced that the Indian Institute of Management (IIM)-Guwahati will commence courses from the next academic year after receiving consent from Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan. Sarma held high-level discussions with several Union ministers, including Rajnath Singh, Nitin Gadkari, Nirmala Sitharaman, and S. Jaishankar, to address various issues related to education, environment, power, and finance in the state. Key outcomes of the meetings include assurances on royalty settlements from hydrocarbon industries, support for Assam’s Teacher Training Institute, and measures to augment technical education in the state. The ministers also discussed climate change mitigation efforts, enhancing Assam’s energy security, developing urban wetlands, and leveraging central schemes to boost the state’s infrastructure and economic resilience. The decision to commence courses at IIM-Guwahati from the next academic year is a significant milestone for the state’s higher education landscape. The institute is expected to attract top talent and contribute to the development of skilled professionals in Assam and the region.

Himachal Government to Roll Out Early Childhood Care Scheme

The Himachal Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, is set to launch a comprehensive early childhood care scheme aimed at the holistic development of children aged between three and six years. This initiative underscores the state government’s dedication to providing quality early childhood education and nurturing young minds. Chief Minister Sukhu announced on Thursday that the education department will implement a combination of all four Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) models recommended in the National Education Policy, 2020. “This initiative highlights the state government’s commitment to providing quality early childhood education and ensuring the holistic development and nurturing of the young minds in Himachal,” he said in a statement. Implementation Strategy The ECCE models to be implemented include: Standalone anganwadis. Anganwadis co-located with primary schools. Pre-primary schools covering children aged up to five or six co-located with existing primary schools. Standalone pre-primary schools. Currently, the state government runs 6,297 pre-primary sections in primary schools, catering to around 60,000 children. Additionally, there are 2,377 anganwadis co-located with these primary schools. Chief Minister Sukhu emphasized that this scheme will ensure the overall growth and development of young children, laying a strong foundation for their future education and well-being. The government’s approach aims to integrate early childhood education seamlessly into the existing educational framework, providing a robust and supportive environment for the state’s youngest learners.

PM Modi to Inaugurate 1600-Year-Old Nalanda University’s New Campus, Calls It ‘Very Special Day for Education Sector’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the new campus of Nalanda University in Bihar’s Rajgir. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), he expressed his happiness on the occasion, calling it a “very special day for our education sector.” He highlighted Nalanda’s “strong connection with our glorious past” and its role in catering to the educational needs of the youth. PM Modi wrote, “It’s a very special day for our education sector. At around 10:30 AM today, the new campus of Nalanda University will be inaugurated at Rajgir. Nalanda has a strong connection with our glorious past. This university will surely go a long way in catering to the educational needs of the youth.” The university is a collaboration between India and East Asia Summit (EAS) countries, with deep historical roots. The original Nalanda University, established around 1600 years ago, is considered one of the first residential universities in the world. According to a PMO release, the Prime Minister will visit the Ruins of Nalanda at around 9:45 AM. The ruins were declared a UN Heritage Site in 2016. At around 10:30 AM, he will inaugurate the new campus and address the gathering on the occasion. The ceremony will be attended by several eminent people, including heads of missions from 17 countries. The new campus features two academic blocks with 40 classrooms, accommodating around 1900 students. It has two auditoriums with a capacity of 300 seats each, a student hostel for around 550 students, and various other facilities, including an international centre, an amphitheatre for up to 2000 individuals, a faculty club, and a sports complex. The campus is designed as a ‘Net Zero’ Green Campus, self-sustaining with solar plants, domestic and drinking water treatment plants, a water recycling plant, 100 acres of water bodies, and other environment-friendly facilities.

NEET UG Result Row: Bihar Police Find Evidence Suggesting Paper Leak

The Economic Offences Unit (EOU) in Bihar, investigating allegations of a leaked National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) paper, has found evidence suggesting that some students knew the questions before the May 5 exam, according to media reports on Sunday, June 16. What Did the Police Find? Media reports, citing EOU officials, stated that 13 individuals, including four students, have been arrested for their suspected involvement in the alleged leak. Some of those arrested are also accused of receiving the question papers ahead of the test. Additional Director General of Police, EOU, N H Khan, informed the Indian Express that they had queried the National Testing Agency (NTA), which organizes NEET, and the investigation is “very much suggestive of a paper leak.” According to the Times of India, EOU Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Manavjeet Singh Dhillon mentioned that a list of the 13 people was recovered from a “safe house” on the outskirts of Patna. The police believe that approximately 30 medical aspirants were summoned by what they termed the “exam mafia” to receive questions and answers before the exam. Dhillon claimed that four of the arrested candidates confessed during interrogation that the questions they received at the “safe house” on May 4 were identical to those on the exam, according to TOI. Education Minister Denies Allegations of Paper Leak Amid media reports and nationwide protests by students, Indian Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan stated on Friday, June 14, that issues were observed in six of the over 4,700 centers where the exam was conducted. He asserted that NEET was otherwise conducted satisfactorily across the country. Pradhan denied allegations of corruption within the NTA and the paper leak but added that if proven, “no one will be spared.” He assured that every aspect is being investigated, and those responsible for any lapses will be held accountable. Protests and Controversy The NEET exam, held on May 5 across 4,750 centers in India, saw participation from approximately 2.4 million candidates. The results, initially expected on June 14, were declared 10 days early as the evaluation was completed ahead of schedule. The announcement of results sparked outrage and protests due to alleged irregularities, as 67 students scored a perfect 720. Since then, students across India have been demanding a re-examination.