ArdorComm Media Group

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Payhawk Looks to M&A After 86% Revenue Jump

News on HR 1 1 ArdorComm Media Group Payhawk Looks to M&A After 86% Revenue Jump

Spend management platform Payhawk is reportedly entering acquisition mode. Co-founder and CEO Hristo Borisov stated in an interview with CNBC on Thursday (June 6) that the company aims to acquire early-stage startups that have already raised significant funds. He asserted that Payhawk has a better “product-market fit” than its competitors, who have achieved multibillion-dollar valuations by offering free corporate cards to other startups. Payhawk issues smart cards for employees to make payments and track expenses, and it has seen significant growth in the first quarter of the year, with revenues up 86% and a 57% increase in customers. To build on this growth, Borisov mentioned that the company hopes to merge with or acquire other firms. “Many businesses that got funded in the last two or three years are now in a position where they’re looking at strategic options,” Borisov said. “This is something we’re actively doing. We’re looking for companies to buy.” “Our vision is to be able to provide a single platform that provides a homogeneous environment for your corporate expense needs with a single provider,” he added. “There is going to be some market consolidation.” These efforts coincide with the shift from traditional expense management methods to digital solutions that speed reimbursement times and reduce the risk of human error. This trend was highlighted in a recent PYMNTS report, which discussed how businesses are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to optimize procurement and spend management strategies. Edwin Poot and Jonathan Vaux, global chief technology officer and head of propositions and partnerships at Thredd, discussed with PYMNTS how the largest corporations in America still use very old, monolithic systems to manage their treasury functions. Ernest Rolfson, CEO and founder of Payments-as-a-Service solution Finexio, pointed out the inefficiency of manually filing reporting and reconciliations, advocating for automated, digital solutions. Research by PYMNTS Intelligence has shown that virtual cards and digital spend management solutions can help finance departments close books faster while also guarding against fraud.  

Uma Kannan Founder Principal, Sri Venkateswara Group of Schools, Ambattur expressed how pedagogies and new strategies can upskill and reskill the students

image 2024 05 28T11 48 30 617Z ArdorComm Media Group Uma Kannan Founder Principal, Sri Venkateswara Group of Schools, Ambattur expressed how pedagogies and new strategies can upskill and reskill the students

“The New Normal refers to machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a technologically driven society” said Uma Kannan Could you please highlight some of the initiatives of your institution and give us more light on what your institution is doing? In each and every institution, we take up the growth of the student to bring out the awesome holistic children within the students and through the teachers. The pedagogies, introduction of new strategies to upskill and reskill the students’ energy as well as the faculty’s energy, are crucial. Only then can they produce very good social beings to develop the nation. We are doing a lot of service through seminars and conferences. Would you like to throw some light on the education policy and any initiatives your institution is doing in this regard? Recently, in 2020, the central government adopted a new educational policy and framework. One aspect of that is the 21st-century learning skills, another is the sustainable developmental goals, and the third is design thinking. We incorporate all these with the teachers through some orientation programs to upskill their energy, and then we transform that into the classroom. Any takeaways from today’s forum? Definitely. I learned how to parent the child. Parenting is very necessary with all biological modulations. We need to transparently open up the biological changes to the students. Kudos to Manjula and Chandan for bringing in this transparency. Teachers are the second parents, and we need to instruct the parents to be the first educators, giving all this transparently to the children to bring in a good social being. What does the phrase “New Normal” mean to you? The New Normal refers to machine learning, artificial intelligence, and a technologically driven society. We need to incorporate this into the educational curriculum. However, we should not forget the traditional way of teaching, as it provides an aesthetic approach and emotional well-being for the child and the adult. Any message for ArdorComm Media Group? ArdorComm, you are keeping the summits in very reputed cities like Delhi, which are educational hubs. I want this to extend to all corners of the country, even the villages. Your service should be extended to smaller cities and towns. Thank you. It was a pleasure having you at this forum. Thank you so much. Thank you, Chandan. All the best.

The Present and Future of AI in Healthcare

Blog on health ArdorComm Media Group The Present and Future of AI in Healthcare

As technology advances at an unprecedented rate, its impact on various aspects of our lives becomes increasingly significant. In the realm of healthcare, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a transformative force with immense potential. However, to truly appreciate its importance and potential, it’s essential to delve into what AI has achieved and how it continues to shape the present and future of healthcare. The numbers paint a compelling picture of AI’s growing influence in healthcare. With over 500 AI algorithms approved by the U.S. FDA, and digital health startups receiving billions in investments, it’s evident that AI is not just a theoretical concept but a tangible reality in the healthcare landscape. Projections indicate that the global market for AI-based healthcare solutions will exceed $208 billion by 2030, underscoring the significant investments and expectations surrounding AI in healthcare. The promise of AI in healthcare is multifaceted, ranging from early disease detection to optimizing treatment plans and enhancing patient outcomes. For instance, AI algorithms have the potential to revolutionize cancer screening by analyzing vast amounts of data, including family history, imaging results, and genetic markers, to identify individuals at higher risk of developing the disease. Additionally, AI-powered interventions can monitor patients in real-time, enabling early detection of deteriorating health conditions such as sepsis, and facilitating timely medical interventions. Despite the immense potential, the full-scale implementation of AI in healthcare presents numerous challenges. From regulatory hurdles to the need for extensive clinical trials and the integration of AI into existing healthcare workflows, realizing the promise of AI requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders. Moreover, it’s crucial to recognize that AI is not a replacement for human expertise but rather a powerful tool that complements clinical decision-making. Human clinicians bring invaluable insights and intuition to the table, which AI augments by processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns that might elude human observation alone. Currently, AI is being utilized in various medical applications, including screening tests for complex illnesses, monitoring patient vitals for signs of deterioration, and enhancing patient safety through early warning systems. Institutions are also leveraging AI to optimize resource allocation, improve operational efficiency, and streamline administrative tasks such as billing and coding. As AI continues to mature, its role in healthcare is expected to expand beyond individual applications to encompass organization-wide workflows, clinical decision support, patient engagement, and revenue cycle management. Looking ahead, the future of AI in healthcare holds even more transformative possibilities. Medical assistants powered by AI are undergoing trials in medical facilities, with the potential to streamline scheduling, access relevant patient information, and assist healthcare providers in delivering personalized care. Moreover, AI-driven algorithms are expected to play a crucial role in organizing and analyzing vast amounts of medical data, leading to more precise diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and better patient outcomes. However, as AI becomes more integrated into healthcare systems, concerns about privacy, data security, and algorithmic bias must be addressed. Robust measures must be implemented to ensure that patient data is protected, and AI algorithms are trained on diverse and representative datasets to avoid perpetuating biases or disparities in healthcare delivery. AI holds immense promise as a transformative force in healthcare, revolutionizing patient care, clinical decision-making, and operational efficiency. While challenges remain, the collaborative efforts of researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and technology developers are paving the way for a future where AI augments human expertise to deliver better healthcare outcomes for all. As we embark on this journey, it’s essential to recognize that AI is not a replacement for human judgment but a powerful tool that, when wielded responsibly, has the potential to revolutionize the practice of medicine.  

From Panic to Precision: Revolutionizing Code Blue Responses in Healthcare

Blog on health ArdorComm Media Group From Panic to Precision: Revolutionizing Code Blue Responses in Healthcare

The frequent blare of a “Code Blue” alarm signals critical, life-threatening emergencies demanding swift and accurate responses. A meticulous 24-month analysis across tertiary care hospitals reveals a daunting reality – 720 Code Blue calls, with 620 genuine emergencies and a survival rate plummeting to 11.13% for cardiac arrests. This stark scenario necessitates a paradigm shift in the approach to emergency healthcare, inspiring a journey from panic to precision. India’s healthcare sector, once plagued by high mortality rates due to limited access to intensive care and delayed data delivery, is now at a crossroads of transformation. Innovative technologies, such as the Medical Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML), are heralding a revolution in wireless patient monitoring, bridging the gap between conventional methods and cutting-edge solutions. To avert Code Blue events, a multifaceted approach is imperative, transcending reactive measures to embrace proactive strategies. Wireless patient monitoring, empowered by AI and ML, emerges as a cornerstone in this transformation. By continuously analyzing real-time vital signs, these devices act as alert sentinels, allowing healthcare providers to identify subtle changes and intervene before emergencies escalate. Predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms enhance the system’s ability to recognize patterns, contributing to a shift from crisis management to prevention. The traditional Code Blue model, while vital, comes with limitations, often triggering rushed and unorganized responses. Communication breakdowns, unfamiliarity with patients, and the high-stakes nature of the situation contribute to chaos, potentially compromising patient outcomes. To address these challenges, a shift from a reactive, panic-driven model to a proactive, precision-based approach is imperative, facilitated by continuous patient monitoring solutions. Wireless patient monitoring, akin to watchful conductors, plays a pivotal role in reducing Code Blue emergencies. These devices provide real-time vital sign data, enabling healthcare experts to respond swiftly in critical situations. In a study involving 3100 patients, real-time data transmission resulted in an 87% decrease in hospital stays, a 77% drop in deaths, and significant cost savings for patients, emphasizing the transformative impact of wireless patient monitoring on healthcare outcomes. The success of wireless patient monitoring marks not only a transformation from panic to precision but also heralds an overture of proactive care. Continuous monitoring of vital signs allows healthcare providers to anticipate and address potential issues before they escalate, reshaping emergency healthcare into a proactive, preventive paradigm. As India embraces the era of wireless patient monitoring, the ripple effects on the healthcare system are evident, transcending statistics to impact lives and improve the quality of care. The journey from panic to precision in Code Blue responses signifies a chain of transformation, rewriting the narrative of emergency healthcare and ensuring timely and effective interventions. The evolution from traditional patient monitoring to wireless solutions, complemented by cutting-edge technologies, is a beacon of hope for the healthcare industry. It represents a symphony of progress, reshaping and redefining healthcare to be more precise, proactive, and ultimately, more humane. The future has arrived, ushering in a new era where emergencies are met with the precision of a well-conducted symphony, thanks to the marriage of innovation and compassionate care.

Dr. A. M. Surendra Kumar, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Presidency University, Shares Insights on Skill Development

image 2023 10 05T12 16 57 157Z ArdorComm Media Group Dr. A. M. Surendra Kumar, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Presidency University, Shares Insights on Skill Development

“We incorporate skill development courses into the curriculum, including life skills and soft skills,” says Dr. A. M. Surendra Kumar, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Presidency University, in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Bengaluru? I frequently attend this type of education summit, especially in Bangalore, which is an education hub. There are a lot of opportunities, and these events help in understanding the concept of education. They provide a platform to discuss how we can move forward and address concerns with other educators. I’m coming from an emerging University especially in Bangalore where we have more than 16,000 students are there are lot of opportunities which we can discuss with. So, you are making a platform to take care about all our concerns, to discuss with the other educators, so you are doing a wonderful job. As you know, the theme of our event is “New Normal Karnataka.” What’s your take on this? Since Karnataka is an education hub, especially in Bangalore, there are many opportunities. The government has recently allowed five private universities, which adds to the opportunities. This platform provides a great idea about the education landscape, especially in the Karnataka region. How are you implementing new-age technologies in your university? We have incorporated technology-enabled platforms, especially in engineering and computer science. Emerging technology programs like AI, machine learning, and others are already part of our curriculum. We are continuously updating the curriculum to stay current with new age technologies. What’s your take on skill development, and how should students emphasize on skill development? We emphasize skill development from the beginning of our programs. We incorporate skill development courses into the curriculum, including life skills and soft skills. In today’s competitive environment, industry looks beyond just CGPA and values other qualities. So, we mould our students from the beginning to be well-prepared for placements. In forums like this, where we bring together education leaders, EdTech players, and government representatives, how do you think they benefit the education sector? Such forums are beneficial as they incorporate industry and technology trends. I’ve seen discussions on ERP systems, which can introduce us to new features that can be incorporated into our education systems for the benefit of both students and the education community. Any message for ArdorComm Media on its 2nd Anniversary? You are providing a great platform for educators to come together and conduct such events. Your efforts, along with the presenters, are helpful in advancing the field of education, especially in higher education and to meet several good educators also.

IIT Kanpur Launches Four Innovative eMasters Programs, Eliminating GATE Score Requirement

News on Edu 18th Sept 2023 ArdorComm Media Group IIT Kanpur Launches Four Innovative eMasters Programs, Eliminating GATE Score Requirement

IIT Kanpur has recently launched four new online postgraduate programs, and interestingly, applicants will not require GATE scores for admission. These programs cover various fields, including climate finance and sustainability, renewable energy, e-mobility, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and business leadership in the digital age. The application process for the first session, scheduled for January, is now open until October 31. Prospective students can apply through the official website at Additionally, IIT Kanpur is introducing new sessions for its existing eMasters programs, covering areas such as data science, business analytics, financial technology, management, public policy, wireless technologies, cybersecurity, and more. The Climate Finance and Sustainability program aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of financial strategies and sustainable initiatives, while the Renewable Energy and e-Mobility program will cater to the growing alternative energy sector. The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning program will equip professionals with the skills needed in this rapidly evolving field, and the Business Leadership in the Digital Age program will enhance professionals’ knowledge of modern business dynamics. These new programs offer flexible completion times ranging from one to three years, accommodating various schedules. They include live interactive classes held exclusively on weekends, along with self-paced learning. Each program consists of a 60-credit, 12-module curriculum designed to meet industry demands. Faculty and researchers from IIT Kanpur will lead these programs, providing valuable real-world insights. Participants also have the opportunity to transfer up to 60 credits for future higher education pursuits (MTech/PhD) at IIT Kanpur. Moreover, these programs grant access to IIT Kanpur’s placement and incubation cells, as well as its extensive alumni network, enriching career growth and networking prospects. Participants may also visit IIT Kanpur’s campus, interact with esteemed faculty, and engage with experienced professionals, ultimately earning the prestigious IIT Kanpur alumni status. Notably, the eMasters program at IIT Kanpur will award senate-approved eMasters degrees during convocation, distinguishing it from diplomas or certificates.

ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ to be held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023 #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka

blog 1 ArdorComm Media Group ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ to be held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023 #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka

In a world where education is the cornerstone of progress, ArdorComm Media Group proudly presents the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ (#ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka). Scheduled for September 22nd, 2023, this groundbreaking event is poised to redefine the future of education and skills development in India. Set against the backdrop of the vibrant city of Bengaluru, Karnataka, this summit promises to be a pivotal moment in shaping the nation’s educational landscape. A Legacy of Excellence The ArdorComm Education Leadership Summit & Awards (ELSA) series represents a remarkable legacy of unwavering dedication to educational excellence. Over the course of seven successful events, ELSA has solidified its position as a shining beacon of inspiration within the educational landscape. It has consistently attracted educators, policymakers, and innovators, becoming a platform where these visionaries converge to shape the future of education. Each ELSA summit has been a testament to the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing. It has provided a fertile ground for these education enthusiasts to unite, exchange insights, and contribute to the overall growth of the education community. This rich history of ELSA is a testament to its enduring impact, continually igniting the spark of innovation and excellence in the hearts of those passionate about education. The Stage is Set: Bengaluru, Karnataka The choice of Bengaluru, Karnataka, as the host city for ELSA 2023 is a testament to its pivotal role in India’s educational and technological landscape. Often dubbed the ‘Silicon Valley of India,’ Bengaluru is a thriving hub of innovation and technological advancement. Its streets are lined with prestigious tech companies, startups, and research institutions, creating an electrifying atmosphere of forward thinking and progress. This vibrant metropolis serves as an ideal canvas for ELSA 2023, where the fusion of education and technology takes centre stage. Bengaluru’s dynamic culture, marked by its diversity and inclusivity, further enhances the event’s atmosphere of creativity and collaboration. It’s a city where tradition seamlessly blends with cutting-edge innovation, fostering an environment where innovative ideas in education can flourish. With its rich ecosystem of educational institutions, tech giants, and entrepreneurial spirit, Bengaluru sets the stage for ELSA 2023 to be a dynamic and transformative experience for all attendees. The Summit Theme: ‘New-Normal’ Karnataka The theme of the summit, ‘New-Normal’ Karnataka: Karnataka’s Unconventional Odyssey as the Premier Hub for Education Transformation, reflects a significant turning point in India’s educational landscape. Karnataka, with its innovative approaches and unwavering commitment to excellence, is poised to redefine the way we perceive education in the modern era. This summit serves as a platform for educators, policymakers, and visionaries to come together and chart a course towards a new, more dynamic educational paradigm, where Karnataka leads the way as the premier hub for educational transformation. It signifies a bright future where traditional boundaries are surpassed, and learning transcends conventional norms, ultimately empowering a new generation of thinkers and leaders. A Platform for Collaboration The ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ serves as a collaborative platform where policymakers, government dignitaries, academicians, educators, EdTech visionaries, start-ups, and industry experts converge. It’s a unique opportunity for these stakeholders to share their experiences, ideas, and innovations that have propelled the growth of the education community. Celebrating Excellence: ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023 A focal point of the event, the “ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023,” stands as a beacon of recognition and celebration. These distinguished awards are designed to honour the relentless dedication exhibited by individuals, educational institutions, Edtech enterprises, and pioneering start-ups. They have been instrumental in driving notable progress in the realm of education across India, contributing significantly to its advancement and transformation. These awards symbolize a tribute to those who have gone above and beyond, demonstrating their commitment to elevating the quality and impact of education. By acknowledging their noteworthy contributions, the summit not only applauds their achievements but also inspires a collective pursuit of excellence, propelling India’s educational landscape towards greater heights. The ArdorComm Education Leadership Awards 2023 serve as a powerful reminder that through collaborative efforts, dedication, and innovation, we can collectively shape the future of education in India. Key Discussion Points of ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka :- The summit’s agenda is packed with insightful discussions that address pivotal topics, including: Redefining Education Policy: Transformation with ‘New Age’ Technology, Innovation & Skilling Rethinking Curriculum & Pedagogy to Reflect the Accelerated use of Technology in School Education Research-based Learning, Skill Development & Multidisciplinary Approach: A Robust eco-system in HEIs Reimagining Higher Education through the ‘PHYGITAL’ mode of learning: Enhancing Entrepreneurship & Employability Outcomes Unleashing The Potential of Education 4.0 on Innovative Pedagogy and Industry ready Skills How the New Age Technologies like AI, ML, IoT are changing India’s higher education landscape? Key Highlights of ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka :- Day: 1 Sessions: 6+ Speakers: 50+ Schools: 100+ Government dignitaries: 10+ Higher education: 150+ Edtech startups: 15+ Corporate: 15+ Join the Journey As we unite at the ArdorComm “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023,” we embark on a journey that goes beyond just attending an event. We pledge to be the architects of change, the game-changers in the education community for the year 2023 and beyond. Together, we’ll work towards aligning India’s education system with global standards, making it a coveted destination for quality education. So, join us in this exclusive physical education conclave, where you become a part of a community deeply committed to the noble cause of education. Witness the transformation that unfolds when India’s top educators, innovators, and dignitaries converge to share their invaluable insights and best practices. Let’s set the stage for a brighter future in education, for ourselves and for the generations to come. We extend a warm invitation to participate and witness the ArdorComm “New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023” to be held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023. Join us, be the change, and let’s collectively shape the future of education in …

ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ to be held at Bengaluru, Karnataka on 22nd September 2023 #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka Read More »