ArdorComm Media Group

With electric medical records and data analysis, healthcare can do wonders

-By ArdorComm News networks

As published in the financial express, till this date 3.7 million people have died around the world. Including 353,528 from India. Alongwith that India has a doctor-patient ratio of 1:1456 whereas the world health organization recommends the ratio to 1:1000. As the status of the healthcare system remains very vulnerable. The electric medical records system can be very helpful in maintaining the health sector.

EMR system is a digital form of all the data which was earlier saved on paper. Now information like Medical and treatment history of a patient, patient history diagnosis, their lab test results details of immunization and other health-related information. This data collection will eliminate the time wastage in the administrative work. It will also enable the patient’s treatment with a faster speed. As the doctor handling the patient will all the past health-related records are readily available in a fraction of seconds. It will help the treatment to be on the mark and without any confusion or delay and understanding various aspects of a health condition.  Also, a doctor will have the flexibility to examine and get down to conclude any allergies a particular patient can have. And prescribe medication for the same on the spot.  

EMR system will not only maintain all the health-related data but will also help the patient to take by providing a follow-up update and self-care advice. It will also encourage letting the family health data uploaded and can provide related information or required healthcare-related steps to the patient.

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