ArdorComm Media Group


Mobilizing Global Education and Cultural Exchange through Technology

Blog on Edu

The world is more interconnected than ever before, and technology has played a pivotal role in bridging geographical gaps. In the realm of education and cultural exchange, technology has revolutionized the way we learn, share, and experience different cultures. Global education and cultural exchange are no longer confined to textbooks and classroom walls; they have evolved into dynamic, interactive experiences thanks to the power of technology. In this blog, we will explore how technology is mobilizing global education and cultural exchange, breaking down barriers and opening doors to a world of knowledge and understanding. Online Learning Platforms The rise of online learning platforms has transformed education into a global endeavour. These platforms provide access to high-quality educational resources, courses, and interactive experiences, connecting learners from all corners of the world. Notable platforms like Coursera, edX, LinkedIn Learning and Khan Academy offer a vast range of courses and materials, allowing learners to explore new subjects and perspectives. Moreover, these platforms facilitate cross-cultural learning by offering courses on diverse topics and bringing together instructors and students from various backgrounds. Also Read: Top 12 Daily Habits for a Healthier Lifestyle Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Virtual and augmented reality technologies have revolutionized cultural exchange. With VR and AR, learners can immerse themselves in virtual environments and experience different cultures first-hand. For example, students can take virtual field trips to ancient historical sites, explore foreign museums, or participate in language exchange programs without leaving their homes. These technologies offer an unparalleled level of engagement and immersion, making it easier for individuals to appreciate and understand cultures different from their own. Language Learning Apps Language is a fundamental aspect of culture, and technology has significantly impacted language learning. Mobile apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone provide accessible and interactive language learning experiences. They offer various language courses and tools for learners of all levels, promoting cross-cultural communication and understanding. Technology simplifies language learning by incorporating gamified elements and real-time feedback, making the process enjoyable and effective. Also Read: Nurturing 21st Century Skills in Education: Fostering Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy Social Media and Video Conferencing Social media and video conferencing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Skype, and Zoom connect people worldwide in real time. These tools facilitate cross-cultural interactions, allowing individuals to meet and communicate with people from different backgrounds and share their experiences. Additionally, educators can organize virtual international exchange programs or pen-pal initiatives, enabling students to connect with peers from different countries and learn about their cultures through direct conversations. Online Collaborative Projects Technology enables educators and students to engage in collaborative projects with peers from around the world. Virtual teamwork has become increasingly accessible, and platforms like Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, and other project management tools allow students to work together on assignments, research projects, or even cultural exchange initiatives. This fosters cooperation, understanding, and appreciation of different cultural perspectives. Also Read: ArdorComm ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ to be held at Pune, Maharashtra on 24th November 2023 #ELSAPune #ELSAMaharashtra E-Libraries and Digital Archives Access to information is a crucial aspect of global education. E-libraries and digital archives like Google Books, Project Gutenberg, and national libraries have digitized vast collections of books, manuscripts, and cultural artifacts. This wealth of knowledge allows learners to explore historical texts and cultural materials from different regions, helping them gain insights into diverse cultural heritages. Online Cultural Experiences Various organizations and museums now offer virtual cultural experiences through live-streamed events and digital exhibits. Whether it’s exploring art galleries, attending cultural festivals, or participating in cooking classes, these online experiences bring the world’s cultures to your doorstep. Technology allows you to engage with different traditions, art, and customs, fostering a deep appreciation for cultural diversity. Also Read: The Rise of Podcasts: Exploring the Audio Entertainment Revolution Conclusion Technology has truly mobilized global education and cultural exchange, making the world a smaller, more interconnected place. It has not only expanded access to education but has also enriched our understanding of the world’s diverse cultures. As we continue to harness the power of technology, it is crucial to leverage it responsibly, emphasizing respect, empathy, and open-mindedness in our global education and cultural exchange efforts. By doing so, we can truly benefit from the immense potential technology offers in bridging cultural gaps and promoting a more interconnected and harmonious world. The author, Pratik Ghosh is associated with ArdorComm Media

Vamsheepriya Amar, Principal, MVJ International School; Chairperson, Bangalore Sahodaya (BSSCA), Shares Insights on Skill Education

“Knowledge is not just for exchange; knowledge can be for assimilation as well. So how well you assimilate this knowledge is very important,” says Vamsheepriya Amar, Principal, MVJ International School; Chairperson, Bangalore Sahodaya (BSSCA), in an interview with Chandan Anand, CEO & Group Editor, ArdorComm Media Group at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka Under your leadership, what is your organization doing, and how is Bangalore Sahodaya grooming and growing day by day? See, first of all, let me think about the panel we just heard. They were talking about teachers’ training. We have massively utilized this platform to reach out to every school in training the learners. I am saying training the learners because they have that kind of acumen to improvise as well as to implement that back into the classrooms. So that is one of the things that we have taken on. Also, they were talking about the rural areas. Yes, we have reached out to all the remote areas where learning could have been difficult, and to get that 50 hours of CPD program back into the classrooms and the schools would have been difficult. So, reaching out to them and making it possible for them in the classrooms was one of our missions for BSSCA, basically. And also, I recently met here a couple of people, and I got a better insight into how technology can be empowering the classroom and learning environment. I just recently met somebody who was talking about the NCF (National Curriculum Framework) and FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy) strategies and how technology has really helped them to take it back into the classrooms and make sure that NCF curriculum goals will be positively taken into consideration. That, I think, is a major learning for me today being here. And of course, ArdorComm is doing very well. Congratulations on your second year of launching this and trying to connect with a number of people in and around. Sometimes it so happens, back in school, we are into that, well, we feel our job is to just take care of our school, but when we come out into such open forums, we do meet people and we can really interact and also learn a lot. And I become a co-learner; that’s a basic thing that I felt is really motivating and inspiring. What is the motivation for teachers in the school campus when it comes to your shoulders as a responsibility? They need to soil their hands, and if I can use, because you’re back in Karnataka, I would like to use a proverb, “The more you soil your hands, you enjoy or reap the fruits, basically.” So, the thing is they should be thinking deeply about how much they can contribute to the learning field, and the day being learners themselves, every day is a learning, and every experience they need to reflect that enhances the metacognition skills. And I’m sure learning will be exponential unless it is within, and that innate motivation, I would say intrinsic motivation, I don’t think extrinsic motivation is possible with some of us. But yes, people like you give us the extrinsic motivation and make us feel that yes, we are doing and we’re in the right place. Let us do some more. So that’s a kind of extrinsic motivation people derive from events like this or connections like this. So, both should be balanced, extrinsic as well as intrinsic. What is the role of skill education in school education? How is it moving forward in your school, and how are you taking care of skill education? Yeah, I think NCF also speaks about this, knowledge skills, as well as competencies. All of it should be together; it should be an amalgamation of cognitive, affective, as well as psychomotor domains. So, knowledge is not just for exchange; knowledge can be for assimilation as well. So how well you assimilate this knowledge is very important. And the skills can be soft skills; all your 21st-century skills from effective communication to collaboration to creativity and critical thinking. Nothing is quantitative; it’s quality that we are depending upon. So that is one thing that we need to be mindful of in school. So, encourage every child; we never know when the child can be a radio jockey with a lot of humour, and that calls for a 21st-century skill, which is effective communication, that’s right. And after which, I did mention about the competencies. Identify these rich skills in children, mould them, nurture them, and help them explore through self-awareness where they can really understand the balance between their strengths, their weaknesses, the areas where they can really improvise. I think they may not be 100%, but the fact that they’re trying to move in the right direction is more than enough. In a forum like this, where we see the corporate is here, the government is here, the academia from school and higher education is here. What is the outcome, and what do you expect from such forums? We look forward to the policies which are really hidden and they never come out sometimes. So, when people speak, they actually get the forums in which they were actively involved back onto the stage and back to the public. So, we are looking forward to hearing from them and understanding whether the policy is just for the sake of policy or there’s going to be an implementation and a carry forward of it. We are glad to share that we have recently celebrated our second anniversary. Any message would you like to give to ArdorComm Media Group? You’re doing a great job. Please keep continuing this good job. Get more and more educators together so that we will learn from one another, and learning is constant. Congratulations on that.

Dr. Malini Dutta, Principal, BGS National Public School, Emphasizes on Karnataka as an Education Hub

“The dynamic and ever-changing mindset of the people in Karnataka makes it an ideal environment for innovation and technological advancements,” says Dr. Malini Dutta, Principal, BGS National Public School, in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Bengaluru? It is an excellent opportunity. When we see these leaders coming together, thanks to platforms like this, it brings together knowledge, thought processes, and the drive to create innovative changes in our schools and campuses. It’s not just about sharing knowledge; it’s also about the amalgamation of knowledge, experience, and competency. This synergy is a boost for us to move forward. Thank you for organizing such events, and thanks to ArdorComm Media for making it happen. As you know, the theme of our event is New Normal Karnataka. What’s your take on this? There is no doubt that Karnataka serves as a hub for education and learning. It’s worth noting that Karnataka was among the first states to adopt the National Education Policy (NEP). Setting aside political agendas, the focus should be on how education policies, coupled with new technologies, innovations, and creativity, can positively impact our children. This impact should extend beyond academics to encompass co-scholastic fields. Karnataka stands at the forefront of educational innovation, largely due to its association with Silicon Valley and the influx of talent and companies from abroad. Notable organizations like De Facto, Aids London, and others have set up operations here, offering recognition and certifications to our students. These certifications, recognized by the government of the United Kingdom, provide our students with a competitive edge. Certificates that hold such value often become key factors in securing scholarships. Karnataka is a preferred destination for innovative organizations and digital technology-based companies. They recognize the state’s potential because of its diverse population and cosmopolitan cities where technology is readily embraced. The dynamic and ever-changing mindset of the people in Karnataka makes it an ideal environment for innovation and technological advancements. So, I think Karnataka is rocking and it will rock in the future as well How are you implementing technology in your school? Technology is integrated into every aspect of our school, from assemblies to classes and skill development. We have one of the highest numbers of technology implementations in our school in Bangalore. We have an Atal Tinkering Lab, and our students have been winning national-level projects for the past six to seven years. We have technology in design thinking, CD Labs, computer education, and even in issuing books through our ERP system. The content library allows students to access practice materials and clear doubts from the comfort of their homes. ArdorComm Media has recently completed two years of its existence, any message for us? Many congratulations! I hope and can see that you are exceeding your own expectations. I have a suggestion: create a separate segment where you exclusively promote schools and students. Highlight the marvellous achievements, innovations, and contributions of students. This encouragement and acknowledgment from media can boost the morale, enthusiasm, and energy of students. Media plays a pivotal role in our democracy, and it should extend its support to students and schools. I look forward to seeing ArdorComm Media more involved in the student and school segments.

Dr. Hemalatha S. Murthy, Principal Director, White Petals Group of Institutions, Shares Insights on Technology Driven Learning

“We gain unique insights and takeaways every time we attend such events,” says Dr. Hemalatha S. Murthy, Principal Director, White Petals Group of Institutions, in an interview with Pratik Ghosh, Content Writer, ArdorComm Media at the ‘New Normal – Education Leadership Summit & Awards 2023’ #ELSABengaluru #ELSAKarnataka How are you feeling to witness the New Normal Education Leadership Summit and Awards in Bengaluru? It’s a great pleasure. I have been associated with Chandan Anand and LinkedIn for more than eight years. They have been organizing tremendous events focused on the process of learning through technology, awareness, and principles of education. These events can significantly impact the transformation of education. As you know, the theme of our event is New Normal Karnataka. What’s your take on this? My take on this theme is how technology, including chatbots and AI, can be implemented in Karnataka. The state has not only Bangalore but also many rural areas. We should strive to make Bangalore a better place using AI and ChatGPT. How are you implementing these new-age technologies in your institution? We have already started incorporating these technologies, and we’re exploring the use of chat GPT to enhance the educational materials provided to students. In forums like this, where we bring together education leaders, EdTech players, and government representatives, how do you think they benefit the education sector? These forums are not about individuals but about a group of people learning from each other. We gain unique insights and takeaways every time we attend such events. It’s about mutual learning and growth. Any message or wishes for ArdorComm Media Group on its 2nd anniversary? I would like to encourage you to keep growing. There’s a lot that needs to reach educators and students through your efforts. Continuous learning and improvement are key. Thank you.

IIT Madras and Ericsson Forge Strategic Partnership for Responsible AI Research

The Centre for Responsible AI (CeRAI) at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has entered into a strategic partnership with Ericsson to jointly conduct research in the realm of Responsible AI. Ericsson, as a ‘Platinum Consortium Member,’ has committed to this collaboration for a five-year period. As part of this collaboration, Ericsson Research will actively engage in and support all research endeavours undertaken at CeRAI. To commemorate this partnership, a symposium titled ‘Responsible AI for Networks of the Future’ was organized. Distinguished leaders from both IIT Madras and Ericsson Research came together to deliberate on the latest developments and breakthroughs in the field of Responsible AI. During the symposium, a panel discussion revolving around ‘Responsible AI for Networks of the Future’ took place, marking the official launch of this collaboration. The event also served as a platform to showcase ongoing research projects at the Centre for Responsible AI, including initiatives related to large-language models (LLMs) in healthcare and participatory AI. Artificial Intelligence (AI) research holds immense significance for Ericsson, especially in light of the forthcoming 6G networks, which are poised to be driven by AI algorithms, as stated by IIT Madras. Professor B Ravindran, speaking about the collaborative efforts, stated, “As 5G and 6G networks usher in a new era of connectivity and applications, it becomes imperative to ensure that AI models are not only capable but also transparent and adaptable to the diverse range of applications they will serve.” This collaboration seeks to address these critical aspects in the evolving landscape of AI and telecommunications.